Saturday, June 13, 2009
Wellmy day was not as random as Robin's was. I did go and get my car inspected and registered. And it passed so that was awsome. It did finally rain down here for a little while. Not any longer than a half hour but it did pour during that time. After that the sun can out. All in all very quick changing weather. I have just put my last load of laundry in the dryer so yeah that is almost done. Rachel I hope that your dinner party was fun. Have a great Sunday everyone.
I have no time for these childish games
So I went to casa loma, to tell the honest true I wasn't impressed it wasn't worth going out of my way. The outside is really pretty but inside they redid all the rooms to look more modern and then removed all the furniture and tried to make it into a museum. There were some rooms decorated but they weren't fancy. I still had fun though the girl I went with is really cool. It was kinda funny on the way up we heard all these bicycle bells and people yelling. When we looked back to see we saw naked people riding bikes. There was like a 100 naked people promoting something like expression, it was funny cause there was alot of old men and there was a chubbier guy riding it made me laugh. I don't know if I should post the pictures but I had to pull out my camera, to random of a moment to not remember. Also on the way home there was a guy playing a saxophone on the street to earn money, there were some punks yelling from there apartments from above at him. I don't know what they were saying but the saxophone player stops and yells "i don't have time for these childish games" then starts playing again. I couldn't hold it i started laughing right there. Such a random day I may say, but it was good random. Well i better go love ya.
Thanks for eating all the chips Kip
Well not much is going on, Casey made it home safe last night. I am glad that everyone is doing good. Robin sounds like she is having a ball in her classes which makes me happy. We were invited to a dinner party tonight, so that will be fun. It will be good to get to know more people. I hope that everyone has a good weekend.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Mom, I am glad that your dentist visit wasn't too bad. You just never know when you go if it will be bad or not. It is a little cloudy down here, but it looks like the sun is breaking though. Well work was good. i got a new proposal to work on so I did that most of the day. Tomorrow I am going to go and get my car inspected and registered. I hope that that doesn't take too long. I hate waiting at car places. Well I hope that everyone has a great one.
So the school group that was suppost to come in was canceled but it was good we got to talk more about business and bridal stuff. we got to do the drag makeup though it was fun. Its amazing what makeup can do to a person. I also got my short hair mannequin I ordered So i am going to do hair on it tonight, i think it will be fun. Well i am going to try again to go to casa loma. there are some girls that wanted to go in my class, so we are going to attempt to meet. it will be interesting to say the least. I am glad that your dentistry is going well mom you won't know what to do with all those teeth in your mouth. I'm glad the worst of its over. WEll i hope you all have a great weekend. love ya
I made it
I made it through the last tough part of my dental implants. It wasn't a big deal. Took less than an hour and I now have posts. In two weeks I can go and get fitted for teeth. Sweet. I thought I had to wait over a month so that is even nicer. I got my quilt all pieced together last night. I still need to put on the borders but it looks way cool. I am getting better. Work was slow today but I only worked 1/2 a day so that was nice. I have a lot to do but it was hard to focus. Well the clouds are building up again. It was nice to have a sunny day LOVE MOM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Shopping Till We Drop

Me and Mom went to Kohl's to look at shoes and we went crazy. I got two pairs of shoes, and three pairs of pants, three shirts, Moms got two shirts and Casey two shirts. The pants were on sale for 7 dollars. It was pretty fun. I took a picture of out loot but I forgot my cord. Then the turkey track quilt that I had a lady in Moms ward quilted was done and we went and picked it up. It is beautiful, I will put a picture on tomorrow.
I am glad that you like you bag Karen, I think that they are fun. I will make you one next Robin. I am impressed with all your makeup skills Robin. It is fun that you get to buy so much new makeup, that is really neat. I like you cartoon Karen, that is funny. It feels like that her. Well have a good Friday.
Rachel, one girl in my ward really liked my bag. She asked me where and I got it and when I told her that you made it she was jealous. I really like mine. Well work was a little better today, nut much but at least I had a few things to do. I know that this is going to sound wierd, but have fun doing drag Robin! Mom said that it is reall ywet in Logan. So I found this cartoon for you guys in the wet lands up north.

It is still dry here though. Well there is an relief soctiety activity tonight at 7 so I think that I will go to that. Well tomorrow is Friday, Hurray! I am ready for the weekend. Although I have to go and get my car inspected and registered. It will still be the weekend. Take it easy!

