Saturday, January 20, 2018

Me too

I am with Robin, We were going to go get some cough meds and I made due with what I have.  It was too much.  Karen is right.  Oliver looks really pale.  I hope he gets feeling better soon.  I am still in the throws of the flu.  I just can't shake it.  I had lots of airborne and meds so hopefully tomorrow I will feel stronger.  Rachel tell Casey thanks for coming down.  I hope it wasn't too much for him.  It was so pretty to see the snow.  WE haven't had that much snow all winter.  It was nice to see.  Well have a nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Snow day

I thankfully live in an apt. And didn't need to shovel. I needed bread but it seemed like alot mmm of work so I just lived with out it. I was lazy today. It was so nice. I've been tired. Not much else have a good night



Well we got about 7 inches of snow here today. So I used my snowblower this morning and just before dinner. Other than that I was just lazy today. Rachel, Oliver looked super pale in that picture of him on the couch. I hope he gets feeling better soon. I also hope that you get feeling better soon also, mom. Have a great Sunday tomorrow everyone. Bye


Today was good.  The Oliver has a bad cough still so we just stayed home.  We did some sewing Isaac sewed a bag with his planet fabric.  Oliver and Ruth made bears, they were behind on what Isaac has made.  It was fun and the little kids loved the bears.  Isaac had a reading certificate for pizza hut so we got that for dinner which was good.  Casey went to SLC to work and he is coming home tonight.  I hope that everyone got some rest and are feeling better.


Friday, January 19, 2018


Today was good. I'm not keeping up at work but that's fine. I don't care. I went to olive garden with the girls that were fired. I said yes because I thought it would be good to mend ways. It was good but I don't think I will do it again. It just was weird. I'm so tired I think I'm going to sleep in tomorrow and take a nap. It's snowing so it's going to be A winter night.



My cough wasn't any better so I went home at noon and slept all afternoon.  It felt so nice to just rest.  It is snowing outside right now.  It is nice to have some snow.  If the roads are bad tell Casey it is Ok to come another time.  Not much else going on with us.  I will be glad when we are all well again.  Rachel you didn't sound good at all.  I hope you get feeling better also.  Everyone have a nice quiet weekend.  Karen, I am glad your steamer worked out good.  LOVE MOM


Oliver and Ruthie didn't sleep well again but Oliver's cough was better.  Casey didn't feel well so he stayed home from work.  Casey and Oliver slept in until 11 so me and Ruthie ran errands and read a books.  It was a fun morning and it was good to spend time with her.  Isaac's school had a beach party at lunch and they ate on beach towels, he was excited about it and I think that he had fun.  We didn't do much else today, just played and watched shows.  Casey is going to SLC tomorrow to work with Dad and we are just going to stay home and get everyone feeling better.



Yeah it's the weekend. My day was good. Work was quite but I had enough stuff to keep me busy. After work I made potatoes, green beans, and salmon for dinner in my new steamer. It tasted really good.  Robin last night I couldn't sleep so I went thru all my papers and have a box that is ready for shredding. So when you are ready to take your papers in let let me know and I will do mine as well. I hope everyone has a great weekend . Bye

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Count down

Today was good. I'm glad tomorrow is Friday. I'm tired and ready to sleep in. I met up with mom and dad for dinner. It was nice to meet up. Then I just came home and relaxed. Be safe tomorrow it's going to snow. On the weather channel it said 6 inches by Saturday:/



Me and dad both have bad coughs also.  Poor Oliver, I hope he gets feeling better soon.  I went into work a little late today.  I thought sleeping a little extra might help.  It didn't really but it was nice not to work a full shift.  We hooked up with the Gumm gang and Robin after work at Texas Roadhouse.  Man is that place one busy place.  I was amazed how many people were there on a Thursday night.  We did stop and buy pineapple juice for our coughs.  Robin said to keep drinks hot and she got me some tea with dinner and it really helped.  I am going to continue that one.  IT is suppose to snow tomorrow and Saturday.  Everyone stay bundled up.  Karen, I hope you got food for your steamer.  LOVE MOM


Rachel I hope that the kids start feeling better soon. I hate coughing. My day was good. Nothing to wild and crazy just the usual for a Thursday.  After work I went to Walmart and got some stuff to try in my steamer. I went to the one in Heber because Sundance stated today and I didn't want to fight the crowds in Park City.  I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Oliver has a bad cough now and didn't sleep because he was coughing all night.  I finally talked him into putting some vicks on and that helped.  Ruthie didn't sleep either for whatever reason.  Isaac was doing a lot better today and looked a ton better this evening.  He went to school and had a good day.  I kept Oliver home from school and it was good to have him rest.  I did have to go visiting teaching this morning but it was only next door and the kids did really well.  Me and the boys played mario kart this evening and it was fun, they are cute.  Ruth and Casey watched shows and rested.  I can't believe it is already Friday, this week went fast.


