Monday, February 11, 2019

Super Star

Today was good. I worked out this morning.  I haven't been in a while so it was good to go.  Oliver had school and he had a fun time.  Isaac was the super star today so we all went to school for that.  Casey and Randy ate lunch and played at recess with him.  Oliver gets out of school at that time so we just went to the super star thing.  He was really cute.  He stood up in front of the class with his poster and went through the pictures and talked about what he likes.  Then he took questions from the class.  It was really cute and he was happy.  We worked on valentines after school.  Oliver wrote his name on all 25 for his class, it was so cute.  He is doing really well.  Isaac only got 4 done and Ruthie worked on hers.  Love you guys and hope that everyone is doing well, thanks for the fun weekend again.


I was having Isaac do his exercises and went and started drawing black x's on his eye's because he was so hungry he was dying.  He only got one line drawn before I stopped him.

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