It is still dry here though. Well there is an relief soctiety activity tonight at 7 so I think that I will go to that. Well tomorrow is Friday, Hurray! I am ready for the weekend. Although I have to go and get my car inspected and registered. It will still be the weekend. Take it easy!
And i just can't hide it
I like your bag rachel I think its really pretty. So I am really excited I guess they had a school group planned and forgot to tell us, but anyway tomorrow we are having a school group in and we get to do there makeup. I think it will be really fun, I'm really excited. Also tomorrow is drag make up day. The only boy in our class is willingly going to be our model. I think it will be fun. We also are going over wedding contracts, business cards and other stuff like that so tomorrow is going to be pretty jammed packed. Today we did more false eyelashes we did the separate ones that aren't in a strip. They were much better to work with, we had them on the bottom of the eye also and they looked like spiders. I tried the new colors I bought yesterday and the girl I worked on really liked it. I used a light green with a shimmery plum. I think it looked nice. Well that is all for me. Love ya
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
I did it
Today me and Mom went to the IP and Bernias for lunch. The fabric store inspired me, I haven't sewn in two plus weeks so tonight I finished my bag.

It is not great but I finished it. Tomorrow me and Mom are going to sew and I am going to work on my double wedding ring quilt. I am excited to work on projects again. I am glad that everyone is doing good, I hope that work picks up for Karen, I hate when it is boring.
It is not great but I finished it. Tomorrow me and Mom are going to sew and I am going to work on my double wedding ring quilt. I am excited to work on projects again. I am glad that everyone is doing good, I hope that work picks up for Karen, I hate when it is boring.
Nice Day
Not much going on with me. I went to babysit tonight for that parent's meeting they have once and month and no one showed up except the out of town guest with three kids so it was easy. They just stayed a few minutes and then I went to Walmart. I have to admit that Rachel's blog made my day. I just laughed and laughed. Dad got a chuckle out of it also. Way to go Rachel. I has rained here all day. I am wished for St. George right about now. Work was better today not so stressful with JACHO overwith at least for us. They will be in the hospital until the end of the week. I did meet Rachel for lunch at the Italian Place and it was the first time we have been there since Robin went with us before she left. LOVE MOM
Well my day was pretty boring. Work was really slow. I was bored most all day. I am glad that the week is mostly over. All the engineers showed be back next week so hopefully next well be less boring. I am glad that you got make-up on sale Robin that always makes it better. Rachel I think that the goats might be a little young for Josh yet. Maybe you should start them off with Spongebob instead. Well i hope that you are not drowning in all that rain up north. The weatherman said that it is not going to stop any time soon. It is still dry here though. Jealous? Well I better go. have a great one.
So there was this make-up department that was moving across town and they were giving students 30 percent off. So i went and got some powder eye makeup for my kit. I think I got some really pretty colors. They are mostly brown and purples, with two greens. But most people in fashion want makeup that doesn't look like you are wearing makeup. So i kept with the neutrals. I think its funny you do a 30 minute makeup to make it look like your not wearing makeup. odd. anyway I have homework tonight. we have to do corrections on faces and look for faces in magazines, don't be jealous. Luckily I have music to listen to. It is kinda fun to look through magazines and say I can do that. Well have a great night, and dream of josh groban serenading you with goats hopping to the music. ha ha ha :) just kidding I liked your poster rachel, the goats will happy.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Future Josh Groban Fans
I had ordered a Josh Groban PBS special and it came in the mail today and it came with a free poster. So i put it up in the stable so the goats could enjoy it.
They are going to be huge fans. :)
rainy days
Well it poured rain again today. It has really be one rainy month so far. I went to Shopko after work and got me a couple more of the light weight sweaters I like. They were on sale. It was fun to walk around shopko. I haven't done that for awhile. I called a contractor that left a paper in my door the other day and he is coming on Friday to see how much it would cost to take down my wall between the kitchen and living room. I know that is a little scary to call someone who left a paper but Ithought I would give it a try. He is coming to give me an estimate. At least it is a babystep to what I want. I was proud. We had a JACHO inspection today and I was really stressed. They have been doing all these mock inspections for months. It went pretty well. They had a lot of questions on abuse but that didn't have any control over what I did. Dad mad it safe and sound to SLC. Teresa's surgery went well. I am going to send her flowers tonight over the internet. I thought that would be nice. LOVE YA MOM
