I had a really nice day. Karen came down and we went shooting for awhile. I didn't do great but I had a really fun time. We then went out and got Grandma Bodily and went to lunch. It was fun to visit and see her house since the carport came down. We went to Dick's afterwards and got eclairs. They were really yummy. When we got home I had a huge gift basket from my work as a thank you gift. I was really touched. I thought that was so nice of them. I attached a picture of it. We have been watching the Star Wars movies and finished the second one. The new ones aren't as good as the old ones. I am glad we watched the new ones first. Thanks Karen for coming down today. Rachel, I hope the birthday party was a success and Robin I hope your photo shoot went well also. I was so impressed with your mask and shoulder armor. You are amazing. Have a great Sunday. LOVE MOM
Saturday, January 18, 2014
Friday, January 17, 2014
We had a busy day. I had a doctors appointment this morning and everything is looking good. He is measuring at 32 weeks and his heart beat is good. I took Isaac with me this time and I promised him a surprise if he was good. I read in that book that three year old's like surprises. He even had a bit of a tantrum in the parking lot and I reminded him of his surprise and he was good the rest of the time. So we went to the store afterwards and he got a car wash. Then we went to McDonald's for lunch. He was really tired when we got home and he took a nap. I made cookies for the craft night and worked on Oliver's room. I went to Jenn's for a craft night and it was a lot of fun. There were about 20 people and we were all working on different things. I am glad that I went. I stayed until 11 and then I got tired and came home. Casey and Isaac went to the fun park and had a good evening. This morning Isaac told me and Casey that he can never go to the fun park. It made me laugh, I think he meant he never gets to go. We are going to the fun park again tomorrow for a birthday party so he should be happy. Everyone have a good weekend.
Good luck
Robin good luck with your photo shoot. You have worked really hard on it. It is going to be amazing. You are so gifted. Karen I am excited to go shooting tomorrow that will be fun. Rachel, I am glad the doctor went well. You are doing good. I had a quiet day and evening. Not much else going on with me. I sure am glad it is the weekend. I have been so tired. All I want to do is sleep. I think I need to get moving a little more. LOVE MOM
I got my temporary crown today. Then I went to work. It wasn't to bad the pain was like the tooth pain I think I will live. Sorry you have to go back Karen. It seems like its dentist week this year. My photo shoot is tomorrow. So that will be good I attached a picture of the arm piece it doesn't show very good detail so maybe the photos we take tomorrow will be better. We'll have a great one
made it
Well we made it to the weekend. Hurray. My day was good although the afternoon did drag a bit. I really don't have too much to report so I will sign off. Have a great weekend. Bye
Thursday, January 16, 2014
I am glad that tomorrow is Friday also. Today was a little annoying at work, but I made it thru. Good luck at the dentist Robin. I have to go on the 30th and I am not looking forward to it. I made tortilla soup in my crockpot today. It turned out really good. Well have a great Friday tomorrow. Bye
It is getting hazy outside and that isn't too fun but we still went on a walk today and I think it really helping us. We were pretty lazy for most of the day. Isaac was tired so we didn't do much. Joseph had to cancel the playdate because of sickness. I saw online some burp clothes that used flannel on one side and towel material on the other so we went to Joanns. The flannel was 50% off and I had a coupon for 50% off the towel fabric so it was pretty cheap. When we were there Isaac smelled some car fabric and said it smelled like a blanket. It was cute. Also I asked him if he wanted something and he said "No, not really". The not really was new and made me smile. I am glad that you had a good day Mom. Good luck on your teeth Robin, it will be nice to have it all done. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow and I am taking Isaac with me so I hope that it goes smoothly. Wish me luck.
