Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Good News

In good news Josh Groban announced new tour dates and he is coming in August.  I think we should all go, it would be fun.  I am excited.  I got adds on my door step today and their is a lot of good stuff.  I am excited.  I mostly looked at the toys and they had a lot that Isaac wants on sale.  Oliver was still sick today.  He didn't fever but still didn't feel good.  He was alright this morning and I put him down for a nap and he didn't nap long.  After that he just wanted me to hold him.  He would fall asleep and then I would lay him down and he would cry.  So I just held him on the couch and watched Isaac played.  Isaac said he had a good day which is good.  I thought Oliver would like soup for dinner so I picked some up for him and nuggets for Isaac but Oliver wasn't too interested in soup.  We played playdough in the evening and they boys liked that.  Well everyone drive safe.  I hope that it doesn't snow too bad tomorrow.  Be safe.


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