Saturday, September 24, 2016


I had a nice days also. I met mom and dad for lunch and then we went to the outlet stores. Then I came home and put beef jerky in my smoker. Since it was still kind of rainy i put it under the patio by my kitchen window. Since it was cold and mosit outside it took a while to dry. I am excited to play tomorrow. Bye


We had a nice day.  WE slept in and then cleaned the house for a bit and then met Karen for Lunch.  It was nice we went to Park City and got Taco Bell.  It tasted good.  Robin we will be at the park around the same time you have to be there so that will be good.  I think Grandma is coming.  She called and said she would come.  We will see what morning will bring.  I am super excited also.  We went to Columbia house and I got me a coat and a jacket.  I know it was random.  I was excited.  I got a $25.00 gift card also that is good in October.  I love the pictures Rachel.  I am glad you got a date night.  That is fun.  LOVE MOM

Lagoon Tomorrow

Sorry I didn't blog last night.  The boys were spending the night with Randy and we watched a movie.  We have had a good two days.  Friday Isaac didn't have school and it was a fun day.  We went grocery shopping and then to the jump zone.  The kids had a fun time and was happy.  Everyone but Isaac took a nap when we got home so I made salsa with all our tomato's.  Randy called and wanted the boys to spend the night so they went up their.  They had a fun time and did great and slept great.  Me and Casey ran some errands and then put Ruthie asleep and watched a movie on vudu.  This morning.  Me and Ruthie went to the hobby lobby but they didn't have what I wanted to we started to go to Joanns but they were starting the home coming parade so we just went home.  Casey wanted to clean the headlights on the jeep so we went to the car parts store and then picked up the kids.  Casey cleaned the headlights and then installed the trailer hitch to the van.  I played with the kids, they just wanted to play at home and it was fun.  We are super excited for tomorrow.  Isaac has talked about nothing else.  See you then.



Today was good. I mostly worked at lagoon. They needed someone to babysit the puppet again so I stayed late. I am getting old I feel tired. I'm not getting to the park till 12:30 tomorrow so I will text you when I am done. See you tomorrow


Friday, September 23, 2016

I did it

I made it through a whole week of work.  It was the first full week in a while.  I loved the rain.  It made very thing look so green.  Robin, I am glad you did makeup in the rain.  I bet it wasn't very crowded with the football game.  I am so excited for Sunday.  We will go to lunch at Panda Express and then come to Lagoon.  I think we will get there around noon and then we won't be too tired when you are done working.  That will be perfect.  Not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM

Show must go on

Today was good. Long for a friday. Maggie was busy, and then I worked at lagoon. The still had shows in the rain so I had to do makeup. On sunday I don't have to do zombies so after my last makeup I will come out. It will hopefully be around 4 or 5. Not much else have a good night



I am glad that the weekend is finally here. Work went good. It was busy so it went by fast. After work I started to make some soup on the stove. I also cut up and marinate beef jerky to cook tomorrow. So hopefully it won't rain all day tomorrow.  Have a great Saturday tomorrow everyone.  Bye

Thursday, September 22, 2016


Mom, I am still good with lunch.  If it is open until 8 I think that is plenty of time for us.  I am up for anything though if anyone has a great plan let me know.  Today was good.  The kids didn't sleep great last night so I was tired today.  I took the two little ones on a walk this morning, we haven't done that forever.  It was my day for the carpool and the boys are really cute, I think it will work out great.  Isaac wants to kragle his lego train together so we worked on that while Ruthie was napping.  Neave and Imogene came over and played for a while, it rained really really hard while they were here.  It was pretty cool.  After dinner my visiting teachers came over so Casey and the kids went up to visit Randy and I joined up after I was done.  Oliver wants to go to Aunt Karen's house and talks about it a lot.  I recorded a video of it.



