Friday, January 31, 2014


Robin, those cards are really pretty.  Thank you.  That is a lot of work and they are beautiful.  I am excited.  We had a good day.  I went to the doctors this morning and everything looks good.  They baby is growing good.  Casey watched Isaac while I went, Isaac wasn't feeling great today and was kind of grumpy.  Casey went to get some things for the car when I got back and then headed to work.  Getting parts for the car took longer than he thought so we were able to meet him for lunch which was fun.  Isaac took a nap and I pinned a quilt to be quilted.  It was hard on my back so I didn't go very fast but I am almost done.  Drive safe tomorrow and I am excited for a fun day.


Thursday, January 30, 2014

Not a surprise

Today was good I am ready for Friday. Sorry about your teeth Karen I hate how you have to pay hundreds of dollars and take work off and the are dumb. I have my appointment tomorrow hopefully they are fast. Not to much else with me I was going to surprise everyone but it's not really a big thing I quilled cards for valentines day I did that most of the night. I posted pictures because it's not a secret anymore :) we'll have a great night. 

Almost Friday

I worked a long day today but I think I have almost made up all my time I took off on Monday so that is good.  I won't have to work late tomorrow.  Karen is coming down tomorrow and we are going to go see Frankenstein.  I think we are going to come up on Saturday Rachel if the weather is good.  Is that OK?  Just come up and help you with the nursery and stuff.  Nothing major just help you out and take you to lunch.  Good luck tomorrow with the doctor.  Not too much longer now.  It snowed here but it was all melted by the time I left work.  I can't believe that tomorrow is the last day of January.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Fun Times

Karen, that sucks about the dentist.  I am sorry you had cavities.  I am glad that you are getting them fixed.  It just rained up here and the snow is starting to melt.  It is crazy January weather.   We had a good day.  After lunch Isaac wanted to go to the fun park so we went for a while.  It was good to get out of the house.  In the back part Isaac was running around like a race car and a little girl was dancing.  It was fun to watch them.  I have a doctors appointment tomorrow morning.  I will let you guys know how it went.  I hope that everyone has a good night and a good Friday tomorrow.  Mom Casey said that if you come up on Saturday to drive the jeep and then he can fix the cover, I forgot exactly what he said.



Well my dentist appointment was okay. They were running behind on the teeth cleaning so they canceled the filling I was going to get which was annoying. I have three cavities so I have to go back. I also apparently grind my teeth. Who knew. I had to shovel so much snow this morning. We got over 4 inches of snow. So that was pretty much my day. Have a good Friday. Bye

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Better day

I had a better day today.  Yeah, I really needed that.  About 5:00 my boss came in and said they are changing my title to Administrative Assistant and it will be a raise.  I was really excited.  I have been really feeling like I needed a better title.  That will be good for me.  I am glad that Isaac got his car.  He was so cute on the phone he was so excited.  It is snowing here right now.  The air was so much nicer today.  Work is crazy busy but I like it that way.  I got three new projects today.  The piles will be adding up.  I ready for the weekend.  It is suppose to be nice weather.  Rachel thanks for the pictures.  I just love them.  I am glad that Casey thinks he can fix the car.  This week has gone by really fast for me as well.  Be careful out there tomorrow.  LOVE MOM


Today was good work was busy. Congrats mom. That always makes your week better :) I am good for meeting up on Friday sorry I was bad at responding it was busy and lost track of what I was doing. Nothing to excited with me I am ready for the weekend have a good night


Winter Rain

Congratulations also on your raise and new title Mom.  I am so glad that they appreciate what a hard worker you are.  That is a fun day.  We had weird weather up here also.  It snowed lightly most of the afternoon and then switched to rain this evening. Robin I am sorry Walter didn't get that job.  That would of been nice.  I hope that he has better luck in the future.  Finding jobs is hard.  Casey and his Dad towed the ford to our house tonight.  Casey doesn't think it will be too hard to fix.  He just needs to order some screws online.  I finished binding my quilt last night and I attached a picture.  I also had some pictures from this weekend I attached.  I should take more of everyone, sorry.  Today we made a fort out of his table and I attached a picture of that also.  Mom, he loves the new car you got him.  He took a nap with it and is sleeping with it tonight.  He has taken it everywhere.  Thank you.  This week is going pretty fast, I can't believe it is already Thursday.



Mom congrats on your raise that is awesome. My day was good. Work is still moving right along. Tomorrow I am going to the dentist. Hopefully it isn't too bad. It did snow a little bit this afternoon, but it didn't stick to anything so that was nice. I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Bad Moon

Rachel, I am sorry about your car.  If you need to borrow mine, we can bring it up for you.  They fixed our jeep today, I called and complained and they were very prompt and said that if we paid for the radiator they would install it for free so that is what we did.  Today at work I had ordered 50 books for a meeting tomorrow and had them shipped two day delivery.  They box came today and there were only 7 in the box and they were covered in grease.  Amazon will ship new ones but over night is Thursday.  I think it was the straw.  I am going to fight that battle tomorrow morning.  Who would deliver at 36 lb box that weighed 7 lbs.  Robin that won't be bad to work just Saturdays for a couple of weeks.  I am glad that worked out for you.  Karen, I am glad that work went well.  It is suppose to get stormy tomorrow.  Everyone be careful.  I love you guys.  MOM


Today was good I did make it to the gym. We were super tired so we just did 30 mins and went to Wendy's. Walter found out that he didn't get the job but he got an interview at ihc so hopefully it works out for him. My boss from pioneer wrote me again and a girl has a weekend job so I am going to do the Saturday shows for much ado about nothing, I will have to go in Thursday Friday to learn the track and then do that will be good, be safe tomorrow the weather is suppost to be bad


can't touch this

Well my day has been pretty good. Work stayed pretty steady so it didn't drag to bad. Is it bad that I am ready for it to be the weekend already? That is cute about hammer time. I prefer chocolate time myself, but to each his own. Mom I am glad that you got the jeep back. I hope that it lasts longer than 30 miles this time. Robin I hope that you made it to the gym or that you found something fun to do. Have a great Wednesday everyone. Bye


