Saturday, May 30, 2009

24,708 Steps

That is a world record for me in terms of steps, I have been walking all day. I think that the most I have ever gotten before was 10,000. I got up early this morning and went on the girls camp hike at 7:00, to make sure that it was a good trail and where to go. I am leading the 5 mile hike, but it isn't 5 miles it is a little less. It was fun to do though and good to talk with the camp leader, Janis. Then we have been working on fencing and mowing the lawn and corral the rest of the day. The corral was so overgrown with weed the goats couldn't moved anywhere so it is a lot better now. Casey is still out working on the fence but I needed a break so I am checking the blog. I am glad that everyone is doing good. I am glad that Robin cut her hair, I need to do the same thing. It is long enough for a ponytail now so that is all that I do. Mom and Dad are coming to Clifton for Sunday dinner. We are going to have steak. I made the cutest little pizza today. They had these little pizza crust for sale and I just got stuff to go on top. It was really fun. Well I better go and help more with the fence and get more steps.


Robin it is always nice to get your hair cut. Maybe you could suggest something other than drinking next time you go out. I am sure that could get old after awhile. My day has been good. I got some stuff for dad done and i went grocery shopping. I still need to go laundry, but it always seems like I have to do that. It has really gotten windy down here today. It keeps looking like it is going to rain, but it never dose. I think that it would be nice if it did, but oh well. Well have a great one. BYE

i did it

So i broke down and got my hair cut. It isn't alot shorter just has layers put in. It was looking really bad and it was driving me nuts. I couldn't take it any longer. Its so much nicer, they lady didn't style it very well they always make me look fuddy, so when i wash it and style it I will take a picture so you can see it. some girls from school last night went out so i went with them, it was kinda boring on my part since I don't drink and they all were. But I still had a good time it was nice to get out of my apartment and just relax. Well better go i'm tired, I might go take a nap. ttyl.

Friday, May 29, 2009


I am glad it is friday. Dad made it home safe and sound. It is nice to have him home. I am sorry that Robin's hair didn't turn out the way you wanted it too. You will just have to keep trying. You will get it. You are gifted. I think you just ran out of time more than anything. Not too much else going on here. I am going SLC tomorrow and I am taking dad out to Clifton on Sunday so he can see the goats. He hasn't seen them yet.



Well that sucks that sewing night was cancelled. Now mom will have to wait until next week to finish her quilt. I am sorry that your hair style didn't work out right Robin. I am sure that it still looked good by the time you were done. Well my day was good, but I finished everything on my desk so Monday may be a really boring day. I do have some stuff to do for dad. My instructions are to make things look "cool" so I guess I will have to see what I can do with that. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend BYE

So I am finally finished with my hair course. I am so excited we get to start fashion on monday. My fantasy hair style was horrible, i was going to do these liberty spikes the ones that punks have with all this other stuff. Let me tell you those spikes suck. It takes at least 20 minutes for each spike if you know what you are doing. I thought I stuck on some glue and bam it was done. Not so much so I got half of my hair to stand up but gave up on the ends and rolled them down. Everyone else did a good job they had some crazy ideas. Alot of them painted the face but I wanted to use my mannequin again so I did things I could take out so i can still practice. There 100 dollars and I didn't want to ruin it on one hair style. Well the fire alarm went off again at 12 am but I was lucky some other girls at school had theirs at 4 am so I guess it wasn't to bad but it still sucked. I hope everyone has a great weekend. I like the name of your goats rachel. :) 

And thier names are . . . .

The black one is Tobias and the brown and white one is Kip. It was a hard decision and I am grateful for everyone help and suggestions. We read online that they can recognize their names and will come, like dogs so I will have to start calling them by name and see what happens. I am glad that it is Friday and I hope that everyone is having a good day.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Craxy day

Well sewing with Rachel got canceled. BUMMER. Debbie's son Parker is really sick and got admitted to the hospital with pnuemonia and I have been helping her. I think I am going to spend the night in the hospital or tend the baby. Ya never know. I did get all the round up done yesterday so hopefully I will start seeing dead plants. Good luck Robin with your Hair I know it will be great. I can't believe how fast three weeks have gone. You should get your first shipment of shoes by Tuesday or Wednesday. I need to download my pictures of the grand canyon. The turned out good. I really liked taking pictures. Thanks for the camera. I just need to learn to download now. I will hae to figure that one out.

Rachel, I will have to try and get some pictures for you. It is hot and windy outside though so I wouldn't hold your breath. Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Yeah! I almost get to sleep in. I had a really fun time last weekend but I didn't get a lot of sleep, so i need to weekend to recover. The allergies down here are bad today and it is really windy so that is not helping at all. I have a headache. I hope that Rachel and mom have a fun time sewing, I bet mom's quilt will turn out great. Have a great one. BYE

The poor children

So on my way home I walk past a huge track and usually they have kids out running and races but today it was pouring rain. Everyone was huddled under the stairs watching the others that were less unfortunate  run. I felt so bad i remember back in dugway time it sucked just being the spectator under the stairs but the poor ones running. I dedicate this blog to them. :) Well my tests are done.. yeah tomorrow is fantasy day. Mine is going to look strange but hopefully something interesting will happen. I can't believe its been three weeks. crazy. We start our fashion course next. I don't need models for that course after that is when i need someone if that is cool for you Karen. I think it may be the end of july or august time. If that is to late then we can do something else. whatever works for me. OH Rachel the picture of your black goat I think his name should be Mist-a, he kinda looks like a gangster of goats. I thought it was funny.  I will take some pictures of toronto and post them. It may be a while but I will get to it:) have a great day.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I love your gladiolus

My gladiolus don't look like this yet but they have broken through the ground. Here is a picture of mine. Don't look at the weeds.