Well the storm finally made it.  I could feel it all day.   It is raining here now.  Karen I am glad you have power back.  We meet Karen and Robin for dinner and it was nice to visit.  Thanks Robin for the tickets. Rachel what time do you want to meet up?  Robin says they open really early so we are good anytime.  I was thinking around lunch time but anything works for me.  Work was good.  It has really calmed down and that is nice.  I am enjoying the moment for sure.  Have a nice day.  Tomorrow is a Utah football game so coming home should be interesting.  I am going to take trax home.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Well today was an interesting day. I took a half day today because I had a doctor's appointment. When i got to my place at noon I didn't have any power. So I had to report an outage to the power company.  They came out about an hour later and said that the main line for my neighborhood had gone bad and it was going to take a couple of hours to fix. By this time I had to leave for my appointment so I didn't care too much. Then I went to my appointment. My a1c was down so that was good. I get to have blood work to check my thyroid next time so that should be exciting. Then I met mom, dad, and Robin for dinner at valley fair mall. It was fun. We went to costco and got some more meat so if the weather is good Saturday i can make more beef jerky. That is it for my day. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow.  Bye

Wednesday, September 21, 2016


Today was ok. The girl I hate was pissing me off so bad today. I might be starting soon but I almost needed bail money. Lol. I came home and started working on the steam punk tin man. A girl at work is being the tin man and I am taking over her costume. So I got some I saw now you see me 2. It was pretty good. We'll I will plan on seeing mom and karen tomorrow. What time 4 or 5 ish?? Just text me and I will there


Shake it

We had a huge storm move in at bed time.  We were singing songs in the dark and I saw flashes by the window so I asked Isaac if he was flashing something.  He said it might be lightning so he looked outside and it was.  Then it started to rain really hard and thunder.  Crazy.  Today was busy and good.  I took Oliver and Ruth to the story time at the fun park.  They had the fire fighters and truck come.  It wasn't as organized as last time and Oliver was really grumpy.  He wanted to play and not see the fire truck.  They had bubbles and both the kids liked that.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that was fun and good to talk with her.  Isaac had a dentist appointment to check his spacer, it has been moving.  They re-cemented it in and said that it happens a lot with kids.  He has said his teeth hurt so they took xrays and his teeth are good but he is getting a molar in the next couple months and she said that is what has been hurting.  Imogean came over to play for a while this afternoon.  Casey made bread with Isaac and it tastes really good.  Oliver took a long nap so he was out for most of the evening.  Ruthie has been shaking her head and does it really well for Casey.  I attached some videos of it, she is so cute.  Have fun tomorrow.  I wish we lived closer.


A storm is a brewing

I have to admit this is the first whole week I have worked in a long time.  It felt kind of weird.  Work is slowing down and I am getting all caught back up.  I am too excited for that.  I am thinking of what should I do next.  It feels really good.  I am excited to meet at the Valley fair mall tomorrow.  That will be fun.  LOVE MOM


Yeah the week is half over. Work went by good. Nothing exciting to report there. It is super windy here tonight. I have a doctors appointment tomorrow, so I am going to meet mom and Robin tomorrow. It will be fun. Have a great Thursday tomorrow everyone. Bye

Tuesday, September 20, 2016


I felt the same way about my machine. I was almost about ready to sell it. But I calmed down. And hopefully they figure it out. Today was good. I am tired. I had to work at scheels and it was actually busy. Thursday will work for me. Have a good night

Nice day

Work went well, I am finally getting caught back up and it feels so nice.  We went grocery shopping after work as well and we have food also.  It is always nice to go shopping.  Karen is going to the doctor on Thursday so Robin lets all meet for dinner.  Kay and Julie canceled for this Thursday so it will just be us.  Karen wants to go to Costco and get some meat for some more beef jerky.  Should we meet at the Valley Fair?  Rachel, I am glad you had a nice day.  I hope your headache is better.  That is so cute Oliver reading Ruthie a book.  You really have a park in your backyard so it would be hard to go to the park all the time.  How often will you car pool.  That will be so nice in the winter.  LOVE MOM


Robin, that makes me so mad about your sewing machine.  That is crazy it keeps breaking and that they are rude every time is ridiculous.  That sucks.  Today went better than yesterday.  Ruthie and Oliver both took a nap in the afternoon and that was really nice and they were happier.  Me and Isaac had some quiet time to work on his homework and he did really good today.  This morning while he was at school Oliver was reading Ruthie a book, it was cute.  This evening Casey had scouts.  He needed bananas and our turned out to be bad so me and the kids ran to the store and got some and dropped them off for him.  Then we went to the park and it was so much fun.  We only went once this summer, woops.  They had a lot of fun and it was good to get out.  I joined a carpool for school so I am not picking up Isaac tomorrow.  I am wild and crazy.  Everyone have a good night.



