Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Today was busy.  I was taking the kids to school and the car wouldn't start.  So I called Casey and he said he could come and drive the kids to school.  I babysit on Tuesday and she was dropping off the kids and said she could take them to school which was really nice.  I texted their teacher so that she knew they were going to be late and everything was fine.  Casey came and jumped the car and filled the battery up and we didn't have a problem the rest of the day.  Casey took it to the fix it store and they checked the battery and said it was fine.  I babysat this morning and that went good but is busy.  Oliver had school and Ruthie took a nap which works out really nice.  When Isaac got home he wanted to made some more candy so we made gummy's.  Next time I am just going to buy jello and I think that it would taste better but they were good.  It was fun.  Imogean and Neave came over and played, they were really excited about Stanley.  Roxanna came over a little later.  It gets crazy with that many kids.  I had young women tonight and the lady I gave the baby blanket too said that they really liked it which was nice.  Isaac is still not feeling good so I am not sure if he is going to go to school tomorrow.  I hope that everyone is feeling better.


Oliver cut this out by himself

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