Work was busy but I knew it would be. Just 5 more days and then it will be more normal I hope. We had chips and dip for dinner and that tasted so good. We are going to Lehi tomorrow and then ligan Sunday and Monday. Kay is all moved out of her house. You should see the neat skeleton that dad and Karen made. It is cool. We did go to lowes to get stuff to make a stand for it. Karen got a blind for her bathroom. Love you all mom
Friday, September 1, 2023
Thanks for coming up this weekend. I am hoping we can get my sewing room functioning again. Today was good. Work was laid back. My teammate/friend was chatting a lot today which was fun. A lady brought in bruschetta and it was so good. Me and Isaac went to the store and got stuff to make it also. We have so many tomatoes it was good to use them. Ruth had a birthday party that I forgot until my calendar notified me. So we ran to the store and got a present and made it on time to the party. She had fun and was really happy. Oliver went to the library with his friend Walter. They have fun together. Casey killed a bunch of wasps in our backyard. Then we walked to the school to kill more but we didn't find any. We are close to ordering cabinets. It has been more complicated than I thought but we are really close. Everyone have a good Saturday.
Love Rachel
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Work was good. I am holding on so that is good. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I can't believe it is the 1st of September. Crazy. The sun isn't up when i leave now but I like that it isn't in my eyes. Dad and Karen are making a cool skeleton. The part will be done tomorrow. It will be fun to see how it looks. Have a nice Friday. Love mom
Today was good. We got a lot of blocks approved and I made some photoshoot samples. Oliver's teacher brought in some fancy cookies so he wanted to take us and try them. We went and got some and it was fun. We also stopped and Tony some more food and a toy. The little kids had piano lessons. Ruth is having a hard time picking it up but we are going to work together on practicing this week. I went to exercise class and that was fun. It is getting dark when I leave which is so crazy. Everyone have a good Friday.
Love Rachel
Wednesday, August 30, 2023
Today was busy but i am trying to maintain. I have mad we a major decision. I don't like doing three people jobs. Only a little bit longer and everyone will come back to work. I am so excited to see your floor Rachel that has to feel so nice. That is a huge step. We will be up on Sunday and help. I think the antibiotics the doctor gave me for my sinus is helping. I am not dizzy. I hope that lasts. Love you all mom
My day was good. It was just the usual for me. I am so glad that the week is half over. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Work was busy but I didn't fall behind so that was good. Luna called us and she loved karen. Not much else going on. How did the court day go. I hope he is OK. Rachel I am sorry they didn't help you that is lame. I am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday. Love mom
Today was good. Work was busy. We are having people help us and it takes sometime getting organized. Ruth had tumbling and it starts right when school gets out so we were late. Oliver went to the library with his friend Walter and played the switch. They are cute together. After dinner we went to home Depot to look at cabinets but we were not successful at getting help. We stopped and got Kari Ann's on the way home. The kids didn't have a lot of time for their hour so they were sad. It's fine. Love you guys
Love Rachel
My day was good. I slept good on my new mattress so that was nice. Work stayed pretty busy all day so it went by quick. After work Luna video called grandma and it was fun talking with her. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, August 28, 2023
The next two weeks might be crazy at work. Short staff. I had to work a little late tonight. Karen cooked dinner. Arby's was yummy. It is suppose to be really hot tomorrow and then cool down. I am glad you went to back to school night. It is fun to meet the teachers. I really love your kitchen Rachel. Have a nice Tuesday. I can believe that August is almost over with. Love mom
My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy. Work went good. My new mattress came and I am excited to try it out tonight. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Today was good. At work I felt like I didn't get much done, I was just getting everything organized and we had a meeting. Isaac had violin lessons and it was good to get back to them. We had back to school night tonight. I like both of the kids teachers. Isaac had Ruth's teacher in 2nd grade and she is amazing. Oliver has a huge class and a really young teacher. She said she doesn't focus too much on spelling because of Google and I thought that was dumb. She loves Oliver and had noticed all our concerns. She is on top of it. I was able to make to it exercise class and it was kickboxing which was fun. I haven't done it in a long time.
Love Rachel
Sunday, August 27, 2023
We had a quiet Sunday. It felt nice. We went to the zoo and the monkey were crazy wild. The polar bear was out walking around. He is one big bear. The elephants look good. Rachel we will come up this weekend and get that room done. That Will feel so nice. That kitchen looks so beautiful. I am so happy for you. Robin I hope your day was quiet also. Got some rest also. Everyone have a great week. Love mom
My day was good. I switched mattresses with the one in the spare room. My new one is coming tomorrow so now they will take the old one away. After lunch we went to the zoo and walked around for a bit. Other than that I just was lazy. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye
Randy and Terri came over this evening and we got over half the floor put in and all the paint touched up. It is looking great and I love it. It looks a lot like the basement. If you guys still want to come up this weekend we could use some help putting up Sheetrock downstairs and paint that. Also putting on the baseboards. We are hoping to order the cabinets this week and hopefully have them to install next weekend. We slept in and then went to church. Casey worked for a bit. Then we just worked on the kitchen the rest of the night. Kimi and Max came over also and the kids had fun playing together. Casey also got all the lights replaced and they look really nice.
Love Rachel
We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...