Saturday, July 11, 2020
We had a nice day. We just rested this morning and then went to the Army Navy store to trade in dad's pants that he didn't like. They were really good about it and we got him a pair he likes. I hope they fit. We hooked up with Jeramy and Robin for lunch and walked the South Towne Mall. It was really nice to visit. We came home and just vegged and watched movies. Rachel you guys are on fire. I love those stairs and that tree is nice. Karen, way to go on your homework. You are doing an amazing job. I talked with Rachel and we are going to bear lake on Sunday, July 19th. I think that will be fun. Robin, don't stress about coming. You have a wonderful anniversary get away. Not much else to report on my end. We are going to Lagoon tomorrow. LOVE MOM
We were busy today and it was good. I had a baby shower this morning and it was fun to talk to people. Casey went to the dump and then picked up our new tree. We planted it in the front yard and it looks really nice. Randy and Terri came over and we were able to install the new stairs. It took all afternoon but it looks really really nice. It is amazing. We had coupons to pizza pie so we went there for dinner and then went and got me some new sandels for my birthday. Love you guys and we are excited for Lagoon.
well I got a lot done today. I got up this morning and got my oil change. I took my textbook so I could read while I was waiting. Then I went grocery shopping. Then I came home and finished my management homework. Then I took a bit of a nap. After that it was dinner and rhen statics work. Tomorrow I am going to get my logistics going. Exciting times I know. I hope everyone has a fun time at Lagoon tomorrow and don't get heat stroke. It is supposed to be really hot. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Friday, July 10, 2020
We made it
I went to work early so I got to leave a little early. We didn't do much just was life in pieces. It is so funny. Rachel, I am glad you are working on the stairs. It will make a huge difference. Karen congratulations on your test. That has to feel nice. Robin, there is a one man band in Nephi that I always wanted to try. We will have to go there some day. I am glad your team got together. There are a lot of emotions right now. It helps talking about it. I can't believe COVID is so out of control. I thought in this heat it would kill it all. It is making me a little nervous for sure. Everyone enjoy your Saturday. We are going to Lagoon on Sunday. LOVE MOM
That is fun Jeremy can take the week off. Isn't it hard to take time off this time of year. You guys should go somewhere fun. Does everyone want to go to Bear Lake for my birthday next weekend? It will be fun birthday times if you want to. We slept in a bit today which was nice. Oliver was out of chocolate milk so we went and got him some and a bed for Tony. We went to the jump zone for a while. Casey called around 4 and we picked him up and got a new tree. I owed him one for Father's day. Terri and Randy came over and we worked on the stairs. We got the treads stained and cut. Love you guys and have a good weekend.
one man band
Today was good my bosses decides to have a meeting at sugar house park and bout us lunch. We started at 1 and didn't end till 4. So I just came home and finished the work day. I didn't get alot done but that's ok. Me and Jeramy tries a new restcalled one man band. I guess it's been around forever. Its like training table where you call in your order over a phone. It had burgers and fries. But it tastes good. My hollyhocks are blooming and I love them. I want to plant a million more now. I'm so glad its the weekend
I am so glad that the weekend is here. I took my management test after work and got an 85% on it. That is nice to have over with. I am planning on doing school stuff all weekend. I have a bunch of homework this week. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Today was good. Casey didn't have to get up so early which is nice. Oliver had art class. He lost a sandel so I went and got him a new pair. I have a baby shower this weekend so I got a gift for that. He hated the sandels I got him but we finally found his lost one so he is ok. Isaac had magic class and learned a fun trick he showed me. He had a good time. We went to the jump zone afterwards and the kids had fun. I finished a book for book group that was tonight. I was the only person that read the whole thing. Book group was fun and it was really nice to talk to everyone. We did our favorite things where you buy three of something and then exchange it. It is always a fun time. The kids are super excited for Lagoon, especially Isaac. He talks about it all the time.
Robin, I can't believe it has been a year since you got married. Congratulations. A lot has happened in a year. I went to work today and it was OK. I have to go in for a little while tomorrow as well to take temperatures. Dad has some investors coming in tomorrow. I thought that was strange with COVID but I am no sure what is going on. Rachel, I hope you liked your book club tonight. Karen good luck on your school. If you need any help we are not far. We cooked a rib eye steak for dinner and it tasted so good. We bought two of them and decided to share one and it was plenty. I wasn't dizzy at all today so that was a good sign I might be over it. It is hot out there. Everyone be safe. LOVE MOM
one more day
Today was good. Work went by fast. Then I mowed my lawn. It's so hot outside. Jeramy worked late then we just relaxed the rest of the night. Tomorrow I am going to meet up with the work girls. My boss is buying us lunch for our meeting. So we are social distancing at a park and eating lunch. Jeramy took off all of next week off. I just have to work Monday and Tues. Then I am done for the week. Next week is me and Jeramy s year anniversary.
It is just the usual here in Kamas. Work is going good. I am staying busy so time is going by pretty quick. I have a test in my management class tomorrow so I have been reviewing for that. This weekend I am going to work on homework and try to get a bit ahead on things. Rachel that picture of Oliver getting his face licked is so cute. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Hump day
I worked through my to do list as well but it kept growing so it didn't look like I made much progress. I wasn't dizzy very much today so that was a good step in the right direction. I am going to work tomorrow. Dad has a doctor's appointment at 3:30 so we are going to leave early. We did go grocery shopping at Winco and that was nice to get out of the house. I got some treats for Lagoon. I love the pictures of Oliver. They are really good pictures of him with the dog. Robin, I am glad you got to go get food. That is a fun thing to do. Karen, I am glad you got your paper done. That was one exciting topic. Rachel, I am proud of you doing that class. Well everyone be careful in the hot weather. LOVE MOM
Today was good. Work was busy trying to clean up everything from losing 2 people.then it was food truck Wednesday. It was so hot so we went home with our food to eat. Jenkins approved of our choices lol. I'm glad we are closer to the weekend.