I made some Stromboli for dinner tonight and it was so good.  Here is a link to the recipe stromboli, we are really enjoyed it.  I will make it again.  Today was pretty good, we had story time and went grocery shopping.  I am getting to know people at story time so we stayed for a while and talked.  The ford broke today.  Casey went to go home and it was making a loud noise, so he opened the hood and the engine mounts were broken.  Casey's Dad is going to help us tow it home tomorrow and Casey is going to try to fix it.  I am sorry about your jeep Mom, but I am glad that you complained.  That makes me glad it is working out.  I hope the gym went good Robin and I hope that work went well for you Karen.  You have had some rough days lately.


Monday, January 27, 2014

Hammer Time

Mom, that is too bad about your jeep.  I am sorry.  I am glad that you are taking it to a new place and I think it is good to complain.  I am glad that your tooth is fixed.  I don't blame you for not trusting dentist.  I would just give him time and not rush into anything.  Monday's are rough, it is hard to get bad into a schedule.  I had a couple of errands to run this morning.  I picked up some glasses for Casey at the hospital and when we were leaving a old man backed his car into a van and just drove off.  I looked at the van and their was damage to it.  I didn't know what to do, I felt bad for the van.  Isaac took a nap this afternoon which was so nice.  I was able to finish quilting my quilt.  I just need to put binding on it.  I will put pictures of it when I do that.  It feels nice to have that done.  We were hammering some toy pegs today and Isaac said "It's hammer time".  It made me laugh.  Well I hope that everyone has a good day tomorrow.  Good luck everyone.



Well my Monday was good. Work went by pretty fast for a Monday, so that was super nice. I went to WalMart after work to go grocery shopping. It is nice to have food in my house again. Good luck with the gym tomorrow Robin. Mom I am sorry about your car trouble that sucks. Let me know if there is anything I can help with. Well I hope that everyone has a good Tuesday tomorrow.


Well, I can't tell you how much I hate Pep Boys at this time.  We drove the jeep today and when we stopped at the dentist radiator fluid was dripping from the bottom.  Dad thought they might have overfilled it but it didn't look like it.  So we drove it back to them and the radiator is cracked.  They said that it was a problem and it just expressed itself.  My thought is they did it and I am going to call and complain to headquarters.  I know it won't change anything but I might feel better.  I did make it to the dentist and he filled my tooth.  I liked him better than the first time I went.  I think I am going to go again and see how it goes.  I am having such a hard time trusting anyone to do anything anymore.  I really need to work on that.  I did work 1/2 a day so that was nice.  I am going to have to work long days the rest of the week to make up for it but I am OK with that.  I feel a lot better not having a whole in my tooth.  I hope everyone has a great day tomorrow.  Thanks Robin for getting my the name of the other car repair place. I am going to call them in the morning and see how much they will cost to fix the jeep.  LOVE MOM

One more

Today was good. Work was busy they had three rush orders that were pretty big. We also had a soup pot luck. I made spinach artichoke dip. I had some left over so I will have to have warm ups tomorrow. Me and Walter are going to try and go to the gym tomorrow. Hopefully I don't die. I eat so bad. I'm really tired tonight Mondays are rough have a good night


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Last birthday

Today was good I relaxed most of it, I made spinach artichoke dip for Walters family Sunday dinner. Tomorrow at work we are having a pot luck I am going to make the same dip so I just doubled it. But the dinner was fun. His niece was cute and wanted to play peek a boo with me it was cute. Thanks for coming down for Walters birthday he was really appreciative. It was fun to see everyone to. My boss from pioneer wrote me for much ado about nothing play but I decided not to do it. I feel like it's to much at the moment. I just want to play a little. Well that's about all with me hope everyone has a good week. It's suppost to snow this week so stay safe



Mom, I am glad that you got the jeep back and I am glad that you got it fixed before it got too bad.  Good job.  Karen, I am glad that you got some rest and feel better.  I feel like I didn't see you much yesterday.  Thank you again for the nice day yesterday, we had a really nice day.  Isaac wants to go to Grandma's fun park and mentioned it a couple of times today.  We went to church this morning and Jenn suggested that I bring Isaac into sharing time early before the kids get there so we left during the closing song at sacrament and sat in the room for a couple minutes before people got there.  Then I told him I would be right back and he kind of pushed me away and told me to go.  His teachers said that he did a really good job and he stayed the whole time.  I was proud of him.  When we were eating lunch he was telling us about a guy who touched the rocks.  They talked about prayer so I think he was talking about the brother of Jared.  I taught the lesson today and I used the candy Mom got and they really liked that.  It went well.  This evening we went over Randy's.  They took out the carpet in the front room and put laminate.  It looks really nice, they have done a good job redoing the house.  Well I hope that everyone has a good week, I can't believe it is the last week of January.


Quiet day

It was a quiet day.  I sure had a nice time yesterday.  Thanks everyone for coming down.  It was nice to play.  I slept most of the day also.  We did finish watching the Star Wars Movies.  That was good.  We also picked up dad's jeep so we are on the road again.  I can't believe that January is almost over with.  It will be nice to have February coming.  It is almost 6 before it gets dark now.  That always helps.  Well have a great week.  I go to the dentist tomorrow, I think it might be dentist week.  LOVE MOM


Well I think that I have slept most of today. I do feel a lot less tired now though. Sorry that I skipped dinner last night but I was super tired. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...