Friday, February 10, 2017


Well my Friday was good. It has rained here all afternoon and night. I really don't have too much to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


I hope everyone is surviving the weather.  I am excited for tomorrow.  I hope the weather is all gone by morning.  Rachel come down as soon as you want to.  I think we will meet Karen and Robin for lunch.  That will be fun.  Not much going on with me.  I am trying to get all the work done.  I am so glad it is Friday.  Not much else going on with us.  Just looking forward to the weekend.  Everyone be safe.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Today was good.  It was rainy today, it was harder because the kids wanted to play outside but it just wasn't happening today.  I signed Oliver up for preschool today and it was good to talk with Ms Traci for a minute.  I think Oliver will have a lot of fun their.  I had quilt group today and the kids did a lot better.  Isaac had a couple of things to tell everyone but he did good to play for a while.  Isaac went to Martial arts today and they did sparring and he had fun I think.  I didn't take any pictures today, sorry.  I hope that it doesn't snow any more, just rain to get ride of the snow.



Well my Thursday was good. It was a little busy at work, but nothing too bad. I am so glad that tomorrow is Friday. Rachel I think your quilt is really pretty. Good job. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

We did it

Well the quest for yellow laffy taffys is done.  We found them at Zurchers.  It has been a fun adventure for me and dad.  Robin, I am sorry your neck is sore.  I hate that.  Do you need some Traumell.  You can bring some over.  I had my yearly evaluation at work today and it was good. So that was nice.  I am hoping for a good raise.  I guess I will get it the first of April.  That was our big excitement for the night.  We did stop and get firehouse subs for dinner.  They are dad's favorite.  It is really suppose to be stormy tomorrow.  Be careful out there.  Lots and Lots of rain and snow for Logan and Kamas.  I am glad it is Friday.  No other news.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


Today was really busy... Everyone wanted everything right now... it was annoying. My neck was in knots. So I just went home and put the heat pad on. I'm watching th o.j Simpson show on netflix. It's interesting. I was younger when it all happened and I didn't know everything invovled. It's obvious he was guilty.


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Moving right along

I like your quilt alot rachel. Good job. Today was chill. I went on break in the afternoon and took a walk. It felt so good to be outside. I had to work at scheels today.  But i don't have to work again until Monday so I'm super jazzed. I picked up cafe rio soup in the way home because it sounded really good. Have a good thursday


It was so pretty today, I love it.  It is good for the soul.  We went to story time at the fun park and Oliver was so cute.  He was showing a boy and his Mom where to go in the soft play and then he was pretending to be all the animals they were doing, it was so cute.  We played outside until Isaac came home.  After homework we played out in the backyard until Isaac had martial arts.  He stayed for both classes and his teacher said he is getting better each time.  We picked up pizza for dinner and then it was bed time.  I finished putting together my sampler quilt from my quilt group.  I love it, it was fun to do. 


No laffy taffy yet

Work was good, I was really busy and I didn't get a lunch hour so we left early and went looking for yellow laffy taffy's.  We didn't find any at Walmart so we will continue our search tomorrow.  Robin thanks for texting me about the free day at the Discovery Museum on March 25th.  That sounds really fun.  Let's play!!!! Karen, I am sorry you didn't get fajitas.  We will get you some next weekend when we go up to Logan for Oliver's birthday.  I do so love this weather.  It has been nice.  Today was Grandma's birthday.  She made it to 87.  Everyone have a great day tomorrow.  It is suppose to be really warm before the storm.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. It was nice and sunny out side. It was one of those days where I thinkthey should cancel work because it is to pretty outside. Fajitas were sounding good so I remebered that Heber had a Lee's. So I drove over there and to my disappointment they didn't sell Fajitas at that Lee's. Sad. Oh well what can you do. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Today was good. We went to olive garden for lunch. It was a girls birthday. Then i worked late. I started watching the new oj movie on netflix. The episodes are long but it's interesting. Ruth is growing up so fast. She's a cutie



