Saturday, July 3, 2010


well I'm alive i worked at lagoon this evening. There is a traveling show that is coming in for a few weeks and so we had to help them all night get set up. It was fun but I'm pretty tired. well nothing to spectacular I am going to try to make it up to logan tomorrow for dinner. see you tomorrow.


nice day

It was a nice day here. Karen and Dad put together some shelves in the garage so I was able to move a lot of boxes out in the garage and it really helped make the house not so cluttery. I am liking it. There is still miles to go but I am slowly making progress. Should get carpet in some time next week. I hope. We went and saw Airbenders tonight. It was OK. Special Effects were good. I organized a lot of my sewing today and that felt nice. I have a lot of neat projects to do. I will be glad when I am done getting the house ready and I can just sit and do projects again.


Friday, July 2, 2010

safe and sound

Karen made it to Logan safe and sound. YEAH. We watched Percy Jones and the Lightening Bolt tonight. It was good. Grandma is still struggling a little bit but did better walking tonight. I hope she was just tired from the weekend. Not much else to report. I did get my first RSVP's tonight for the shower. That was good.


Thursday, July 1, 2010


well today was about the same as yesterday but the power stayed on. It was just hot. It kinda makes me tired. by the end of my shift i feel drained. I don't know if driving would work out but we can try and see if it will all come together. We can meet up for dinner tomorrow , friday. If you would like. I am not working at night. I will text everyone tomorrow. well have a great night, drive safe karen


Here we go

Well I am ll packed and ready to go. I am excited to come up and see everyone. I would just like to point out that no matter how hot it is up north is it much hotter down here. Work was a bit slow today and I except that it will be really slow tomorrow because I lot of people were taking the day. The engineer who sits next to is gone because his wife had their baby today. It was a boy 7 pounds 9 ounces. Well I hope that everyone has a great Friday. BYE


Sorry I didn't blog last night, I fell asleep. Yes robin if you want to drive with me that would be good, I am flexable and really don't have any plans. It sounds like it was a hot day for everyone yesterday. I think that it was Monday the power went out at work, they have a generator but it doesn't run the ac so it was hot. They made a mistake with my brides maids dress and it won't be done until the end of july, which sucks. It is frusterating. Well I don't have much going on. Casey is working a lot and I have been watching a ton of glee. It is exciting. I am looking forward to this weekend.



Robin if you want to drive up with RAchel talk with her and see what works out. Casey has to work this weekend also. She might enjoy the company. Not much going on here. Just a quiet day. I am tired though. I am going to work a little bit on packing up some books in the computer room. Declutter is my goal right now. Karen good luck driving tomorrow I am excited for you to come up. Drive careful. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Well today was interesting. I went to the movie shoot and did makeup, then I worked at four so I left half way through. Then at lagoon the air conditioning wasn't working so it was a million degrees and the dancers were hot in there outfits so I had to run back and forth trying to find something similiar in storage. then when that was figured out the power went out so we couldn't run the show. The rides were down to. The told us we could go home early and just as we were about to leave the power came on...... so we had to finish our last show... ugh it was a long day I'm pretty tired. This weekend I don't work friday but have a meeting in the morning. Then I work saturday and sunday. On sunday I work in the morning so If you want to I can drive up to logan after words for dinner. I have to work monday morning but I can stay on sunday for a while. or saturday i work in the morning also. what ever is easy. well I am going to hopefully sleep. :)



I got all the invitations addressed tonight and I am going to mail them off tomorrow. One off the check list. They came and got the stuff for the garage sale tonight so dad can park in the garage again. At least until I get more stuff to send off. I do have another week. I am excited for Karen to come up. I am glad they aren't doing road construction. That will be nice. I had to do rice socks tonight because we ran out. I hate doing them. All that rice to so heavy. I get real tired fast. I am only doing 60 lbs and that is a lot to carry around. I am tired. I think I will try bed early again. Well have a great thursday. We made it over hump day.



