Friday, August 11, 2017

The fair through the years

I couldn't help myself and compared the pictures of the fair from other years.

Happy Birthday Dad

I hope dad had a great birthday. My day was good. I am so glad that it is the weekend. I am excited to play tomorrow. Bye

Happy Birthday Dad

I am glad that Dad had a good birthday.  We had a good day.  We walked to the library for story time which was fun.  We haven't been in forever.  The kids are getting older so it isn't so hard to walk there anymore.  After Ruthie woke up from her nap we went grocery shopping.  When Casey came home we went to the bank to get a loan for a new car.  Then we came home and had dinner and then went to the fair.  It was fun and the kids had a good time.  It is always fun and they have the same stuff every year so it brings back good memories.  We will be down tomorrow between 11 and 12 for lunch.  Thanks for having us, it will be fun.



Yeah we made it to Friday.  I am so glad it is the weekend.  Dad wanted firehouse subs for his birthday dinner so we picked those up and that was nice.  We also hit the grocery store so we are ready to eat for the weekend.  Robin, I hope your ball was a lot of fun.  Did everyone love your dress.  Everyone drive careful tomorrow.  I think we are planning on hooking up around 11:00 for lunch.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, August 10, 2017


That sounds like a good plan.  Do we need to pick up the canoe before lunch?  We are just going to come down Saturday morning and then leave Sunday morning.  That sounds like a nice day Mom, I like eating outside.  We had a good day.  The kids slept in and then we went swimming.  We got their right when it opened at 12 and stayed until 4.  I swear we spent half the time eating snacks though.  We came home about the same time as Casey.  He wanted to test drive a car and Ruthie was sleeping so he took Isaac and I stayed home with Oliver.  He didn't like it, it was leaking oil but it was good to drive that type of car.  He has been looking at a Subaru outback.  We went on a evening walk after dinner and it was nice.  The kids are getting a lot stronger and can make it up the hills and it makes it a lot easier.  Love you guys.



That sounds good for Saturday :) today was good. It was the owners 75th birthday party. They had a neil.diamond look alike sing. Before we went my bosses made it very clear we were to meet the factory contacts. It was just me and the new girl that showed up. And we had dinner with our chinese.contacts. They were nice and it was fun to talk. There were 3 girls that didn't go (Megan was one of them) and my bosses were not happy they missed the party. So tomorrow will be interesting. Tomorrow is.the big fancy gala. So I am leaving work at 12 and we are taking our contacts to lunch and the bountiful arts festival. Then take them back to get ready for the gala. Should be a jam packed day. I also filled out my lagoon paper work today. She said she would email me the family days so we.can start planning :)

Good day

Today was nice.  It was someones farewell party and we went to Ruth's diner in immigration canyon.  They have a really nice patio and we sat out there.  It was so pleasant and nice to be outside.  Dad went home early just so he didn't push it too hard and I drove trax home.  I stopped by Smiths and looked around.  So I think the plan is everyone is coming to my house on Saturday and we are going to pick up the canoe after lunch.  Then head to Kamas for star watching.  Does that sound good?  Grandma is now living in Alpine.  Dirk and Melody are coming down tomorrow to help finish the move.  Everyone have a great Friday. Robin, I hope your party was fun and your dress was the hit of the ball.  Rachel, I hope you had fun swimming with the kids.  LOVE MOM


Wrll i am glad that tomorrow is Friday ( and dad's birthday) . My day was good, although work seemed a little long.  I made it thru though. Than i ran to the store after work because i was out of fruit. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Today was good work went by fast so that was nice. Steve came over for steaks tonight and we.watched sweeny todd. It was fun. Tomorrow I am.going to lagoon to.fill out then I have a It's the owners 75th birthday party. They are having an impersonator Neil diamond. Should be interesting to say the least.


Where is August Going

I think that sounds like a fun plan, thanks for switching it up.  The kids are really excited to see shooting stars.  Today was good.  We took Oliver to the ENT and the kids did really good and were well behaved.  Oliver has symptoms of breathing obstructions and his tonsils are enlarged so he wants to wait and see how he does this winter and then take him in again and see what is going on.  Isaac had a dentist appointment in the afternoon to get a spacer glued back in, he was brave and did a good job.  After dinner we went up and went hiking for a bit.  We made it to the nature center and played their for a while.  Oliver fell in the river and got wet.  Isaac made soup out of everything he could find, we had fun time.  I am glad that Dad is feeling a little better, everyone have a good night.



