Monday, May 25, 2009

just another manic monday

Well i can't believe its monday it feels like a friday, I'm doomed for the rest of the week. This week will go fast though i have a lot of tests. On thursday we have to be re-tested on everything that we learned. Tomorrow we have a test for an up do. I am excited though I was watching shrek last night and had an idea. I'm going to do little red riding hood and have it look like a werewolf bit her neck and scratched her face. I think it would be cool. I don't know if I can do it for school but maybe I will do it on my own. We will see. I'm jealous that it is memorial day for all you cool americans. One day I will once again celebrate the same holiday :) I wish i had the day off, I'm super tired. Well I better run I have to do some reading for school. Have a great day. 

1 comment:

  1. Robin I like your ideal. I think you will have fun doing that. You are so gifted. We went and say Night at the Museum 2 and then saw hellboy 2 last night and I just kept thinking how much fun you are going to have doing what you love to do. Just do the hair style and then you can do the face later. Have a good week at school. I can't believe you already finished on of the classes. It seems to be going to fast. On Wednesday I am going to mail you shoes to you. Now I know you get mail I will mail the rest.
    LOVE MOm



 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...