Well the motor on the air conditioner broke in engineering today fro about 2 hours after lunch today. It got a bit warm in engineering but we all survived. At least they got it working again. I have just finished doing laundry yeah me for not putting it off too long. Tomorrow I get to pack and then the next day I get to come up to Logan. They said on the radio this morning hey said that they are going to stop the road construction on I-15 from Friday at noon until after the holiday. Which is going to make the drive up north a whole lot better. Are you working the whole holiday weekend Robin? I am excited to see you this weekend Rachel. I hope that everyone has a great rest of the week. BYE

this and that

Robin I am good if you can't come to the shower. There are way to many people invited and that is fine with me. Rachel, hiking is great with me. We could go up in the mountains where it is cool and have a picnic. Suggestions for presents would be good.


right through the head

Well we shot again today. Tomorrow was suppost to be our last day of shooting but one thing leads to another so we have to shoot next tuesday. But today I did a bullet hole nothing to out there but it was fun. Tomorrow I am going to help out in the morning and then I work at lagoon at night. so tomorrow is packed to. I don't know if I will be able to make it to vickies shower anymore. I got the morning off of lagoon. but someone wants me to do makeup for a photoshoot and its paid. its a bit harder to say no to that :) well I am going to head for bed

signing out

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Im off

Instead of being off to bed I am going to go and see the midnight movie of twilight. I am meeting everyone at villiage inn and they we are going to the movie. It should be fun. Robin I really like your pictures they are gross. I called my old job and told everyone their, I think that everyone knows now, it is exciting. We were thinking instead of sailing for my birthday we could go hiking somewhere, just go somewhere fun. Does that sound fun, let me know what you think. Casey has to work this weekend so I thought mabye I would go to logan for a day and see everyone. Well have a good night and I will let you know how dreamy jacob is tomorrow.

no rain

Well there are storm clouds here also, but no rain. Just wind and humidity. It was 105 today and with the humidity it was really hot and muggy. I am impressed with your torture victim Robin, it looks real. My day was good here. Work was a little slow but not as bad as it has been so that is nice. I went to the grocery store after work cause I needed so more bottled water. It was hard work carrying that up the stairs to my apartment, but I made it. I hope that Grandma fells better soon. Tell dad that it has been windy down here ever since he took his kite back up to Logan. Well have a great day everyone.


I got the invitations all done tonight and now I am going to start mailing them out YEAH Robin you are amazing that looks so real. It made me sick. You are good at gruesome that is for sure. Grandma wasn't feeling so good today so I went and got KC for dinner and she is watching Jeopardy. We had an amazing thunderstorm right now. I was driving in it. Good luck tonight Rachel I hope you have a good time. LOVE YOU GUYS MOM

torture victim

Well I only ended up torturing one person but it was still fun. I posted pictures below. We are shooting tomorrow and wensday and cross your fingers shooting should be done :) I am really tired tonight though. I feel like I'm running a million miles. Anyway Nothing else to exciting have a great night. :)

Monday, June 28, 2010

Back to the real world

Well I am back to the real world. Work, Laundry and life. I got the invite done for Vickie's shower and I am going to go see if I can get it made tomorrow. Wish me luck. I am excited for you to go to the movie tomorrow Rachel. I am jealous. It sounds so much fun. I hope you had a good time making people tortured today. Karen I am so excited for you to come up. Anything sounds good to eat? Let me know.

Have a great tuesday.

Twilight Tomorrow

I am going to the new mignight showing of twilight tomorrow night. I am excited it should be fun. I told everyone at the work the good news and they were really nice. It went well, I am glad that it is over. Tonight Casey had to work so I playd Mario Galaxy, Games suck me in and before I know it a couple of hours are gone. It is a pretty fun game.


Well I had a good weekend is was fun having mom and dad down here. It sounds like Rachel and Robin had a busy weekend. Today was good nothing too exciting. I am excited to come up to Logan this weekend. Rachel since it is almost July I was wondering if you had any suggestions for what you would like for your birthday. I hope that you had a good time shooting your movie Robin I hope that you have a great time torturing people (that just sounds weird to say). Have a great one. BYE

Sunday, June 27, 2010

squeeze in time

Well today was good. Mom and dad made it safe and sound then I had to work at lagoon. nothing to crazy. I am going to be shooting on the film tomorrow and tuesday so it will be makeup day. I get to torture two people tomorrow for the film. I am excited. I will try to get some good photos and post them . :) anyway I am going go get some shut eye. don't work to hard



We had a good weekend. I had a good night with grandma on Friday. Casey had to work all day yesterday but I dragged him to the Farmer market before hand. It was nice. Then I sat up with him at the lab for a while and finished my book and started a new on. I am 30% through that one. Then about 3 I left and went grocery shopping. Then I walked to the arts fair and walked around, it was really crowed. Casey picked me up and we went to dinner. We went on a walk today and it was fun. I am glad that everyone had a good weekend. I am glad that Karen made a major purchase. That is awesome.

Home again Home again

We made it home safe and sound. Thanks for the fun weekend. I guess mine started real early but I had a good time. St. George was fun. I hate to have to start a new week. I am glad I only have to work this week and then I have a three day weekend. Fun. Karen drive safe up here. It is a cold 85 here today you might need a jacket. Have a great week.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...