Saturday, March 3, 2018


Well there is still no snow here. This major storm has been a let down. I did get to sleep in. Then I made beef stew in my instant pot. It tasted good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, March 2, 2018

No snow

Well that was a dismal storm.  We didn't get anything.  Weird.  I didn't get to leave work early.  We did stop by all a dollar on the way home to pick up somethings for a make a wish that I am helping with.  Then we decided to go buy Isaacs get well present.  We call Robin and met her at the Wings place and had dinner.  It tasted really good.  We went to Game Stop but they didn't have the Ninjago game.  Robin bought us the most delicious cookies and eclairs.  (Dad loved them for dessert).  We dropped Robin off and stopped at Walmart and they had the game.  Whew that was a close one.  I think I might buy the movie to go with it.  It was such a dumb movie, I don't know if I can take watching it however.  I also bought me a bigger casserole dish.  Mine broke in the over a while back and I keep forgetting to get one.  I have to work on my taxes this weekend.  We are dropping them off on Monday.  Rachel, I am glad the movie was fun.  LOVE MOM


It snowed a bit here but nothing like I was thinking.  Nothing has really even stuck to the ground, I guess we will have to see what happens over night.  My roll of batting came this morning and it is so nice.  It is really really soft, I love it.  Around 11 they called and said that the tires were in so we went down and had them done.  They said we needed new brakes also so we did that as well.  I took the little kids to chick fil for doing so good at the tire place.  We stayed their until it was time to pick up Isaac.  We just played and it was fun.  After dinner we picked up Isaac's friend and went to the school to watch the BFG.  They had concessions for 25 cents and the kids loved that.  Oliver was sad that I didn't bring his blanket, I brought camping chairs to sit on.  The kids didn't really watch the movie.  Isaac was running around with his school friends and we were in and out buying candy, they had a blast.  Casey worked late and then met up with us which was nice.   We will make a plan tomorrow Mom, I hope it is good weather.



Yeah it's the weekend. It was really nice weather here today except for the wind. I guess that means Robin didn't get to leave early because of the weather. 😂my day was good. Nothing to wild and crazy to report.  I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Baby step

Today was good. I was tired so I didn't stay long at work. It said it was going to start snowing in the afternoon so they said if it's bad we can go home. so I'm hoping I only work a half day tomorrow. It's the only time I am going to pray for snow ha ha. The warning say 16 inches of snow so hopefully it's not that crazy. Be safe



We had a good day.  The van needs new tires so we stopped by and ordered some and they will be their tomorrow.  We went to a play group I have been meaning to go to and it turned out to be better than I thought it was be.  It was good to talk to the other Mom's.  Oliver had school and they read the gingerbread man story so we made gingerbread men from sugar cookies after school.  It was fun to do it with just him.  I drove a girl down the street home because her parents were running late so Imogene wanted to come and play but Zoey had left when she made it back over.  Imogene and Isaac played mario kart for a hour and they had a fun time.  Isaac got a award for citizenship at school and received a pizza pie cafe certificate so we went their for dinner.  I had book group tonight and it was a lot of fun.  It was fun to talk to everyone and laugh, we read a wrinkle in time.  I hope that it doesn't end up snowing too much, let spring begin.


Isaac drew a computer for programming at school

Ruthie put her phone in her back pocket like it do


Almost there

One more day and it is the weekend.  I am so ready.  Work was work.  I will be so glad when things settle down.  We did stop at Firehouse subs on the way home and brought home subs.  They tasted good.  If the snow isn't too bad we are going to Ogden for the train show.  I think we are going to take front runner.  Karen, I am glad you slept good on your mattress.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. Work went by pretty quick. It started snowing about 2 here. It looks like it has stopped now. So far no shoveling is required. It is suppose to be worse tomorrow.  I did enjoy my new mattress. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Hump day

We made it through half of the week.  That is neat you are doing those tutorials Robin.  You will be a pro at editing our pictures.  I will always look beautiful :)  Karen, I am glad your mattress made it in one piece.  I hope you have an amazing night's sleep.  Rachel, I am sorry you are tired.  You just have a busy life.  You are bound to get tired.  We went grocery shopping tonight also.  I got a little extra incase it gets really bad weather but we needed to go regardless.  I am becoming a big fan of Winco.  I think I am starting to know where things are.  That always helps.  Dad got a hold of Tom and he is going to pick up our taxes on Monday.  Hopefully they won't take too long to do.  Well that is all I have to report.  Be careful out there.  If the weather is good we are going to the train show on Saturday because Oliver hasn't been to one since he was a baby.  LOVE MOM


Good job on the mattress Karen, it does take a little bit to loosen up the mattress.  Robin good job on the tutorials, that is awesome.  I have been so tired this week I am not sure what it up so we just plug along.  After we dropped Isaac off at school we went to Joann's and got some fabric to make the duffel bags, we went back after school to get Isaac's.   It was fun and I am excited to start making them.  I volunteered at Isaac's school and that was fun.  The little kids are really good and it is fun to eat with Isaac and his friends.  Ruthie didn't want to nap so we went on a walk around the block.  Oliver didn't want to but he eventually warmed up to the idea.  After school we went and got some cookies as a snack.  Casey had scouts tonight so he was later getting home.  His new tent came today and it is pretty nice.  This week is going so fast.  I hope that it doesn't snow as much as they say.