Today was good. Oliver had art class and had a fun time. He loves to draw foxes and turtles. I picked him up on time so I was doing better today. I went to exercise class while he was at art class. It felt good but was so hot. I finished the 8th certification class. It was the hardest one. It was about machine learning. For the final project we built for models and trained them. Then with new data we tested the accuracy of the models. We met Casey for lunch and it was good to see him. We were going to go to the jump zone but the kids just ended up playing in the backyard. This evening we walked to the park to see Oliver's drawing that he did with chalk on the sidewalk. It was fun and a pretty evening. Love you guys.
Work went good. I am just working on my to do list, so nothing too exciting but I stayed busy. Then I ordered a bluetooth keyboard for my surface and it came today. So I used it to write a paper on the advantages and disadvantages of factory automation. I got it done and turned in so that was good. I am sorry they are doing layoffs at your work Robin. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, July 7, 2020
I was waking up today and got so dizzy. It made me throw up. Dad helped me and I took so dizzy meds and felt better. I worked. Dad stayed home just in case. We just know nd of rested tonight. I am not going to take those new gummies with melatonin in them and see if that helps. Robin I am sorry about your work. I am so tired of covid. Karen I am glad you made it back to the real world. Rachel it sounds like you had a crazy day. I am glad you could fix the air. Live mom
I am sorry about your work Robin. It is so stressful when people get laid off. I hate it. Tony pooped on the carpet this morning. I forgot to pick up Oliver from art class. I don't know what happened and I felt so bad. He had a fun time and made some fun pictures. Isaac wanted to make pretzels so we did that. It was fun. I also made some raspberries bars since we have a lot of raspberries. The AC wasn't working so we hung out in the basement. Casey was able to fix it when he got home. We went on a walk. I forgot to say last night Oliver fell and scraped his arm. Tonight went better and no one was hurt. Tony chewed on Oliver's bouncing ball and it was flat when we came home so Oliver was sad. Hang in there everyone. I hope you are feeling better Mom.
Today we had an office meeting and they layed off 15 people. My bosses called me last night and told me and the girls we were loosing. So it was kind a a shock. We lost 2 on our team. It will be interesting how the next few months happen with covid. Today was busy of course and after 2 hours of conference calls. We had chicken enchiladas for dinner and that tasted good.
Back to work
I made it back to work. I had meetings this morning so I didn't get much done. This afternoon though I was pretty productive and got a bunch of stuff done on my to do list. I really don't have much to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Monday, July 6, 2020
I went to work today and that was good. I got a lot done. I am going to go back on Thursday. We didn't do much after work just had dinner and watched TV. I am glad you have a plan for your stairs Rachel. Robin that is nice your neighbors had their baby. Karen, I hope they fix your computer. LOVE MOM
Casey had an early morning this morning again. He has two more days of it. We went to exercise class. No one would go but Oliver. He wanted to play with his friends but no one was there. I had a good time though. I sat down to do my class and fell asleep for a bit. I did some done. We were out of food so we all well grocery shopping. The kids were good to help which was nice. We just stayed home and played in the backyard this afternoon. It got hot so we went downstairs and watched a movie. We went on a evening walk and Tony is doing better. Oliver fell and scratched his arm. He cries the whole way home. Tony was super playful when we got home and played with the kids. Randy and Terri came over and we worked out a plan for the stairs. Love you guys
Today was ok. It was Monday.the neighbor next door said he had his baby girl so that was fun. We watched TV and had time foil dinners. It was tasty.
I enjoyed my extra day off. I took my starics midterm. Then my laptop wifi stopped working again. So I took it to Best Buy again. They determined it us not a software issue so they sent it off to get the hardware replaced. I will get it back in 10 days. At least I can still do my class stuff on my surface. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Quiet day
We had a quiet day today. I am so glad the rockets worked. I am glad they were fun. We did go to Sprouts and get probiotics and we drove down to the Army Navy store to take back a pair of pants for dad but they were closed. We just watched life in pieces most of the afternoon. I am going into to work for tomorrow so I can get mail and junk caught back up. I am glad you are feeling good Karen. I am glad you get tomorrow off. That will give you one more day to rest. Robin, I hope you had a wonderful long weekend. Everyone be careful in the heat. It is suppose to get really hot. LOVE MOM
Thanks for coming up yesterday Mom and Dad. We had a really fun day. We bought a couch but it won't be here until Aug. The kids loved all the crafts and we kept busy doing them today. Ruthie made the frozen box as soon as she woke up. She loved the paper dolls and we played that for a long time. She was cute. We painted and Oliver mixed colors. The paints we got are more for paper so we got different ones for the boxes. We went to Lowe's and got new wood for the stairs and some stain. It should be really nice when we are done. We went to the park this evening and did the rocket. We had a lot of fun. The rocket worked perfect. Tony was running around with the kids and it was really nice. We had a good time. Thanks for the rocket. Love you guys and have a good week.
Things are going good here in Kamas. It has been hot outside though. I got my management homework done today, so yeah for me. I get Monday off as a holiday so I get tomorrow off. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Yesterday out neighbor came over and gave us some zucchini. It was nice of them I guess they are having their baby either today or tomorrow. Last night there were so many fireworks. We went up on our roof and we could see alot of the firework shows. Jenkins hated them and would cuddle next to us every time we sat down. Today I felt so tired I don't sleep well when Jenkins takes over the whole bed. So we just took it easy. I don't want to work 😠but I guess it's better than not having a job. :) Luckily I'm still working from home so that is nice
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...