Friday, February 15, 2019

See ya soon at Lava Hot Springs

I just need to pack and we are ready to go.  Everyone drive safe.  I am pretty excited.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, February 14, 2019


I'm glad everyone had a good Valentine's. I'm hope you get feeling better mom. Today was fun. Jeramy sent me Roses at work. Then he cam by to my place and picked me up for paint night. We had a good time. We both went from work to paint night and didn't get dinner so we stopped at Wendy's and ate dinner after so I didn't get home till late. Hope everyone has a great friday! Robin

Happy Valentines day

ob, I am sorry I missed all the fun.  I am kind of glad that I stayed home because I think am really sick.  I even have a little fever going on.  I slept the most all day.  I am hoping that will make it go away.  Karen,  You did show us a picture of the water heater. Did they say it was past go?  robin, I hope the paint night was fun.  LOVE MOM

Happy Valentines

Good job Karen, I am glad that it is all done.  That is nice about the roses.  Mom, I am glad that you stayed home and I hope that you are feeling better.  You have been so busy.  Today was good.  Oliver got a ton of candy from school and was cute to share the girls ones with Ruth.  Isaac's class party went really well.  I had enough help I just helped with the craft which was really nice.  The kids all had a fun time and I am glad that it is over.  Isaac got a huge bag of candy also, we never need candy again.  Imogene came and played for a bit and it was nice to have her back over.  Isaac got stressed out near the end of playing.  It had just been a long day and a lot happened.  Casey brought home a heart pizza for dinner which was fun.  We just played hide and seek the rest of the night.  I started cutting out the quilts for the class.  I was noticing that February is almost over and I panicked.  Thank you again for the fabric Karen, it is so nice and fancy.



My water heater is all installed. Yeah! They came a little before 8 and finished  around 11. The relief society dropped by and gave me a rose for Valentine's day. I thought that was nice. Then after lunch I went back to work. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am excited to play. Have a great Friday tomorrow everyone .Bye

Wednesday, February 13, 2019


Today was good. I sent a report at work I've been dreading for a month so that was nice. I came home and did laundry and cleaned. It felt nice. Good luck with your water heater Karen. Everyone have a good Valentine's day. Love you


quiet day

We put a new muffler on the jeep today.  When we were up at Karen's one day all the exhaust was coming out of the wrong place.  It felt nice to get that done.  Work was good and I have been keeping up with things a lot better.  I have a bad cough.  I didn't go to Logan tonight.  The snow scared me off.  That is so cute that Isaac prayed for me.  Tell him thank you.  It doesn't look good for me coming but I hope the weather man is wrong.  I will check in the morning and see what it looks like.  Who would have thought that February would be the bad time to travel.  The weekend does look good.  Karen good luck with your water heater.  I hope you hot water for many years.  If the weather is good Friday night Karen is coming down and we are going to buy treats for the trip.  I thought that would be fun.  Oliver's present came tonight, I was excited about that one.  Everyone have a wonderful valentine's day.  I really liked your unicorn box Robin.  LOVE MOM

Sewing Day

I am glad that your water heater is working out Karen, good job.  It snowed here most of the morning and the roads were kind of bad.  I had a sewing day today.  Jenn offered to watch Ruthie while she was watching her niece who is about the same age.  They had a fun time.  Casey took a long lunch and picked up Oliver from school and Ruth.  I was worried no one would come today but there were 5 of us and it was a lot of fun.  After school we finished up Isaac's valentines and he had scouts.  The leaders wasn't sure if they would get done early so we just stayed and the little kids ran around the gym.  Casey worked late since he took the afternoon off.  It was a good day.  I hope that tomorrow is good weather.  Isaac prayed for Mom to make it to Logan tomorrow, it was cute. 



My day was good. It started snowing about 1030 this morning and it hasn't stopped yet. My water heater is suppose to be installed tomorrow morning. So wish me luck on that. I hope everyone had a great day tomorrow. Bye

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


Today was good. Work is slow so that is nice. We are having a valentines box competition at work in Thursday. I was going to make a dump truck but it was alot of work and it wasnt working. So I was frustrated, I made a unicorn instead. Its not my favorite but it's done. Robin


Work was good today.  I felt like I got a few things done today and that was nice.  It felt good.  We left early and went to Karens.  It was cold.  The guy was good so she is getting the water heater.  We came home and just chilled.  I wasn't feeling 100 percent.  I think I have dad's cold.  They are painting at work and I don't think that is helping.  I am planning on going to Logan after work tomorrow.  If the weather is bad then I won't come up until the morning.  It is always easier to drive when it is light.  It is suppose to be rain most of the day on Thursday but snow on Wednesday.  I will just be flexible and leave when it isn't bad weather.  I hope that is OK.  Robin, I hope all is going well.  I am glad that tomorrow is hump day.  We are taking the jeep in the morning to get the muffler replaced.  Dad is hoping that will help with the sound.  LOVE MOM


