Friday, January 17, 2014


We had a busy day.  I had a doctors appointment this morning and everything is looking good.  He is measuring at 32 weeks and his heart beat is good.  I took Isaac with me this time and I promised him a surprise if he was good.  I read in that book that three year old's like surprises.  He even had a bit of a tantrum in the parking lot and I reminded him of his surprise and he was good the rest of the time.  So we went to the store afterwards and he got a car wash.  Then we went to McDonald's for lunch.  He was really tired when we got home and he took a nap.  I made cookies for the craft night and worked on Oliver's room.  I went to Jenn's for a craft night and it was a lot of fun.  There were about 20 people and we were all working on different things.  I am glad that I went.  I stayed until 11 and then I got tired and came home.  Casey and Isaac went to the fun park and had a good evening.  This morning Isaac told me and Casey that he can never go to the fun park.  It made me laugh, I think he meant he never gets to go.  We are going to the fun park again tomorrow for a birthday party so he should be happy.  Everyone have a good weekend.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...