Gonna make it
Today was good nothing to crazy. I have my tooth apt at 7:00am it's going to suck but at least it will be getting done.i started working on a shoulder piece for my photo shoot Saturday. I will take a picture later I'm being laZy we'll have a good night
Made it
I made it to Friday. Yeah for me. Work has been really slow the last couple of days and I am getting all caught up. I am not sure how to react to that. I even had time just to think for a moment. I took trax home tonight and it was crowded. I enjoy riding on the train. It always makes me smile because I remember how cute Isaac looks when he is one the train. He does love to ride the train. Not much else to report on my end. It was even light when I got home tonight. It was getting dark but there was still some light. I love that. Have a great Friday. LOVE YOU GUYS Mom
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Gummy bear
I got your email Rachel it was so funny I was laughing out loud. Today was good Walter surprised me today and took me out for lunch it was fun. I like him being mobil. He took me to firehouse subs. Then after work I went and got a brown top hat for my shoot on Saturday. Remember that box of cogs I got at the quilt show and the guy was so mad I wasn't going to put the little model together. We'll I can't find the box now. It was a sad day. I felt like I made his dreams die for nothing. I am going to try and look again tomorrow and see what I can find. Work has been super busy which is weird it's been so slow. Have a good Thursday we are close to the weekend!!
Rachel, I am so glad you have been able to get outside. Isaac loves to be outdoors. I feel asleep right after dinner and then went to bed and now I am awake. Go figure. Karen I am glad you made it to Walmart safe and sound. I walked over to get dad this evening and there were a whole herd of deer that ran across the road in Research Park. It was a lot of deer. I am so glad you don't have to drive that every day. Robin I hope you are feeling better today after your adjustment. It always helped me when I got that done. Have a great day tomorrow. It is suppose to be nice all week. It is starting to get smoggy here but not really bad. LOVE MOM
One more thing
I forgot to say I am sorry about your neck Robin. I hope that they are able to fix it. That looks painful. Good luck and if I can help let me know.
I thought the gummy bear comments were so funny. I was laughing so hard also. Robin I sent it to your hotmail, I wasn't sure what one you checked. We went on another walk with the wagon today and it was colder but it was really nice. Both me and Isaac were in better moods today and I think it is because we have been walking. I am going to try to keep it up. When Casey got home they jumped on the trampoline and had a really good time. I made dinner again and then we headed to the fun park. Isaac has been bugging us to go again. It was good and he didn't have a hard time leaving which was nice. Tomorrow we are going to play with Joseph in the morning for a little bit. That is about all I have everyone have a great night.
My day has been good. It actually went pretty fast for a Wednesday. Rachel those gummy bear comments made me laugh so hard. Those people were really descriptive. I went grocery shopping after work. I saw quite a few deer, but only had 2 that ran in the road and they were both in the same spot. It was such a pretty day outside that I was sad to have to spend it inside. Oh well such is life. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Well it's official I need a crown. Luckly I don't need a root canal as well. I also had a small case of gingivitis so I have mouth wash for special people :) I go in Friday hopefully to get my crown work started. I also went to the chiropractor I was popped into place I guess my neck is the worst it doesn't bend the right way. I put the X-ray below mines the one on the right the normal is left. We'll that's about me. Ready to be all fixed up that is for sure ! Have a good Wednesday
Nice day
I agree with Rachel. This winter has been a lot better. It does help. I am glad they got to jump on the trampoline. I think that is so cute that Isaac loves the wagon. That will really be nice when you have the boys to pull around. I am glad you get to go to craft night. That will be fun to get a break. I had a good day also. I have been getting rid of projects and it is helping me not be so swamped all the time. I still have a lot of work to do but my desk isn't piled so high. That feels nice. After work I called Robin to make sure she was OK and it was nice to visit for awhile. I am glad you are doing good. Not much else to report. I am glad that Isaac is going to a birthday party. He will love that. Enjoy this weather. It is nice. It was even a little light when we got home. That felt nice. LOVE MOM (PS Rachel you made it to 31 weeks. Way to go)
Nice Day
Today the weather was so nice. We went on another walk with the wagon and Isaac just wanted me to pull him the whole time. Then he sits and watches cars in it afterwards. It is a nice wagon. We went to story time and Isaac was invited to a birthday party at the fun park this Saturday. I think that he will really like it. Jenn came over and sewed. With Casey at work I just put a movie on for Isaac and he just stayed downstairs and watched it. It worked out pretty good. She is having a craft night for everyone on Friday at her house so I am going to go to that. Casey can watch Isaac now so that will be fun. I made dinner tonight which is a big deal. It was nice to have Casey home. Isaac and Casey cleaned off the trampoline since it has been so warm and jumped for a while. Isaac loved that. This winter has been a lot better than last winter so far. Well everyone have a good night.