Well I am not in the class yet. I still have to be accepted as a non degree seeking student, but I am working toward getting in the class. Just have to work thru all the red tape stuff still. There are two class the beginners and then the intermediate. The first class in like all the CPR stuff and then the IV and stuff like that is in the second class. I hope that I can get in. Well it rained like four drops here this afternoon. Not enough to even wet the sidewalk, but enough to spot the windows of your car. My allergies are bad today. The wind is blowing like crazy and that is not helping. Oh well. Well I better let you guys go. I love ya BYE
hook up
That is so cool that you are taking an emt class karen. I'm thinking maybe if you need to have a practice day I can come into your class and mutilate people :) wink wink.... just and idea I can hook you up. anyway things are good here, we learned how to apply cake eye makeup and correct nose shapes. Its fun to be able to play with makeup everyday and have it learning. I greatly enjoy learning. :) I went onto youtube last night and they have clips on how to do different hair styles. They had one that mimicked the hair from taylor swift in love story video, where she is standing on the balcony with the white dress. I tried it last night and it actually turned out pretty nice. I was excited. Oh and also I had a brilliant idea, soda is so much extra money that isn't really needed so I bought a nice water bottle to carry with me so i drink more water and save money. a plus on all ends. :) Well that is all for me. signing out....
Monday, June 8, 2009
I am so glad that Karen is going to take the EMT class. It will be fun to learn some new things. You will get to ride on a firetruck sometime I bet. We did have fun tonight with Rachel coming to dinner with us. Boy did we get a huge thunderstorm. It was really something. It has been so rainy lately. Boy does everything look so green and nice. I like how green everything is. I did some ironing tonight and it feels good to start getting caught back up. The storm coming in gave me a bad headache. I couldn't figure out why I had a headache and then dad calls and said there were huge thunderstorms and I thought that was weird. I am glad everyone is doing good. Robin the makeup looks great. I have always wanted to try fake eyelashes. You can practice on me. LOVE MOM
Karen, I am glad that you are taking an EMT class that sounds really fun. I never thought of you doing that but I think that you will be good. It is exciting to have something to look forward too. I liked all of Robins pictures, that looks like a lot of fun. Well it was realyl storming in Logan around 5:00 so Dad called me to warm me about the storm, so I went over to their house and we had dinner and went to Best Buy, to wait out the storm. It was really fun, thanks for letting me come over. Work was busy and went by pretty fast.
Sunday we went to Mom and Dad for dinner and I took some pictures of the yard. The grapes have grapes on them!!!
The Roses are beautiful
I am glad that everyone is healthy and happy.
Hi Everyone! Things are good here, work was boring like I thought it was going to be. So no surprises there. It is suppose to be rainy here tomorrow but I will believe that when I see it. I am going to try and get registered for an EMT class. It is offered by dixie collage so I have to apply as a non-degree seeking applicant. I just submitted it so keep your fingers crossed about that one. i thought that it sounded like fun. I liked your pictures Robin, I can't wait to see it all in real life. I hope that you are enjoying having no house guests mom. I bet it is nice to have all that stuff out. Rachel I think that your goats are really cute. I will have to see those in real life also when I come up to Logan. Well I hope that you all have a great week Love ya BYE
here it goes
So I'm adding alot of photos so you can see toronto and stuff :) Things are going well, we learned how to add on false eyelashes. I hate them so much the edges don't stick but I will control my anger and i will become a lash lover one day. Oh I also learned something cool. So I noticed on my eyes that one is lower then the other, you can see it really well in my photos, especially passport photos. and i guess its normal. On the side you sleep on is the side that drops. I don't know if that is the cause but I guess its normal in most people and that is what i'm blaming it on. I think i might sleep on the other side to even it out..... :) anyway i thought it was interesting.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Well my Sunday has been good. It was fast Sunday so church dragged a bit, but all in all it had been a good Sunday. It is nice and sunny outside and it is only about 85 outside so it is nice. I bought a small watermelon yesterday and it was really good. I just could walk by and not get one because it sounded really good. Well I hope that everyone else has had a good Sunday. Love ya
Fencing and Fun
It sounds like everyone had a great weekend, I am glad. I hear that now is a really good time to buy a car since they are all going out of business, you can get a great deal. I am excited for you to buy one. Well mine wasn't exciting as everyone else. We worked on the fencing the pasture and it is almost done. We took a break for lunch and I fell asleep for two hours and Casey worked on the fence. I started to mow the lawn after but I didn't get it done because of bad weather. Casey fixed the gate so the goats can't get out now, it is really nice. We tried to get the goats in the picture but they didn't want to.

The goats are feeling a lot more comfortable, they will let us pet them now and are a lot more playful. Here they are trying to eat me.
Here is a picture of the fencing.
The goats like to scratch them selves along the fencing.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...