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Sickness 2

I had a bad cough all day again today.  I am so tired of it.  I am sorry that Isaac is sick.  I read about those pods also and that is so dumb.  I got an email today and I sent it to you that they are having a birthday party for Margaret on February 3rd in the afternoon.  I thought that would be fun.  I am with Robin, I could have stayed home today.  It is slow and I don't quite know what to do.  We are meeting up with the Gumm gang tomorrow night.  Robin is going to come with us.  WE are going to the Texas Roadhouse right by her house.  That should be fun.  Everyone have a nice evening.  I hope we all get sleep.  Karen, I am glad you got your steamer.  LOVE MOM


I read about the tide pods also, they are getting hurt from doing it.  It is dumb.  Isaac has a bad cough and didn't sleep much so we kept him home from school.  He slept in till 11 so it was kind of like a normal day with just the little kids to play with.  It was nice to go slow and play.  I had so much fun making those suckers I made them by myself today, it was fun.  Casey had scouts so he just went there straight from work and came home late.  Isaac wanted brown sugar pop tarts so I ran to the store and got him some.  This morning we were playing with Ruthie's new hair things and I asked her if Ro bought them for her and she said "No, buy myself".  It was so funny.   Everything she buys herself.  I asked her who bought the milk and she said "Ruth, it's heavy". 


Me either

Robin I saw that about the tide also. I won't be joining that stupidity either. Things are good here. I did get my steamer today. Now i just need to go grocery shopping to get something to cook in it. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was rough. I just couldn't focus and I didn't want to work. It took me forever to do the smallest things. I read today kids are you tubing themselves eating tide pods. It's a weird trend. I thankfully will not be joining the trending circle and still use laundry soap for my cloths and not dinner. Ha ha


Sound asleep

I feel sound asleep last night on the couch and just work up.  I was tired.  I am not as dizzy this morning that that is really nice.  Rachel you are starting to be the kids place.  I hope Isaac feels better today.  He has had a bad winter.  Everyone have a nice day.  LOVE MOM

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

So here we are

Today was good. I'm tired again but i woke up randomly at 1 and couldn't sleep till 3. So I'm sure that's why I'm tired. I am watching guardians of the galaxy 2. It's on netflix. So it's been a chill night.



Today was busy.  I was taking the kids to school and the car wouldn't start.  So I called Casey and he said he could come and drive the kids to school.  I babysit on Tuesday and she was dropping off the kids and said she could take them to school which was really nice.  I texted their teacher so that she knew they were going to be late and everything was fine.  Casey came and jumped the car and filled the battery up and we didn't have a problem the rest of the day.  Casey took it to the fix it store and they checked the battery and said it was fine.  I babysat this morning and that went good but is busy.  Oliver had school and Ruthie took a nap which works out really nice.  When Isaac got home he wanted to made some more candy so we made gummy's.  Next time I am just going to buy jello and I think that it would taste better but they were good.  It was fun.  Imogean and Neave came over and played, they were really excited about Stanley.  Roxanna came over a little later.  It gets crazy with that many kids.  I had young women tonight and the lady I gave the baby blanket too said that they really liked it which was nice.  Isaac is still not feeling good so I am not sure if he is going to go to school tomorrow.  I hope that everyone is feeling better.


Oliver cut this out by himself


Well the week us moving on. My day was good. We started our iso audit today. So I had a meeting for that today. It went good though. I also had engineering meeting so that took up a good chunk of my day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, January 15, 2018


I am sorry you are still not feeling well Mom, that is scary that you are so dizzy.  Thanks for the fun weekend.  It was good to see everyone, go swimming and see that movie.  Today was good.  Isaac wanted to do his candy chemistry right away so we were getting that going and he dropped the candy thermometer and it broke.  So we went to kitchen kneads and got a new one and some more sucker sticks.  The kids did really well and it was fun.  We made the suckers and it was fun and they tasted really good.  We need to do that more often.  It was a pretty day so we went on a walk and then played int he backyard.  Roxanna and Imogean were outside playing and they invited Isaac over so he went and played with them for a while.  Roxanna came over and played here for a little bit, then we walked her home.  The kids rode their bikes while we waited for Casey to come home.  We went to Lee's and got some groceries and some gelatin so Isaac could make gummies.  Robin gave us a gift card to taco bell so we stopped and got dinner on the way home. It was fun Robin thanks.  I hope that you feel better tomorrow Mom, take it easy.


Here are a ton of pictures

Oliver was reading me a book about trains

Mandy made me a pretty braclet

The feast


My day was good. I am done teaching at the high school so I get to sleep in 20 extra minutes now. Work was good. Nothing too exciting. Then after work I came home and made spaghetti. It actually tasted really good, so I think that I am getting better. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Man, This cold affected my dizziness.  I haven't been this dizzy in forever.  It is bad.  I just rested all day and didn't move much.  I am going to try work tomorrow.  Wish me luck.  It is weird.  I don't know what I did to cause it.  I have been doing my exercises all day and will continue that.  I did watch a few Frankie and Gracie.  They are cute shows.  I hope everyone had a good day.  LOVE MOM


Today was weird it just was a Monday. I'm glad it's over. Work just kept boiling. I just didn't care. I'm can only do what I can do. I came home and relaxed. I feel tired, o think I'm feeling better and now I'm paying for lost sleep lol


Sunday, January 14, 2018


Well I wish I got Monday off, but unfortunately I have to go to work tomorrow. I did get my dishes done today also. My stomach has been touchy today. I think all the antibiotics finally got to me. At least I am done with them. That should help. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was nice. I slept in and then layed in bed for a while watching you tube. Then I put a roast in the crock pot. I had energy for the first time in forever so I cleaned a bit. It feels alot nicer in my place. We are having a food drive at work so I went through my cupboards. Which I haven't cleaned out in forever. I had one can that expired in 2013. So I threw out all the expired stuff and packed the unopened things for the food drive. It's so nice to have space. I have room for my cereal. I've been down and out for a bit so I did the first wave of dishes and I will do the last bits tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...