Friday, August 27, 2021


 Sorry it is late.  My exercise class has a ladies night out.  I haven't gone before but  my friend at the class had us carpool so I would go.  It was fun and I am glad I went but it went a later than I thought.  It was fun to talk and laugh with them.  We had a good day.  I walked and went to exercise class.  Casey didn't work today, he had the day off to use vacation.  He wasn't feel well so I am glad.  Isaac wasn't feel well this morning and we had him go to school and he felt better this afternoon.  Me and Casey mowed the lawn while the kids were at school.  We went to friz and fries after we picked them up to celebrate going to school.  Isaac cooked dinner which was really sweet of him.  I had a ton of calls to make for primary and I got that done which made me feel a lot better.  Oliver needed a poster for school and we made that.  I thought it turned out cute.  Love you guys and we are excited to come down tomorrow.




 I went into work early today and it was busy. Interview day. I think they found someone for that girl that left. That will be nice. I made a roast for dinner and Karen came down. We went to WinCo to get rice crackers. It was so smoky today. Isaac called and we talked for awhile it was nice to talk with him. Robin I hope Luna was feeling a little better. I thought we would meet around noon at Fuji s. It doesn't open until noon so it can be a few minutes later. Everyone drive safe. Love mom

Thursday, August 26, 2021


 Sorry I didn't blog last night.  We had a fun time with Mom and Dad.  I love surfing and could do that as a hobby.  Today was good.  Ruth had her first day of kindergarten and was nervous to go.  She did great and had a really fun time.  She knew kids in her class and her best friend is there.  The boys had a good day and have been happy after school.  I took Tony to the dog park while everyone was gone.  Which was fun.  We had parent teacher conference this evening.  Casey met me there after work.  The boys have really amazing teachers and it will be a good year for them.  I am so glad they are all having a good school year so far.




Luna did ok. She was really grumpy around I put her in the car seat and drove around. It calmed her down and she fell asleep So I drove through Wendy's and picked me up something to eat. when she woke up she was happier. they were throwing things in a dump truck across the street and it stressed Jenkins out. He spent most of the day in bed


 Work was crazy busy today.  I ran all day.  I was ready to leave.  Nothing bad just a lot going on.  I do have to go into work early tomorrow so that should be interesting.  We did hook up with the Gumm gang for dinner and that was nice.  I always like visiting.  It is good to get together.  I gave each of them one of Rachel's quilts and they just loved them.  They talked for 10 minutes about how beautiful they were.  I am excited for Saturday.  I thought we could meet at Fuji's around noon and have lunch and go on from them.  Does that sound good to everyone?  Karen is coming down tomorrow and spending the night.  That will be nice.  I am glad that Luna is doing OK.  I am glad that Ruth had a good first day of kindergarten.  She is so cute.  Everyone enjoy your last Friday in August.  The MA at the neurosurgeons off did call and ask dad some questions.  I guess they fill out the form and then the doctor reviews everything and decides what to do.  LOVE MOM 


 I hope Luna is doing okay after her shot. Shots suck. My day was good. Work is still moving along. My allergies are bad, but I am surviving. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Big busy day

 We had a big busy day. I worked a couple of hours this morning and then we went to doctor one. He is referring us to a neurosurgeon just to see what he thinks. Then we had lunch and walked the mall. We headed to Ogden and went to doctor number two. He said that his neck isn't Ra related and so we don't have to add any more meds. He did say gapentin is good for nerve pain so we are going to try that and see if it helps the pain. We hooked up with Rachels bunch. They did flowrider and Rachel surfed. She was amazing. We went to dinner and then came home. It was quite the lightening show on the way home. No rain however. I am glad you got some rain Karen. Good.ouck robin. I hope.luna does ok. It is stressful.on mom. I hope you are ok. Love mom


Today was ok. It was Luna's 2 month visit at the doctor's. She had to get 3 shots. She was sad but after a few cuddles was ok. I gave her Tylenol once I got home to stay ahead of a fever. 4 hours on the dot she was so upset so I gave her another dose. I think that is my night. Hopefully she doesn't get to sick. She is now 10 pounds 6 ounces which is 26 percentile and 82 percentile for height. The doctor said she was looking good and no worries.