Well my day was good. The engineering meeting was delayed until the afternoon so that made the afternoon went by pretty fast. Since everyone else was being good and going to the dentist I decided to go also. So now I have an appointment on the 30th. Wish me much on that one. I am glad that the wagon worked good for you Rachel. I am really impressed that you got Isaac to sit in it. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, January 13, 2014
Oh yeah
Today was good nothing to crazy. Me and Walter went to the gym it was fun. I forgot I had a dentist apt tomorrow so tomorrow I have my dentist and chiropractor apt. It will be fun. We were going to go to the gym tomorrow but Walter said to not go after the chiropractor so we might meet up for dinner. Walter found out that in March he needs to have his knee scoped. I guess like surgery he has bone spurs and vericos veins. He said it's been painful. Well that's about it. That's crazy you had so much snow Karen we barely had rain. We'll keep warm and safe everyone we are almost through January ;)
Love the wagon. That is going to work out really nice for you with the two boys. I went to the dentist today and it was just a check up. They are going to fix my too on January 27th. There is a bunch of stuff they talked about doing but right now I am just going to get my tooth fixed. I went back to work after I was done so I don't have to make up too much time this week. Is Casey glad he gets to work days? I think that will be nice to have him home at night. Isaac with get the potty training. It is just hard to know what to do when you aren't home. He will figure it out. It is suppose to be really nice the rest of the week. Robin good luck with the chiropractor tomorrow. I hope it goes well and you feel and lot better. We went to Walmart's tonight. It was nice to walk around. They had the little oranges. LOVE MOM
Maiden Voyage
Today was pretty good. I ran out of diapers this morning so I had to have Isaac wear his underwear when we went visiting teaching and then I was going to go pick up some more. I usually just have him wear underwear at home and diapers when we go out. I took an extra change of clothes and he did have an accident at the first house. Then he had one after we got back from the store. I don't think we are as far along the potty train process as I thought or he was just having a bad day. This afternoon we took the wagon on a walk and it was fun. He pulled it for a little ways then he sat in it for most of the walk. He didn't want to get out when we got home so he just sat in it and we watched cars for a while. It was nice to be outside. Casey went in to work for swing shift and they told him that he will be working days. So tomorrow he is going to start working that shift. I think it will be good. It is always an adjustment switching schedules but I think it will be a good change. I found a neat blog called Budget Bytes. It recipes and it tells you how much it cost. I am going to try one tomorrow it looks like a fun site. Well everyone have a good night and a great day tomorrow.
Well I made it thru Monday. It seemed like a long day but I made it thru. It started with having to shovel. It wasn't a lot so it didn't take very long though. I was tired so work dragged but I managed to stay awake. I hope that your dentist appointment went well mom. Well have a good one bye
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Well we got about 3 inches of snow here last night. I shoveled this morning and just as I got my driveway done the snowplow came by and I had to do it again. That is neat that Walter got a truck. It looks nice. Well have a great week everyone. Bye
We had a quiet day. Got up late, took a nap and just vegged. It was weird not to have anything to do. It never snowed here so that was nice. I am sorry Isaac took just a nap and then was up late. That is hard. That is scary he got lost at church. I am glad that they found you. He will get the hang of it. It is just a huge change. Have a great week. Should be a quiet one. LOVE MOM
That is a nice truck that Walter got, that will be really nice for him. Good job. Karen, good job cleaning yesterday. It is always nice to get caught up on that stuff. We had a fun time with Mom and Dad yesterday. It was a nice visit. Isaac feel asleep at 6:30 and then woke up at 9. He didn't go back to sleep until 11. It was another late night. We went to church today and it was nice. I dropped Isaac off at Sharing time. His teachers weren't there but the president was and another sunbeam. He was sitting down good so I left. A little in my lesson the brought him in and I guess he just left before his teachers got there and was walking the halls and no one knew. I felt bad about that, I will have to wait until someone is their before I leave. My lesson went good and it was fun to do. I think it will be a good calling. I took Isaac to his class and he did good there. I didn't stay and went to relief society. We went over to Randy's this evening and visited. It was good to see them. Well everyone have a good week and thanks for everything.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...