Thursday, March 28, 2019


Today was a better day.  That was good.  We meet the Gumm gang for dinner and Robin and Jeramy joined us.  It was really fun.  We played cards and that was fun also.  I had a really good time.  I forgot to tell you that taxes are done and we will pick them up on Monday.  Dad also told me that Jed had called him and told him Kelsey was pregnant.  All I could think of was the sperm run.  I was glad we didn't have to do that again.  I think that is all the news I have.  I am excited to play this weekend.  LOVE MOM


That sounds like a fun night with the Gumm's and cards, good job.  Thanks for the picture of Jenkins, he is cute.  Today was good.  I walked this morning and as soon as I got home it started to rain so it was good timing.  The kids got ready for school fast and were watching a show so I put the binding on my table runner and put it under the tv which I think looks nice.  While Oliver was at school we went to Kohls and I got a new outfit, thanks again Mom.  That was fun.  We watched Thomas and that always makes me fall asleep which felt nice.  We walked to get Isaac and it is a pretty day.  Oliver was teaching Ruth dance moves and they were calling it dance class.  So she was getting in all her dresses and doing dance classes.  It was cute.  Oliver had kindergarten preview tonight.  They had all the kids play together and then talked to the parents on what to teach them this summer so they are ready.  Oliver's friend from preschool was there and he had a blast.  He is so happy and excited to go to kindergarten.  We walked down to Ron's to returns some Tupperware and we talked to them for a while.  They love you Mom and Dad and miss you.  We will see you guys tomorrow.  We will be down after 7.  Love you guys.



Today was good. Work went by quick so that was nice. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It will be fun to play. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Today was good at work. It went by fast. Me and jeramy meet up with the gumm gang. Then we went back to mom and dads to teach jeramy pinochle. It was fun. Jeramy asked me a million questions driving back on the rules to get it down for next time lol. Hope everyone has a good friday

Love you


Wednesday, March 27, 2019


I am sorry you had a rough day Mom, it is hard to make a mistake.  You are doing good.  How is Jenkins?  Is he missing us?  Just kidding.  Today was good.  My foot has been bothering me so I just went walking this morning which is fine.  I worked out and it was hard one today but it felt good.  We walked to get Isaac, it is easier than bikes.  Oliver took a cute picture of me and Ruth I attached.  Oliver got the magazine Karen bought him in the mail and he really liked reading it, thank you.  I forgot to say we got the other brace for Isaac and he reluctantly wore them tonight.  Oliver has been wanting Misty Island and it came in the mail today so we watched that.  Isaac had scouts and I quilted my table runner while they were gone which was fun.  A boy brought a robot to school today and Isaac wanted it.  He had enough money so we ordered it on amazon.  Oliver wanted a dog robot so he used his money to buy that.  They are broke now but are happy.  Love you guys and I hope that tomorrow goes smoother.



Bad moon

Today started as a bad day and went down hill.  I work up tired and forgot my phone and makeup.  Went to work and paid someone $10,000.00.  Bet he is in for a surprise.  What a mess that is.  After that is was just a day.  I did go to Walmart after work because I needed to just walk around.  I guess if you mess up you might as well do it right.  I love all your saying.  Thanks for posting them.  I needed that.  I did make my own ramen soup tonight and it was good.  I put chicken in the crock pot and then use the juice as part of the soup base.  Everyone have a great Thursday.  LOVE MOM


Things are good here. I am glad that the week is half over as well. I really don't have anything exciting to report either. Have a good one. Bye

Image result for Joke
Image result for Joke
Image result for Work Jokes

Down hill

It's nice we are past the half way mark of the week. It was so pretty out today. Not much else exciting. Love you Robin

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Good day

Work has slowed way down and it is wonderful.  I am even getting caught up.  It feels so nice.  I had to set up an important meeting today and I was nervous about that but everything went really well.  WHEW.  We stopped by comcast and got our cable bill lowered.  That was nice.  We just vegged the rest of the night.  Robin we are having dinner with the Gumm gang on Thursday night if you want to come.  Jeramy can come also.  We are meeting at 5:45.  I wasn't sure if that was too early for you guys.  There is a dollar store right by the pizza place and we are going to buy potty toys for Ruth. Those pictures of her are so cute.  They are so cute riding their bikes.  I am glad everyone had a nice day.  I am excited for the weekend.  The weather is looking good.  LOVE MOM


