Saturday, June 23, 2012


Well I had a good time camping. I am kind of tired now though. I stayed up to about 11 and then got up 6. I had a good time though. I even stayed warm in my tent so that was nice. I hope that you had a fun time in Logan mom. Well have a great one everyone bye.

Friday, June 22, 2012

We are coming to Logan tomorrow.  I am excited to hang out.  I think I am going to bring some projects to work on when Isaac is alseep.  Not much going on with me.  I got all my laundry done.  That felt nice.  Have a great weekend.  I hope your camping trip went well Karen.  And I hope you had a good time at your party Robin.  LOVE MOM

Thursday, June 21, 2012


today was good, I am tired I had to work at lagoon last night. today I signed up for insurance so more money is coming out of my check... sad day but at least I can get sick now. tomorrow we are having a half way to christmas party at work and then I am going up to ogden to see a hpynotis (sp???) so that will be fun. not to much else have a good night robin

Quick Day

Today was good, nothing out of the ordinary.  Isaac didn't sleep great last night so we were tired this morning.  It took me a minute to wake up.  We went shopping this morning and meet Casey for lunch.  There is a park by his work that we meet at.  I bring food and then Isaac can run around and play.  It is fun.  My visiting teachers came when Isaac was napping and that was nice to talk to them without having to watch Isaac.  We weeded this garden in the evening and that was fun.  My peas are almost ready.  I am excited.  I don't think that the raspberries are doing good.  They seem to be taking too long to ripen.  You will have to look at them this weekend Mom and see what is going on.  Well everyone have a good night and a good Friday.  Have fun camping Karen, I am excited for you. :)



Good luck tomorrow Karen on your camping trip. I am excited for you. I hope you have a good time. Work was really busy today and I am tired. I was going to do laundry but I am going to do that tomorrow instead. I am an hour over my time so I get to leave early tomorrow. I am planning on doing it then. Not much going on with us. Just same old same old. Have a good night. LOVE MOM

So close to Friday

I am glad that Casey got a cool phone. I hope that he has tons of fun with it. I saw 2 deer crossing the road this morning but don't worry I missed it. I still need to pack for the camping trip. It should be fun. It was quiet in mu office this morning. One person called in sick and another had a dentist appointment so it seemed empty. Oh well I did get a lot done so I guess that is good. Well have a great one. BYE

Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Today Casey's phone wasn't getting service so I suggested that we go to Best Buy and see if they had any free phone since Casey really likes having the smart phone.  They had a iphone 4 for $50 so he got it.  Thank you Robin for letting him have your old phone, I think that it is the only way he was going to get a smart phone.  I am excited for him.  Isaac went to bed tonight.  I was thinking that he doesn't have a problem going to sleep for nap time and I usually sew then.  At night I usually hang out with Casey.  So tonight I laid him down and started to sew and he was asleep in 5 minutes.  It was awesome.  I am not sure if I am going to have to sew every night but it is a good start.  Today was a good day, it was fun to get Casey a phone and Isaac went to sleep. :)


I can't make a title but I at least got it to write something tonight.  I guess that is progress.  We went to Sam's tonight and got drugs.  It was nice to walk around.  I am tired now.  I hope that Isaac sleeps tonight.  That gets old really fast.  Maybe it is time to give up naps.  Work has been so busy the two days.  Tomorrow is going to be busy also.  Friday should be quiet.  PS I went back to what I wrote and I could add a title.  YEAH.  I am back in the main stream of life again.


Well I am doing good. I am getting my laundry done and I did my dishes also. I know wow. I am glad that the week is half over. I am sorry that your blog is not working right mom. That sucks. Robin, I can't believe that your windshield got cracked. That sucks. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


well today i was driving home and I was using my windshield wipers to clean my windshield and then I heard a big crackle noise. yup my windshield is officialy cracked. Lasted 3 months with out a cracked windshield. record. I am going to wait and see if I can get a group on discount before I fix it because I am pissed. I didnt have to work at lagoon so that was nice I went to the gym. teresa and kelsey came over for a bit to get a paycheck that dad had for jed. well have a good night I have to go into work early tomorrow because I work at lagoon tomorrow night robin


Sorry I didn't blog last night.  Isaac was having a hard time going to sleep and I forgot.  We had a good day yesterday and today.  Isaac went through three outfits yesterday.  I let him play with the hose for one.  Then I cleaned out the sand table and it made mud and Isaac loved it and made a mess.  It was fun and we had a good time.  Today was story time.  She had three kids helping her and the were disorganized so it was hard for Isaac to sit still.  I have started listening to audio books when I sew so I checked one out at the library.  I think that will be fun.  Not much else going on.  Isaac is still having a hard time going to sleep, hopefully he will be asleep soon.



Well I guess I was the lone blogger last night. (I don't count mom's cause there was nothing posted). Today went by pretty fast. Work is going good. I am over half way done with the changing of the part numbers. Yeah! i think that the 2nd half will go faster than the first cause they are less complicated parts. That will be nice to have done. I went grocery shopping and got gas after work. Now all I have to do is get laundry done. I will probably put it off until tomorrow though. I hope that dad had a good trip. Did he make it home safe? Well have a great one. BYE

Monday, June 18, 2012

Nice also

I had a nice weekend also. Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I took a nap and then my computer was being stupid so I just gave up. Work is going good. I am staying busy so that is nice. It really makes the day go by faster. I still have a nasty bruise from my blood test but hopefully it will start fading soon. Well have a great week everyone. BYE

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Nice Weekend

I had a nice weekend. Thanks for everyone coming and staying with us. Dad made it safe and sound. That is good also. I don't have any news since last we were together other than just to say Thanks for everything. It was such a nice weekend. LOVE MOM


We made it back safety, thanks for the fun weekend.  Here are some pictures, I didn't get a ton.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...