I talked with Rachel tonight and they would like to come to SLC and get the canoe on Saturday.  I thought we could go up to Karen's afterwards and play and watch stars.  Are you Ok with Robin?  Dad still isn't feeling 100 percent and I thought that might be better.  We can hike around Mirror Lake and go canoeing if you would like to.  Work was good.  Tomorrow we are having a farewell party/bridal shower for someone at our work.  She is getting married and moving to Phoenix.  Her almost husband is going to dental school there.  Dad's cough is a lot better.  Not much else going on with us.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. Work was work. Then after work my visiting teacher and her family came over for dinner. It was good. It is now thundering here but so far no rain. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


I am glad that the kids got some fun school stuff. Hopefully it will make them excited for school to start. My day has been good. Work is still good. I did get to skip engineering meeting, because they had training going on and they needed the conference room. Then after work I finished mowing my lawn and got stuff made for dinner tomorrow. I invited my visiting teacher and her family over. I hope it all tastes good. Have a great Wednesday tomorrow everyone.


I am sorry that Dad is sick, that doesn't sound fun.  We had a good day.  We got backpacks and lunch boxes for the kids, thank you again Karen, they love them.  They were really excited.  Then we went to the park and played until the thunderstorm got too close.  It was nice to have a cooler day.  We just played at home the rest of the day.  I was laying out the quilts for the bunk beds and when I was done Ruthie was laying out the leftover squares, it was cute.  Casey had scouts and I had young women's.  We were going to play water kickball but it took a while to find a place to play so we just ended up playing kickball.  It turned out to be fun.  Casey took the kids to ice cream while I was gone and they had a fun time.  Oliver has an appointment with the ENT tomorrow and Isaac has a dentist appointment to fix his spacer, fun times.  Oliver's preschool emailed me to the date of the open house, I am excited and sad that he is going to school.



Well dad started with croup last night.  He stayed home from work and rested.  I think he is staying home tomorrow.  He has been given airborne and I think he feels a little better.  The codeine might have helped as well :)  I met Robin after work and got dad's birthday present.  WE are all set to go.  Work was good.  I felt like I actually made some progress today.  I haven't felt that way for a couple of days.  Got rid of a lot of emails.  Not much else to report.  Good luck with your dinner tomorrow Karen.  I am sure you VT family will love it.  LOVE MOM


Today was good. Work went by slow. I met up with mom after work. We went to.coscto. thank you again for.the steaks mom. I did for get to blog my last day at the 8th. It's official. I'm filling out lagoon paper work on thursday. Have a good night


Monday, August 7, 2017


Today was pretty good.  I babysat this morning and it went pretty fast and the kids were good.  We went to Sam's for lunch and then went grocery shopping at lees.  Ruthie took a nap and was still sleeping when it was time for Martial arts so we skipped it to let her sleep.  The boys were playing so good we just played for a while.  After dinner we just played outside and Casey worked on the jeep.  Isaac did fall off the trampoline but he is ok.  Ruthie has her binki again, she was just too little but we are cutting back.  Oliver has done great without it and really hasn't missed it.  Everyone have a good Tuesday.



Well my Monday has been good. Wirk is still moving along. Then after work I mowed. I got most of it before the battery ran out, so I will finish it tomorrow.  At least it wasn't too hot outside. Have a good one bye

Good day

Today was good.  Work was super busy and went by fast.  I think working all week might be good for me.  I am getting behind.  We went grocery shopping after dinner and that was good.  I was getting low on stuff.  Rachel, I am sorry that Isaac got hurt.  I am glad he is OK.  Karen, I am sorry that the kingdom ball is on Saturday.  Robin, I would love to meet up tomorrow.  If you are too busy we can do it another time.  I am pretty flexible.  Have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

Another day older

Today was good. I had to work at scheels so it was a slow night. It took the rest of the week off of scheels because of work parties. My weeks is full of fun. Did you still want to meet up tomorrow mom? Hope everyone had a good Monday


Sunday, August 6, 2017

Quiet day

We had a quiet day as well.  I got my laundry all caught back up.  It was out of control.  We went to sacrament meeting and then came home.  Dad's headache came back so we didn't push it.  We did watch Baby Boss also and it was cute.  I took a nap as well.  I made can can casserole for dinner and it tasted good.  Robin I hope that work went OK.  I thought we would celebrate dad's birthday on Saturday.  I can't believe that your ball is coming up.  That was so far away when we got your dress.  Have a wonderful Monday.  I am going to have work all week.  That is first time in a while.  LOVE MOM


Well my day has been good. I really didn't do anything too exciting. I did get a nap so that was nice. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye

The weekend

This weekend was good.  Yesterday morning we got the car window fixed and it looks good.  We picked up the jeep and got icees at sonics.  Casey was bummed out about the jeep but he isn't sure he believes them either.  We went on a walk and then Casey and the boys slept in the tent in the backyard.  They had a fun time.  Today we went to church and I taught the lesson, I didn't do great but it is over.  Collins car needed something fixed so he brought it over and they worked on it all afternoon and got it fixed.  We are watching Boss Baby, thanks for buying that Karen.  I love that we can share them.  I hope that everyone have a good Monday, don't work too hard.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...