My day was good as well. It was meeting day today so all morning I was in meetings. I was productive this afternoon though so that was nice. At 4 this morning by camera caught a deer walking in my front yard so that was kind of cool to see. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Image result for funny sayings about life
Image result for funny sayings about life

Image result for funny sayings about life


Today was good.  We went grocery shopping this morning and then took Oliver to school.  Ruthie wanted to buy Lady and the Tramp so we went and got that with her money which made her happy.  Then we went to story time which is always good.  We rode bikes to pick up Isaac and the little kids brought their backpacks so they could have snacks and water along the way.  Oliver had another flat tire so Casey fixed that and the kids all cleaned their bikes.  After dinner Imogene came over and they played outside until bed time.  It is nice to be out.  We are excited to got this weekend, thanks for setting it all up Mom.



Today was good. At work we went to lunch with our old seamstress. It was fun. Then jeramy came over and took me put to Texas roadhouse. It tasted really good. Hope everyone had a good day


Monday, March 25, 2019

So nice

Today was so nice. Jeramy came over and we took Jenkins to Taylorsville park. Then we went to poppies. It's the chicken place it was ok. I'm ready for more warm weather. Good job on your raise Karen that is awesome. I like your table runner rachel.

Love you guys



Love the table runner Rachel that is really nice.  I went to work early and now I am over my time so that is nice.  I can come in late and leave early a couple of times this week.  Karen congratulations!!!  We will both have to buy dinners.  I did iron some shirts tonight and now it will feel like I have new clothes.  Ruth was so cute on the phone.  She made my day.  I see trip to all a dollar very soon.  Robin, I hope you had a nice day as well.  I love this weather and staying light longer.  It is so nice.  It is suppose to be really hot the next couple of days.  It might even reach 70.  That will be so nice.  LOVE MOM


Congratulations on the raise Karen.  That is so fun you and Mom got a raise.  Today was good.  I went running this morning and then worked out.  It was a two hour one but I had to leave to take Oliver to school and I didn't come back.  I finished a table runner so me and Ruth went to Joanns and got a back for it.  I had to go to Sam's also and we didn't have time to get a snack.  Ruthie was really sad so after we picked Oliver up we met Casey there for lunch.  The kids rode bikes to pick up Isaac.  Oliver tire was really worn out and was spinning.  It turned out it was flat but we got him a new tire this evening and it will be nicer.  I ended up pushing Oliver's and Ruth's bikes back home.  The kids played outside until dark.  They love it.  They got wet and changed clothes then went right back out.  We called Grandma to let her know we needed more pooping prizes, thanks Mom.  Love you guys and have a good night.



My day has been good. Work went by quick so that was nice. I apparently got a raise last week. So I now make .76 more an hour. Yeah me! I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Quiet day

WE had a quiet day and that was nice.  I got some cleaning done and also finished my bead picture.  That was the last one of the 4 that Rachel got me for Christmas.  I am going to have to frame them now.  I enjoyed working on them.  The new bed was really nice.  My shoulders felt better so I am hoping that is a good sign.  I am glad everyone had a good day.  Robin, I am glad you got to meet some of Jeramy's family.  I think that is important.  We got a lot of rain also.  I can't believe that March is over with almost.  Usually that is a really long month.  Love you all MOM


This morning jeramy forgot it was his friends baby blessing. So at 10:30 I found out so I rushed to lehi for the blessing. It was nice. Since we were down by lehi I meet his mom and 2 of his sisters. It was good to meet them. They were nice. Then we got a little ceasers pizza and watch comedians on netflix. It was a chill night. Hope everyone has a great week.



I am glad that you guys had a good day yesterday, that sounds fun.  Yesterday Randy came over and they worked on the shower replacing the sub floor.  It was really nice of him.  I took the kids to the bounce and slide and then we met up with them for lunch.  We didn't do too much the rest of the day which was nice.  Today we went to church and that went good, I love having it shorter.  It rained/snowed all day here so we watched a show and then played play-dough.  When Casey came home from work he helped the neighbor fix their car and then worked on fixing the van door.  The van door stopped working on Friday.  The weather cleared up so the kids played outside for a while which was good.  Love you guys.  Have a good Monday.




My day has been good. I cleaned my kitchen a bit and did dishes. I also made BBQ pork for dinner. It tasted really good. It snowed here off and on today. It didn't really stick though so that is nice. I hope your new bed was awesome mom. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...