Saturday, November 28, 2015


Thanks for the fun thanksgiving. I made pancakes tonight on my new skillet. It was delicious. I also started to unpack my place a bit mostly my craft room. I still have a bit to go but it's coming along. I moved my computer and shifted my surgery over. I have a spot to cut now. I think it will work out. Tomorrow I don't work so I am hoping to get a good chunk of projects started for christmas. Have a good sunday. Sorry your power isn't working karen.


Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Good News

In good news Josh Groban announced new tour dates and he is coming in August.  I think we should all go, it would be fun.  I am excited.  I got adds on my door step today and their is a lot of good stuff.  I am excited.  I mostly looked at the toys and they had a lot that Isaac wants on sale.  Oliver was still sick today.  He didn't fever but still didn't feel good.  He was alright this morning and I put him down for a nap and he didn't nap long.  After that he just wanted me to hold him.  He would fall asleep and then I would lay him down and he would cry.  So I just held him on the couch and watched Isaac played.  Isaac said he had a good day which is good.  I thought Oliver would like soup for dinner so I picked some up for him and nuggets for Isaac but Oliver wasn't too interested in soup.  We played playdough in the evening and they boys liked that.  Well everyone drive safe.  I hope that it doesn't snow too bad tomorrow.  Be safe.


My bags are packed

I am ready for the fun to begin.  I think I am going to slip out early from work tomorrow.  I am ready for the holidays.  Dad and I are driving separately because we are taking the Jeep in on Friday to see if they can see what is wrong with the heating/cooling system.  Once we know what the problem is then we can decide how to fix it.  We met Karen and Robin for dinner tonight.  It was fun. We stopped by JoAnns and man it was a busy place.  The shopping has started for sure.  I hope that Oliver is in on the med.  LOVE MOM

Monday, November 23, 2015


Today was good work was crazy buzy. I had the night off from scheels so that was nice. I finished unpacking my room. I just have a few straggler boxes left. I got my deposit back from my other apt. So that was fun. I am set for black Friday. Although all the weather reports are stating it's going to be a white friday with lots of snow. Have a good tues


Wish me luck

I am glad that Oliver's fever broke.  They get so sick when they are little like that.  I hope he gets feeling better soon.  We drove up and helped Karen.  It was fun to go visit her and we found another breaker that goes to the garage.  Hopefully we just missed resetting it yesterday and it is good to go.  Robin, I am so glad you got 100 back on your deposit.  That is really fun.  I go to the allergist tomorrow.  I am nervous about that.  I had a dream that I was allergic to high fructose sugar and I had to give up coke and M&M's.  Karen has a doctor's appointment tomorrow afternoon so we are hooking up for dinner and then going to Costco.  Robin do you want to hang with us?  Not much else going on.  Prayers are with you Rachel that the kids will get feeling better.  LOVE MOM


Oliver had a fever through the night and didn't sleep well.  He didn't have a fever in the day time but he was so grouchy.  Casey took Isaac to school and ran the the store for a few things while I sat with Oliver.  I have been wanting a french dip sandwich so we got that for lunch.  Casey and Isaac played in the leafs for a while and then Casey had to leave.  Oliver didn't take a long nap and was grouchy when he got up.  We did crafts and puzzles and he calmed down and was good the rest of the night.   Over all it wasn't too bad of a day.  I am glad that you got everything fix Karen.



Well mom and dad came up again tonight because I was still having trouble with my garage. But I think we have it all fixed now. Thanks again for your help. My day was good. Although work seemed to drag a little bit. I made it thru though. I only have to work a half day tomorrow, but I do have to go to the doctor so that might make up for it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Nice Day

We had a good day we went up and helped Karen with her circuit breaker, it was acting weird.  We replaced it and then went to Einstein bagels for lunch.  It tasted really good.  I found some tablecloths for Thanksgiving.  I am so worried about Oliver.  I hope he gets feeling better soon.  He is just so little.  Isaac is such a good kid.  Yesterday at Panda he reaches over and pats Oliver on the head and rubs his hair.  It was so cute. If you need me to come up and help just let me know.  We did get a nap and that was nice.  I am excited for Thanksgiving and shopping also.  LOVE MOM

Thunder and Lighting

We continued on with the Thunder and Lighting races today and his thunder car won, it was pretty exciting.  We just stayed in our pajamas today and rested.  Oliver didn't feel well and had a fever in the afternoon, poor little guy.  Isaac was good to play while me and Oliver rested, he was really sweet.  Me and Isaac made that worm cake that you got Mom.  It was fun to make and Isaac liked the worms.  Robin thanks for making Ruth's name in vinyl.  I love it, you are so sweet.  We can make Walmart's black Friday sales.  JC Penny's starts at 3 and Shopko is at 4 so we can just go to Walmart next.  I am excited to shop.



Thanks for coming up to Kamas and helping fix that breaker mom and dad. Other than it has been a quiet day. I made BBQ chicken and rice-a-roni for dinner. It tasted really good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...