I like this weather also, the air is so fresh and clean.  It snowed this morning but it was a wet heavy snow and then it was kind of sprinkling in the afternoon.  Isaac had school and we just cleaned up around the house.  Henry came over and I got pizza for lunch.  We made cookies and did perler beads.  Then Imogene came over and played.  We went outside with her and that was fun.  Isaac did sledding and Oliver swung with Imogene and they were laughing and having fun.  Me and Ruthie tried to shovel a bit off of deck so she could walk but I wasn't super successful.  Casey didn't have scouts since their were no boys coming so he worked on the jeep until I left for young women.  We heart attacked two houses and it was a lot of fun.  It was super windy and cold but it was fun to run around, it was a nice night.  Thanks for calling Isaac Mom, he had fun making lists and talking with you.  He is excited for this weekend.  I think it would be fun to go to Quilt's etc.


Loving the weather

Ok, I am really liking the weather.  The rain is nice and so are the warmer temperatures.  Work was good.  They hired a new data specialist and she started today.  I spent most of the day training her.  I did go in a little later because I am over my hours.  I did laundry tonight and that was good.  I was running out of clothes.  Rachel and the kids are coming down on Saturday.  I didn't know if anything sounded fun.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Well it rained here most all day. It did have a rain/snow for a little bit. Work was good. I did have meetings to go to, so that took up a chunk of the day. I went after work and got gas in my car. I hope everyone had a great day.

Monday, February 6, 2017


Today was pretty chill. I ju st worked at maggie which was nice. I went to gordmas to pick up new shoes. I had a 5 dollar coupon which was fun. Then I got waffle luv for dinner I just napped the rest of the night

Rachel I heard of a new Broadway play. Dear evan hansen. I haven't heard the whole play but the song "only us" is really cute. I might by the cd and checkout the whole thing.


Today was good.  Isaac's teacher thought Isaac was ready to walk in by himself so we did that today and he did really well.  It is all me wanting to walk him in, it is hard to let him go.  We went and ran some errands and then went on a walk which was nice except the sidewalks are full of dog poop.  Henry was sick today so I picked up Isaac.  Henry is moving also in March and that makes me sad but it will be fun for the to buy a house.  I watched Neve this afternoon and she is cute and easy to take care of.  Isaac had martial arts and had a good time.  After dinner we walked down to Ron's house to picked up something for scouts.  It was raining but still nice outside.  Mandy sent the kids a package with backpacks, stars wars stuff and a star wars cook book.  It was nice of here.  We made star wars ice sabers from the book, it was fun.   That is a long day Mom, I hate days like that.  I hope that they find someone soon.


This is Isaac's Robot that he works on for hours.

Big busy day

Well I went to work early and stayed late.  I got 10 hours in today.  I get to leave early one day for sure.  We interviewed someone for the job but she didn't pass the test so we are back to the drawing board.  Darn it.  Oh well things will move along I guess.  Dad took me to Del Taco for dinner and it tasted really good and then we went grocery shopping.  We started watching a new series on Netflix called No tomorrow.  So far it is pretty cute.  LOVE MOM


Well my Monday has been good. It did snow for most of the day, but it was warm enough so it didn't stick. I got Oliver's birthday present in the mail today. So I am all set for his birthday now. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, February 5, 2017


The weather is really nice, it is nice to have it warm and the snow melt a bit.  We went to church and it went good.  Oliver even went to nursery by himself.  Casey made soup for dinner and it tasted really good.  We played outside for a while and it was really nice.  The kids liked splashing in the water.  Oliver lasted the longest and rode his scooter around.  Kelly came over this evening to pick up his driver's licence and helped Casey work on the jeep for a while.  Isaac drew the cutest picture at church.  It is a picture of him praying for a car and it says "Could I have a car".



I had to work at scheels. But it was sooo slow they let me go home early. Which was nice. I really didn't want to work. So I came home and took a nap then finished my hat. Hope everyone has a good week


Nice Weekend

Today grandma had Susan and Jani and wanted to watch the superbowl so we went to church.  It was nice to go.  Our ward changes to much, I hardly recognized anyone.  We just vegged after that and watched movies.  I have to go to work early tomorrow so that will be good.  I can leave early.  Not much else going on with us.  It was so nice and warm outside.  We even had to open the door and use our fans.  LOVE MOM


Well things are good here in Kamas. I had a nice day. Nothing exciting to report. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...