Saturday, November 28, 2020

Fun times

 Thanks so much for the fun Thanksgiving and Black Friday.  I sure had fun.  It was just so nice to be with everyone and to get a new addition to our family.  YEAH.  Everyone have a wonderful Sunday.  LOVE MOM 

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Safe and sound

 We made it safe and sound to Logan. Rachel made us a roast and it tasted good. We had fun. We are all sleeping downstairs. It is nice we haven't done that for a lot ng time. Everyone one drive safe. Love mon


 Mom and Dad made it up to Logan.  We are all excited to have them.   The kids are super excited.  We had a fun day.  No one had school which was nice.  We took Tony to the dog parks and played there for a while.  The croods 2 came out today we went went to the movie theater to see it.  We got popcorn and it was fun to go.  It was a pretty good movie.  We cleaned the house and then just played and waited for Mom and Dad.  Thanks for coming up.  We will have a fun time.




 My day was good. I got to sleep in. Then I got my dishes done. I also got my stuffing made and my dessert made. I hope everyone had a great day and I will see you tomorrow. Bye 

Tuesday, November 24, 2020


 Today was the last day of school for the kids.  Ruth had Thanksgiving feast at her school and had fun. She brought cookies.  We walked this morning and walked to pick up the boys.  Isaac told me it was very embarrassing for me to pick him up but I like it so I am going to keep doing it.  I made the brine the afternoon and some bars Isaac likes.  We used the gift card Mom got us for panda.  It was really busy but it tasted good.  Isaac loved it.  Oliver made a puppy balloon at school and they had a balloon parade.  Karen bought Tony a vibration toy and it came today.  He likes it and the kids like it also.  Thanks again Karen.  I am excited for Thanksgiving.  Thanks guys.



So excited

 I am so excited for Thanksgiving. We are going to Logan after work tomorrow. I guess Alyssa and Chris have covid now. Kay canceled her Thanksgiving dinner. I did laundry today and tomorrow I will get organized. Love mom


 My day was good. It was cold 🥶 today. Work was good it was meeting day so it went by quick. After work I went to Food Town and got stuff to make my stuffing. I took tomorrow off so I am going to sleep in. I hope everyone had a great day bye 


Today was good. I got alot done so that was nice. I am most likely going to leave work early tomorrow because I can. I took jenkins on a walk and it was cold this morning. Jeramy came home and the turkey is pretty frozen so we are de thawing it now. Jeramy read all the ways to prep the turkey. And we bought a nice pot so it can thaw in water for a while. 


Monday, November 23, 2020


Today was good for a monday. I'm so glad we only have to work till Wednesday. tomorrow we are going to try and brine our turkey tomorrow. So hopefully it goes well. 



 I had to go into work early this morning and do screenings.  I stayed all day and got a lot of payments done.  I am kind of looking forward to working from home the rest of the week.  All two days. I can get organized working at home.  I looked on the black Friday.  Kohls does have good sales on boots.  I was excited about that one. I will try and find Smith's market place ads to see what they have.   Not much else going on with us.  I did do some grocery shopping so that was nice.  I am so ready to play.  LOVE MOM 


 We walked this morning and it is getting dark again.  Isaac went to school and called and said he was sick around 10:30.  I went and picked him up.  He ate a bit and felt better I think.  It is hard to tell.  I think he is ok.  Ruth had dance class and she had a fun time.  She loves it.  Nothing too exciting happened.  I was able to work for a bit on a program me and Dad are working on.  I am learning a lot and that is what matters.  Love you guys.



Oliver drew a dog in space which was cute.


 My day has been good. I hope up and went to work. It was a little quiet at work but it was nice. It started snowing about 3 o'clock here. I think it was because I washed my car yesterday. That always seems to make it storm. Then after work I came home and took my time and motion study final. Tomorrow I am going to work on my final for technical writing. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE 

Sunday, November 22, 2020


 Thanks for the fun weekend and for all the food.  We are going to have a fun Thanksgiving.  I always hate it when everyone has to leave.  We wore Tony out today.  I walked him this morning and then we took him to the park and he ran a million miles.  After everyone left me and Casey walked him to deliver birthday cards for primary.  He slept the rest of the night.  Everyone have a good Monday.  I am glad it is a short week.  The kids only have school for two days.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...