It is really smokey here. There must be a fure somewhere around here. My day has been good. Work went by quick so that was nice. Then after work i went grocery shopping.  So now I have food again. I hope evryone had a great day. Bye

Monday, September 19, 2016

Sewing fail

Today was good. It was a one job day, so it was nice to relax a bit. I was embroidering tonight and my machine was making me soooo mad. It kept losing tension and going crazy. So I took it back to joanns. They are going to send it out for repair. I was kinda rude at first because they ask me stupid questions. Like "did you clean it properly" "did you thread it right" so I made them turn it on and do their shpil and it didn't work for them either. So I felt better that I wasn't crazy.

So the 6th is a bad day for me to take off. I will basically be the only manager at maggie. Can we do the 3rd or 4th. Would that work?? Let me know if that is ok.

Have a good one



I dyed my hair last night and it turned out really nice and I like it.  It feels nice.  Today was pretty good but still busy.  The kids were tired and kind of grumpy.  I told Isaac he could only have one apple and he said that I was ruining his life.  If you note in the picture he ended up with two and then Oliver needed two.  It was a pretty day though and we spent a lot of time outside.  Casey took the compost pile to the dump and it was a lot of work, he did good.  I made a macaroni casserole that was really good,  I like when things turn out.  This evening The boys were racing so I was walking with Ruthie with them.  She was having fun with that.  Then they got on the trampoline and she walked over to the blackberries.  I fed her one and then took her over to the blanket.  She cried so I stood her up and she walked back over to the blackberries.  She ate a ton of them, it was so funny.  Thanks for everything and have a good day tomorrow.


Not really

I thought tomorrow was the equinox but it is really on Thursday.  We get two more days of more light than dark.  Silly me  LOVE YA


Well tomorrow is the official day of fall.  The days will get shorter and nights longer.  It seems like it is already doing that.  It is 9 and I am ready for bed.  I think I am catching a cold.  Everyone at work is coughing.  I think I am getting it.  Today was good.  I am getting caught back up at work.  It feels really nice.  I hope everyone had a good day.  Not much else going on with me.  LOVE MOM


Well I made it thru Monday.  That always seems like a big accomplishment. I got my laundry done tonight. So I felt very productive. Other than that it has just been the usual here. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sounds Good

That sounds great for Sunday, just let us know what time we need to be their.  I am great with spending all day their and Isaac has school the next day so I don't want to get home too late.  Isaac doesn't have school on Oct 6 or 7 if you wanted to take a half day those days.  I love your makeup also Robin, you do a good job.  That sounds fun to do again.  Today was good.  Isaac learned about talents at church and he said his talent was doing flips.  He drew a picture of him doing a flip, it was cute.  Casey made enchiladas for dinner and they were good.  He made black beans in the pressure cooker but they turned out dry, he will have to try again.  Everyone have a good night and a good week.


Love it!

WOW Robin those are cool pictures.  I am enjoying having you back at Frightmares.  I talked with Robin today and if we come up on Sunday she has to leave at 10:00 in the morning to be at Lagoon at noon.  My thought on this was we will take a 1/2 day off and Karen (if she wants to) could come with us and we could come up and decorate your house, have dinner and go back home.  We would have way more time that way.  I am not a big fan of leaving at 6 in the morning to get there at 8:00 am to decorate.  Robin did say that Lagoon opens really early also.  I will know more when I pick up the tickets on Thursday.  Grandma is thinking about coming with us.  I thought we could go to lunch and then go to Frightmares.  Robins said in kiddie land they have cute witches that hand out candy until around 4:00.  We went to Valley Fair mall with grandma and I used my Children's Place coupons.  Grandma thought those were cool.  I got the kids each a glow in the dark Halloween shirt for Frightmares.  I thought that would be fun for them.  I also got a ton of tights but I might have been not looking right because the sizes are all different.  I think they will work but we can take them back if needed.  Everyone have a great Monday.  LOVE MOM


I made it through the first week of frightmares. The has some people.not show so I stayed and baby sat a live zombie puppet. I basically had to tell kids to stop touching him and trying to look behind the curtain.i am back to normal schedule tomorrow. I will give mom the tickets for this weekend for frightmares. The park closes at 8 on sunday just as an fyi. Well have a good night



Well i have had a quiet day. I took a nap and it was great. Thanks for the fun time yesterday. Have a great week everyone. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...