And our bean are coming out. I see one pea breaking through so they are close behind.

Here is a picture of the goats just for fun. I started cleaning the stable walls but they are filthy and it will take a while but I got a lot done.

Work was busy today, I had a lot of meetings in the morning. I am getting the truck registered tomorrow so I am going to be a little late for work. Then me and Mom are sewing :) She only has two more rows left and is going to finish it tomorrow. We will put a picture on the blog and it will blow your eye balls out of your head. I am going to make me a bag like I made Karen. I will make Robin one next and mail it too you.

Now I need to make awards to give out at the end of camp. I lead an exciting life. I want to see pictures of Canada and St George. Walk aroung your neighborhoods and take some pictures. I don't know what Robins apartment looks like and I would like too. I hope that everyone is safe and happy. Have a good night.

Well work was good today. i got two new projects to work on so it was nice to have stuff to do. I week is also half over so that is nice. Good luck with all the camp stuff. I am glad that you are in charge of that and not me, I suck at planning things. I had a hard enough time with FHE and that was just for a hour at my place with about ten people. Robin I am sure that you will do great on your tests, but I will wish you good luck any way. It is hot here. It was 94 today. Soon it will be 100 and this will feel a lot cooler. Well have a great one. Love ya BYE


Well tommorow is my final test day. we have a written exam and then we have to take all of our hair tests again. Then on monday we start fashion make up. I'm excited to finally get in to makeup. Its been rainy up here and kinda chilly. It gets really hot and then the next day its windy and chilly. Its kinda strange. Well I better run I have to study for the test, have a great day. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Safe and Sound

I made it home safe and sound. What a nice weekend. It was so much fun to spend time with Karen. I love St. George. I am so glad I saw the grand canyon. I feel very rested. I guess just hanging out all day and napping helps. It was a nice ride home. I picked my car up in Bountiful and drove the rest of the way home. It was a beautiful night. I love the summer time. It will be nice to have a short week. Don't have a lot planned. Looks like I might need to help Rachel out. She is going a million miles an hour. It is nice to be home. Everything held up well while I was gone. Looks like Robin's tax return came. I will deposit it in your checking account tomorrow at lunch time. Love you all MOM

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings

Well tonight was a busy night. I came home and was able to spend a little time with the goats. I fed them lettuce and they really liked that. They seemed happy and are doing good. Tomorrow I don't have much going on so I can take them out in the pasture, they like that. I have just been letting them stay in the coral in the day since that is secure. Then at 6:00 I went visitng teaching and that went until 8:15. Then I came home and got something to eat and then I have a camp meeting. I have to make some awards and decorations this week. We are going food shopping Friday night. Then camp is next week. We are going to be back Thursday afternoon so I am excited to have the day with the goats.
Well I am tired today. Going back to work after a holiday is hard to do. Mom left here at 430 with Debbie and the rest of that gang. We did get to have lunch together so that was nice. Work was kind of slow today which was bad because I was tired, so it was really hard to stay awake. But I made it. I am glad that Robin is still alive. Have a great rest of the week everyone.

insert saying here

Well not much going on here same ole same ole. Everyone is gearing up for the fantasy hair in my class. There is a halloween store that some people told me to go to so I went to check it out. they had earrings for a 1.00 that light up when you hit a button. So i bought them and I am going to weave them into the hair. I think it will be pretty cool. Any just thought i would write a small blurp mostly to say I'm still alive. ttyl.


Monday, May 25, 2009

The Weekend

Well it has been a good weekend. Casey had bike class on Saturday so i did yard work and hung out with the goats. They are getting a lot more comfortable, today has been the best. Then we had Casey's family out and we had a handburgers and hot dogs. It was raining though so we ate in side. They liked the goats and suggested Norman as a name. I like it, we are still deciding. Casey read online that goats like to sleep elevated so he made them a place on a table.

But they still like sleeping in this corner better. That is where they are most of the time.

The front of the pasture doesn't keep the goats in so we bought new fencing today and Casey brother Kelly came up to help us put it up. It has been raining a ton though so if it stops we might be able to get it done. I am glad that everyone is doing good and I am excited for Mom to come back.


Robin I guess that is what you get when you leave the country. Things are good here mom is going to stay another night here in st. george, but dad is going to leave after dinner. It has been fun having them here. We went and saw night at the musem 2 and it was alright the first one was better. Rachel I hope that you were able to keep your goats from escaping. I bet that could turn into a big job. Well it is going to be really hard to go back tomorrow, but at least it will be a short week. Well I hope that your tests go well Robin, I am sure that you will ace them all. Have a great week everyone.

just another manic monday

Well i can't believe its monday it feels like a friday, I'm doomed for the rest of the week. This week will go fast though i have a lot of tests. On thursday we have to be re-tested on everything that we learned. Tomorrow we have a test for an up do. I am excited though I was watching shrek last night and had an idea. I'm going to do little red riding hood and have it look like a werewolf bit her neck and scratched her face. I think it would be cool. I don't know if I can do it for school but maybe I will do it on my own. We will see. I'm jealous that it is memorial day for all you cool americans. One day I will once again celebrate the same holiday :) I wish i had the day off, I'm super tired. Well I better run I have to do some reading for school. Have a great day. 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...