Friday, November 18, 2016


I am excited to play tomorrow also. I am planning on getting to your place around 9 tomorrow mom. My day was good. I volunteered to be an internal auditor so I had a meeting to go to today and then some stuff to read over. Other than that it was just the usual Friday. See you all tomorrow. Bye

Over the river and through the woods

I am ready to play tomorrow and work on the ultimate feast.  I am pretty excited.  Work was work.  Robin, I am sorry you got slammed.  I hate that.  We did go grocery shopping tonight also.  I was getting pretty low on every item and I was totally out of butter.  I guess we have been cooking a lot more than we usually do.  See you all tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Today was busy. My boss thought we were working on a project that I had no idea exsisted. It will take a couple.days to finish so that was fun. Now I am super busy. Then I worked at scheels. I am so glad it's friday. Have a good night



That sounds like a good plan Mom, we are excited for you guys to come up.  Casey is not working tomorrow, their wasn't enough people signed up so he couldn't go in.  We had a pretty good day.  Oliver had a melt down dropping Isaac off at school which sucked.  When we both calmed down we went grocery shopping and then to story time and the kids were great their and we had fun.  Ruthie love to go down slides and they have  little one at the library so it is hard to help her down but that is all she wants to do.  We left the library and picked up Isaac and then went to Sam's.  We bought our stuff and then had lunch.  Ruthie fell asleep and we wanted a show and rested.  We were outside waiting for Casey and Oliver was dressed for winter and Isaac had no coat or shoes on, it made me laugh.  Oliver gets cold easy.  Imogene came and played for a hour, Isaac had fun with her.  Thanks again for coming up.  We will have a fun day.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Good day

I have a plan for Saturday.  Karen will come down when she wakes up and pick up me and dad.  We will swing by and pick up Robin and go to Logan.  I figure we will be up there way before lunch.  How is that for a plan.  I am super excited to get ready for Thanksgiving.  Thanks Robin for making bingo prizes.  That is really nice.  They said today we are getting a Christmas bonus in our check on next Friday so I am super excited for that.  Black Friday just got a lot better.  It was super cold here also today.  Everyone have a great Friday and we can play on SAturday.  LOVE MOM


Rachel you got way more snow than I did. It didn't even cover the grass here. It was super cold though. We got a free turkey at work today. I thought I would bring it up to Logan for Thanksgiving. It is 15.74 lbs. My day was good. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye


Today was a lot better and the kids were feeling better.  It felt so nice taking Isaac to school with the new snow and the cool air.  The kids were excited about the snow.  We played outside for a bit in the morning and had fun.  Ruthie loves to eat the snow.  After school Isaac went over to Henry's to play and had fun.  The made brownies and played in the snow.  I put Ruthie down for a nap and me and Oliver watched mighty machines.  When Isaac came home we did homework and then made the clay beads.  Mine didn't turn out very good but we will keep on trying.  Me and Isaac also made the dirt pudding with worms, thanks Mom.  My visiting teacher came this evening and it was good to visit.  I made a huge zipper pouch I am going to keep my hand sewing in.  I am almost done with two little ones also.  I ordered an electric toothbrush and it came today.  I am hoping it will help my gums.


Today was good. I am really glad tomorrow is friday. I decided to make some crafts for bingo. So I'm going to try and finish a cute 3d pumpkin. We will see how far/ambitious get. I have saturday off so I can go to logan. Well not much else with me. Have a good night.


Wednesday, November 16, 2016


Today was good, work went by fast so.that was nice. Then the girl from lagoon going to hair school needed another model so I got a facial today. It was fun. I meet up with ricky from the dating site again. He lives pretty close to me. I went over to his place. His dad is living with him, he is going through a divorce and so they are staying in the same house. His dad was nice. We talked for a while. It was fun, they kinda give off a good ole boy vibe. So it was chill. Ricky has 2 dogs that are really cute. I became fast friends with the mini shnouzer, she was cute.Then I came home and relaxed. I finished my snow man. Have a good night


No snow

It is cold here also.  I went to get the mail and it was chilly.  Our house however is 80 degrees.  Go figure that one out.  Work was busy and just the usual stuff.  I am ready for Thanksgiving weekend also.  I am sorry you have sick kids Rachel.  It does make for long days.  They can get so mean and just miserable.  You might be stuck in side for a couple of days.  I am glad that the dentist went well.  That was good.  I did get some laundry done tonight so that was good.  LOVE MOM

Suck at home

Poor Oliver and Ruthie fevered in the night and didn't feel well.  So we just took it easy today and stayed at home which made for a long day.  It is hard to stay entertained inside.  When Isaac came home we did his homework and then we made more necklaces.  Ruthie loves them and Isaac loves to make them.  It feels good to use up all the beads that we have had forever.  Isaac had a dentist appointment and it went good, he was really brave and got a new spacer in.  Imogene came and played for a little bit, they jumped on the trampoline but it was so cold they came in and colored.  It was Randy's birthday today and he couldn't meet for dinner until 7 by that time Oliver was grumpy so I stayed home with him and the rest went.  They had fun and brought me home a sandwich.  I forgot to say Isaac and Henry tell a lot of jokes so I pulled out his joke book to learn some new ones.  He read them all by himself, I was blow away.  He is really picking reading up.