Well my mattress got delivered. It got here around 930. It looks nice. Then I went back to work. Work went good. Then after work I went to the grocery store. I saw the snow warning also and wanted to get food. Then I came home and made my bed.  The mattress seems a little atiff. But the guy delivering it said it would be stiff until it warmed up. I think it would have warmed up faster if i made the bed when it got delivered. Oh well live and learn. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

One step closer

I can't believe it was the last day of February. I have a winter storm warning on my phone it said 3-8 inches of snow with 16 inches in localized areas o  Friday through sunday. Everyone be careful. I need to go grocery shopping tomorrow so I have food when I'm snowed in lol. Work was better today I didn't feel as frazzled. I came home and did more tutorials. It's kinda nice set up I watch one tutorial and then watch and episode on Netflix while I do the editing on my own. I'm glad we are closer to friday. Have a good one


Tuesday, February 27, 2018

No go

Today was ok. I didn't want to work so I was kinda grumpy all day. But i made it though. I made strogoff tonight. It wasn't that great lol it was just a day. I did do more photoshop classes so that went well. Hope everyone has a good Wednesday.



I am glad that you have your mattress, I hope you have an amazing nights sleep.  Today was good but I was tired.  I babysat this morning and that was good.  Oliver and Thomas mostly played video games.  Oliver had school this afternoon and Ruthie wouldn't nap.  I still sewed a little but while she was laying down which was fun.  I have all my big stars together.  I had young women's tonight and we finished sewing the teddy bears.  It was a lot of fun.  The girls have never used a sewing machine before and they really liked it.  They were happy and had a fun time.  I couldn't figure out Karen's machine so we didn't use it.  Love you guys and have a good night.


Nice evening

Work was good.  I played with the cricket all day and that is always fun.  We went to Kamas after work and helped Karen move her mattress.  She probably could have moved it herself but it was a nice excuse to visit.  Robin, I know why that picture made you dizzy.  It makes me dizzy just looking at it.  It does look really nice.  I found out today that Easter is on April Fools day.  I thought that would be fun.  Well not much else to report on my side.  LOVE MOM


My day was good.  Work was just the usual for a Tuesday. Engineering meeting ran a bit long, but I made it thru. Then after work mom and dad came up. We had high moutain hamburgers.  I called it in and then pick them up so we could eat them at my place. Then they helped move my mattress so i am all set for the new one tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, February 26, 2018


Today was good work was busy I just didn't want to go so the first couple of hours were rough there was a weird smell in my kitchen so I scrubbed the sink and cleaned a bit. I think what ever it was I got it. I hung up my picture. I think looking up alot trying to attach the back to the wall made me dizzy so I just laid down and relaxed the rest of the night


I am sorry about dumb boys Robin, I don't understand it.  I am excited for your new mattress Karen, I hope it is like sleeping on a cloud.  Last night I made Ruthie a new blanket substitute really because her blanket was wet.  She likes it and carried both around today.  Oliver was grumpy this morning, I think he was just tired.  I babysat this morning and it went well.  Ruthie isn't very good at sharing though so it is good practice for her.  Oliver had school and I went to start the van after I dropped him off and it wouldn't start.  Casey was on his lunch so he came over and jumped it.  It turns out the terminal wasn't clean and on very well, so he drove the van back to work and I kept the CRV.  After dinner he fixed the van and the kids helped him.  As soon as he said he was going to fix something Oliver grabbed his tool kit and went out to help.  They were really cute about helping.  Casey heard about a good cookie place so we took them up there for desert, they were really good cookies.  Isaac got a great day sticker at school and he got a 100% on all his test, he is doing good.  Oliver made stone soup at school and he loved it and talked about that all day, it was pretty cute.  Love you guys.



Today was slow and I didn't sleep very good last night so it was long.  I did stop on the way home at JoAnns and picked up a jumper pattern for the easter material I got for Ruth.  I hope it turns out.  If it doesn't snow tomorrow we are going to Kamas after work and help Karen move her mattress into the other room.  Right now it doesn't look like it will snow at all but after Friday, I am just going to wait and see.  Not much else going on with us.  LOVE MOM


Mondays always seem like a long day. I made it thru though. Work was good. I had a kind of tedious project to do, but I got it done so that was nice.  I worked a little over today to make up time for when my mattress gets delivered. I am excited for that. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Chpt 4

Today was chill. I didn't go out with Erick he had some things come up. But I was kinda over it so it was fine. I did up to chapter 4 on my photoshop classes so that was fun. I was going to see but I didn't get that far. Hope everyone has a good Monday


Back home

It was a really fun weekend, you guys are the best.  Thank you for the new cutting blades Mom, I changed mine and they are so nice.  I didn't realize how bad they were.  Oliver gave a really cute talk in primary and his teacher said he sings all the songs.  After church Isaac did his science stuff that Mom and Karen had bought him, thank you guys.  Have a good Monday and don't work too hard.


Thank you

I just wanted to thank all of you for a really fun weekend.  I so enjoyed everything.  I loved the movie,  the random purchase, Sawadee, and just all of us being together.  I had such a fun time.  I am glad the Oliver's talk went really well.  LOVE MOM


My day has been good. I picked up my living room and kitchen today so when my mattress gets delivered Wednesday my house won't look too messy. Other than that it was a quiet day.  I had a fun time yesterday. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...