 Work was good today. A little on the quiet side but still good. After work I came home and read school books and watched a lecture video. It started raining here when the sun went down. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Tuesday, August 24, 2021


 Work was busy and I was in meetings a lot. I worked a little late. I made garlic chicken for dinner with garlic mashed potatoes. We won't be sick for awhile. I am working from home in the morning and then we are going to two doctors tomorrow. His Ra doc is in Ogden so we are hooking up with Rachel's gang for dinner. I hope Casey doesn't get sick. My arm hurt and I was tired. I am always tired however. Good luck to him. what did the doctor say about his breathing?  Karen I hope school is going well. I am excited for boondocks. Robin those pictures of Luna are priceless. I love her smile. Wish us luck tomorrow. I hope we find some next steps. Love mom


 I walked this morning and it was cool and nice.  Oliver has been wanting me to eat lunch with him so we did today.  Ruth would not wake up this morning so I let her sleep in and woke her up to go to the school.  It was fun to eat lunch there again.  Oliver was so excited.  Ruth went out and played at recess with Oliver and I sat with Isaac for a bit.  We went and got more interfacing for Kay's quilt.  It wasn't on sale at joann's and they wouldn't let me use the coupon so we went to eh hobby lobby where it was 30 percent off.  Casey was having trouble breathing a bit ago so he made a doctor appointment which was today.  He is feeling better but still went.  He got the covid vaccine so he might be feeling sick tomorrow.  We are excited to met up with Mom and Dad.  Good luck with the doctors.




Luna was in a good mood this morning so that was fun. Jenkins wanted a walk so we went on a walk. I went to Walmart to pick up more dog food. Then Luna feel asleep so I just relaxed and watched t.v. I was being lazy. 



 My day has been good. It was meeting day so that made the day go by fast. Key Bank had free milkshakes today so we just told them what flavor we wanted and they brought them over so that was fun. Other than that it was just the usual work and then school. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, August 23, 2021


I was so tired this morning so I told Luna we should sleep longer and she did it. I was so excited. It was nice to get an extra hour in of sleep. Jenkins was dying to go on a walk so we went around the block. Then me and Luna ran errands. She just sleeps in her car she was a champ. Then when we got home we just took it easy till Jeramy got home. Luna was so chatty tonight it's so funny.


 Thanks for the video Robin.  Luna is so cute.  We had a good day.  I walked and we t to exercise class this morning.  Me and Ruth played games and did crafts today.  We are missing the boys.  They rode their bikes to school.  Oliver was worried about his ear and head but he did great and didn't fall.  The boys were happy after school.  We have a million hornets in the backyard because of the apricots rotting everywhere.  Oliver wanted a hornet trap so me and him went to the store to get some.  He was so cute.  Ruth had her kindergarten open house tonight and wore her new dress.  She was super excited.  Love you guys.




 It was payroll Monday so the day went fast. Dad drove me so he could go to seer. They are going to move the lab to the building by the apartment. So they will just have one area now. I had to pick up some cookies for a party tomorrow so he came and got me. We found a washer and dryer we like. We are going to look around. Thanks for the video she is so cute. I can't believe how fast she is growing up. Karen good luck with your classes. I can't believe it is your last fall classes. Rachel I hope the kindergarten open house was fun. Love you all so much


 My day was good. Work is still just moving along.  But I'm staying busy so it goes by fast.  After work I came home and watched my first school lecture.  It was a little dull but I made it thru.  They just recorded they live session of the class so it was just going over the silibus and introducing students.  So hopefully the next one will be more exciting.  I hope that everyone had a great Monday.  Bye

Sunday, August 22, 2021


Sorry I forgot to blog. yesterday we went down to Provo to see Jeramy s family. Then today we just kept it simple. Mom and dad came over for a bit. I smoked a TRI tip roast we got from Costco. It tasted really good. I might go back and get s few and freeze them. Hope everyone has a good Monday. Good luck.



 We spent the morning with Karen and then worked our way down to lehi. It was nice to visit with jeramy and robin and hold Luna. We came home and took naps and I did payroll for awhile. Rachel I have to admit you wear out your trampolines more than anyone I know. Your kids love to jump. I am glad you slept in. You need that. Dad is going to a meeting in the morning. Fred wanted everyone in person. Strange. Annette wrote me and said Erica is engaged. That is good.  Everyone enjoy the week. August is going to fast for me. Love mom


I skipped walking this morning and slept in.  I had a meeting this morning.  Church went ok.  I have two teachers who don't come so I need to think of two new names for a third teacher for those classes.  One teacher is pregnant and didn't feel well so they left.  I just combined a classes and it worked.  Casey worked so after church the kids played their games and I worked on Kay's quilt.  When Casey got home we finished setting up the trampoline.  After dinner we walked to the park and that was nice to get out.  Love you guys and good luck this week.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...