Monday, February 26, 2018


I am sorry about dumb boys Robin, I don't understand it.  I am excited for your new mattress Karen, I hope it is like sleeping on a cloud.  Last night I made Ruthie a new blanket substitute really because her blanket was wet.  She likes it and carried both around today.  Oliver was grumpy this morning, I think he was just tired.  I babysat this morning and it went well.  Ruthie isn't very good at sharing though so it is good practice for her.  Oliver had school and I went to start the van after I dropped him off and it wouldn't start.  Casey was on his lunch so he came over and jumped it.  It turns out the terminal wasn't clean and on very well, so he drove the van back to work and I kept the CRV.  After dinner he fixed the van and the kids helped him.  As soon as he said he was going to fix something Oliver grabbed his tool kit and went out to help.  They were really cute about helping.  Casey heard about a good cookie place so we took them up there for desert, they were really good cookies.  Isaac got a great day sticker at school and he got a 100% on all his test, he is doing good.  Oliver made stone soup at school and he loved it and talked about that all day, it was pretty cute.  Love you guys.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...