Well things are good here. When i got up this morning nothing in my fridge sounded good so I decided to get subway for lunch. Work went by good. My visiting teacher stopped by for a little bit. It was a little sad because I ran out of apple jacks for Sam's treat, but he said it was okay if he got m&ms instead this time. I am excited for Thanksgiving next week. Have a grwat Thursday tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, November 15, 2016


We met up with Kay, Jeff, Julie, Angela and Hayden.  It was nice to visit.  Jeff showed us all his pictures of his fish.  It was 36 inches long.  He had a really good time.  Kay is doing good.  Angela is going to name her baby Maddex.  Everyone is excited to hook up for Bingo.  Work was busy, I drove today because dad had to go to the dentist.  Tell Isaac he was really brave.  I am sorry that Oliver and Ruthie are sick.  That is just miserable, teething and a cold.  You might be in for a long week.  I am glad your computer is fixed.  Robin, I love your snowman.  Karen good luck with the snow.  I am so not ready for that one.  LOVE MOM

My computer's back

I have my computer back and it is working a lot better.  Today was so warm, it felt like summer, it was nice.  This morning Henry's Mom volunteered at school so I watched her little kids, they are about the same age as our kids.  They were good and it was fun.  It was my turn for the carpool so I picked up the kids.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that is fun.  I am making thanksgiving pot holders.  As usual I am making too many but the are quick and fun.  Casey had scouts tonight so we walked the hobby lobby and got some new beads.  Casey thought of getting clay to make beads so we got that.  We are going to try to make some tomorrow.  Poor Oliver and Ruthie have caught Isaac's cold.  Oliver had a fever tonight when we were getting ready for bed.  We gave him some medicine and it broke pretty fast.  I guess winter will be here soon, I don't know if we are ready. :)



Today was good here in Kamas. Work went by quick. I had 2 meetings so that helped take up most of the day. They are predicting snow here tomorrow, so i am enjoying the sun and clear sky today. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye

Monday, November 14, 2016


Today was busy but they gave us a 10 minute massage for free at work so that was nice. Mom I work tomorrow and Friday at scheels. Wednesday I have a facial with the girl that is going to beauty school. She needed a model. I don't work saturday. I work the weekend after thanksgiving. I bought a cute wood thing for bingo. I was going to work on that this week. I put my snow man together I just need to finish his arms.



So we went outside to see the moon and it didn't look that different to me.  It is suppose to be the biggest until 2035.  I thought it would look huge like it does in Joe vs the Volcano.  Rachel, you made me tired just reading your blog.  You are one busy mom.  Karen, I am glad your day went well.  Mind was good also.  Robin, we are meeting at the valley fair mall tomorrow night for dinner.  Are you free to join us?  Saturday we are going to Logan to buy food for Thanksgiving.  Thanks Karen for coming with us.  Robin are you working on Saturday?  I figure Scheels will start scheduling a lot of days since everyone quit again.  Everyone have a nice Tuesday.  Dad is going to the dentist for a checkup tomorrow afternoon.  Dad and Isaac have a bet on who will be the bravest.  That is the picture with Isaac shaking hands with grandpa and looking very serious.  Love you guys  MOM


I copied everything off my computer last night and am reformatting it right now.  Hopefully tomorrow it will up and running.  Today was a busy day.  When I was taking Isaac to school Randy came towing Kelly's cat.  He hit a pot hole and broken the radiator so they left it for Casey to look at.  I volunteered at the school and brought the kids with me.  They had an assemble so I helped get a craft ready, it was fun.  After school Henry came and played.  It was fun to have him.  Then Randy and Kelly came over when Caset got home to look at the car.  I had to go visiting teaching Soni left for a bit.  I think a hose is just broken so it isn't going to be hard to fix his car.  The neighbor kids came and played for a bit also.  I didn't take one picture today, failure.  I hope that everyone has a good night.



Well made it thru Monday. That always feels like a major accomplishment. My day was good. Work went by fast so that was nice. I really don't have anything exciting to report so i will sign off. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, November 13, 2016


I am glad that everyone had a great weekend.  Mine was very nice as well.  We went to church today.  Grandma was busy with Jani.  It was nice to go.  We came home and took naps and just vegged the rest of the day.  I did make a roast for dinner so that was good.  The kids look cute Rachel.  I am not ready for snow yet Karen.  Maybe the weather man is lying.  I am loving global warming.  Robin, I love your snow man.  That is amazing.  I am glad you are getting some rest.  LOVE MOM


Today was chill. I just sewed and watched movies. It was really nice just to relax. The snowman I am making is taking forever. I still have the arms but it's almost done. I literally embroidered all saturday and sunday. It's quite the project. Have a good monday


One more thing

I forgot to say the kids were all dressed up and looked good today so I was trying to take pictures.  They didn't turn out.  the kids weren't super corporative but I thought I would attach them anyway.



There was the primary program at my ward also. My visiting teacher asked if i would help with her kids since she is the music person for primary. It was fun. I cleaned up my smoker also. Then i moved it into my garge. The weatherman is pridicting snow this week, so I think my smoking days are over until spring. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

Computer Problems

My computer last night would let me to the blog Web page.  Casey thinks I have a virus so I am copying everything off and am going to reformation it.  I am just blogging on my phone.  Isaac had a primary program today and did really good.  We didn't do much else today.  we had a fun time yesterday, thanks Mom and Dad.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...