My day was good as well. I worked half day and then the water heater guy came. Mom and dad came up also. I was good with the quote so they are coming Thursday morning to install the water heater and a new water softener as well. Then me, mom, and dad went out to dinner. Then they left and around 830 the missionaries came by and stayed until about 9. Robin both the water heater guy and the missionaries loved the flower you drew on my wall. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was pretty normal and good.  Oliver had school and we went to story time while he was gone.  We walked to pick up Isaac and it is good to get out of the house.  Casey came home early to watch the little kids and I took Isaac to physical therapy.  His range of motion is little better which is good.   His legs hurt when he is stretching them so we talked about that.  We are going to try exercises for another three weeks.  We are thinking about getting braces for the evening and night time.  Isaac doesn't want to so we will see how it goes.  This month is flying by, I can't believe it is almost valentines day.  It is so crazy.


Monday, February 11, 2019

Late in

We have a work text message for weather alerts. And last night they said they were going to delay 2 hours. So I slept in. Everyone else showed up on time. But I was a slacker and didn't over achieve. Which I'm fine with. We cleaned our desks which was nice. It was so refreshing to deep clean. Then I came home and chilled with Jenkins. It's so cold out on our second walk his paws broke so I had to carry him in. But he was fine once we got inside. Drama queen.

Mom I went to pets mart on Sunday and made a reservation. Hes all set up and we pay when we pick him up on Sunday.



My day was good. It was super cold today. I had to shovel thus morning and it was 5 degrees outside. Work is going good. I have the water heater people coming tomorrow. I will let you know how it goes. Have a good Tuesday tomorrow everyone . Bye


I got payroll done today and that felt nice.  I left work at 2 and we went to the doctor in Ogden.  I really liked him.  He check him out and took xrays and blood work and gave him cortisone shots in both hips.  He is going to love Lava Hot Springs a lot better now.  We go back in middle of March.  We didn't get home until almost 8.  I was sure glad it wasn't snowing like last night.  Rachel, I just love that picture of Ruth in her dress.  That has to be her 3 year old picture.  It is just perfect.  Karen we are planning on leaving around 2 tomorrow so we should be up at your house around 3.  Robin, I hope your day went well.  Everyone have a nice Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

Super Star

Today was good. I worked out this morning.  I haven't been in a while so it was good to go.  Oliver had school and he had a fun time.  Isaac was the super star today so we all went to school for that.  Casey and Randy ate lunch and played at recess with him.  Oliver gets out of school at that time so we just went to the super star thing.  He was really cute.  He stood up in front of the class with his poster and went through the pictures and talked about what he likes.  Then he took questions from the class.  It was really cute and he was happy.  We worked on valentines after school.  Oliver wrote his name on all 25 for his class, it was so cute.  He is doing really well.  Isaac only got 4 done and Ruthie worked on hers.  Love you guys and hope that everyone is doing well, thanks for the fun weekend again.


I was having Isaac do his exercises and went and started drawing black x's on his eye's because he was so hungry he was dying.  He only got one line drawn before I stopped him.

Sunday, February 10, 2019


Man that storm came in a hurry and it was huge.  We have a lot of snow again.  It is because I finally got my car clear of snow.  I went to work for a couple of hours today.  That was nice to get my payroll under control.  I feel better now.  I sure had a nice weekend. Thanks everyone for the fun time.  I love the pictures.  Karen you were very productive.  Robin that is nice that you and Jeremy are having a good time together.  We are going to Ogden tomorrow afternoon to see a arthritis  doctor,  I hope I like him.  We are leaving around 2:00.  I am looking forward to next weekend.  Robin let me know how you want to handle the boarding for Jenkins.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun Saturday. Today was chill. It was nice. Jeramy signed us up for a paint night on Thursday. I didn't have any plans tonight so we decided to also meet up tonight. We went to black bear diner and then the lego movie. It was fun. It was so snowy on the way home but I made it safe. Getting to work tomorrow might be a challenge. I forgot I couldn't post pictures in my app. I had to go online so I will post picts tomorrow because I'm to lazy to rewrite this. :)



Today was good.  We went to church this morning and that went well.  We are set to miss next week and I am excited.  Ruthie looked really really cute in her new dress, thank you.  At dinner it started snowing and it dumped like a foot of snow.  It was crazy.  Me, Casey and Oliver shoveled and it was fun.  Thanks again for the fun weekend.  It was so good to see everyone and we did a lot of fun things.  Love you guys.  Here are a ton of pictures.


Isaac's super reader picture


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...