Saturday, December 5, 2020

Nice day

 We had a nice day.  We went up to Karen's place and decorated for Christmas.  It was a lot of fun.  Karen was so sweet and pulled out all of Santa to see what was there.  It was nice to see what was there.  We came home after dinner and just vegged.  Dad isn't feeling 100 percent.  He wears out really easy.  Rachel that is cool about plum pudding.  I am really impressed.  That is cool your tried that.  I am glad Oliver can ride his bike without training wheels.  That was easy.  I was planning on getting Ruth a bike for her birthday.  She does need a bigger bike for sure.  Well not much else going on with me.  I am slowly getting done with shopping and checking things off the list.  Still adding a little bit to it but I am doing well.  Have a really nice Sunday.  There is no snow in the mountains.  It is weird.  LOVE MOM 


 That is neat that Oliver can ride with out training wheels. My day was good. I made potato soup for lunch. Mom and dad come up and we decorated for Christmas. It looks very festive. It was a fun time. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 Thanks for the santa pictures Mom.  It looks so.good and I think we are ready for Christmas.  We had a good day.  I slept in till 8 which was nice.  Isaac has been wanting to make plum pudding all week and I said we could today.  I don't know where he got the idea but he said it is a traditional Christmas dish.  I couldn't find most of the ingredients at the store so we went to natural grocery and they had most of it.  We had to made candied fruit peels which took two hours.  Then we steamed the plum pudding for two hours.  It took all day to make but it tasted really good.  It is a cake and has no plums in it.  We all really liked it.Casey tires have been bad.  He found a tire at the dump and we were going to put it in but it was the wrong size.  So we ended up buying him new tires today.  He really needed them.  Oliver wanted to ride bikes last night at sun for santa but he hasn't learned yet.  So we suggested going to the bike park so he could learn in the parking lot.  He was so upset and didn't eat to do it.  When we got there he was able to ride in a couple tries and he loved it.  He was riding all over the place.  Isaac did the bike course and had fun.  Ruth's bike was too small and see isn't ready for no training wheels.  We had a really fun time.  Isaac said costa vida sounded good so we stopped and had dinner there.  I am glad Oliver learned how to ride bikes.  He was so cute riding around. Love you guys.



Friday, December 4, 2020


 I am glad it went s the weekend. We are going to Karen's and help decorate. It was a long day and I think we both need to get out of the house. I did go to Walmart and get some boxes for christmas eve presents. I didn't get enough but is was close.  I am glad you got your dish washer hooked up. Everyone have a nice weekend. Love mom


 Today was good.  I walked and went to exercise class which was really nice.  We met Casey for lunch and that was fun to see him.  We were able to get Ruth's costume for her recital and I got tickets so we can watch it.  We walked to pick up the boys.  I brought treats so we could work with Tony and he did better.  Ruth fell and scraped her knee so I had to carry her all the way to school and back with her crying.  Oliver was sad after school because his friend at recess was fighting with someone and they had to go to the principal's office so Oliver couldn't play with him.  Oliver wasn't involved in the fighting he was sad his friend had to leave.  Everyone at school is watching the Mandalorioan so we started watching it.  Baby yoda is cute.  We had a quick dinner and went down and helped clean bikes for Sub for Santa.  The kids were wild but they tried to help.  We got all but four bikes fixed.  We stopped and got ice cream on the way home.  Love you guys and have a good weekend.  I forgot to put the pictures on yesterday.  They are the first two.  Tony had been getting into the legos so we moved them up high and opened them on the table this morning.  It worked better.  The kids are loving them.  Thanks Karen.  Ruth laying on the couch is after she hurt her knee and is resting it.




Today was ok. They delivered our dish washer today and Jeramy installed it. I wasn't feeling great. So I just took it easy and watched movies. 



 It is still cold here. I am glad that the weekend is here. Work is still moving along. I can't believe that Christmas is 3 weeks away. I hope everyone had a great Friday. Bye

Thursday, December 3, 2020


 I went into work today.  I went in early so I could get off early but that didn't happen.  I get to leave early tomorrow.  That will be nice.  So many changes going on at work.  It is hard to watch sometimes.  I my favorites are leaving.  I will survive.  Robin that is one lame party.  That is so dumb.  I am glad you got a salad and your got your Christmas tree up.  I am going up to Kamas to help Karen put up her Christmas tree this weekend.  Not much else to report on my end.  I am reading the book that Isaac lent me.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was good and I got a lot done.  We walked this morning and worked on not pulling some more.  I am not a good dog trainer.  I helped in Isaac's class and graded a test.  The kids didn't do great and I hate marking them wrong.  Preschool was good and I like working there.  In the afternoon class we had four kids in time out during group time.  They were just being wild.  I used the Kohl's cash online and got a ton of stuff.  Thank you guys again, that was nice of you to give it to me.  That was fun.  I did see odd and end stuff done also that felt good to get over with.  Isaac has a book report due tomorrow and he had to do a project so he build a lego scene.  I forgot to take a picture.  After dinner we went down and helped fix bikes until bedtime.  The lady who work there are so nice and the kids had a lot of fun.  They gave them some sweaters and notebooks.  Yesterday they gave me some DVD's for Christmas presents.  They are really nice.  Love you guys and hope you have a good Friday.




 It is cold here also. My day was good. Work is still moving along. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. I am ready for the weekend. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was ok. They had a zoom call.and said it was the Christmas gala. But it ended up being really dumb and I left the zoom call before it was over. It was basically the sales team going over their.memories and favorite drinks for the year. I'm not sure why we were invited but by the end everyone had left that wasn't part of the team sales team lol me and Jeramy went on a walk after work and it's getting cold outside. It get so dark so fast we usually have to do it right after work and we get a good 10-15 minutes before it's too dark.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Work was good but it was a long day. I was watching TV and they were eating a salad and it looked good. So Jeramy took me to kneaders and got a salad it tasted good. Then we put up the tree and watched a movie


I was tired today and I am not sure why.  I am getting caught back up and that is nice.  I went and got gas in my car for lunch and took dad to the park to walk.  It was so nice outside.  He is uncomfortable but seems to be doing OK.  He does sleep alot.  I went and got him some Caladryl to help with the itching. I am going into work tomorrow.  That will be be nice to clean up some of the stuff on my desk.  Most of the stuff on my emails is stuff I need to pay and I need to be at work to do that.  I am so glad the kids are doing well.  That is so kind of Casey to help with the bikes.  I am glad you got some lazy time Karen.  You have been running for months.  Robin, I hope you get feeling better.  Morning sickness is the worst.  LOVE MOM 


 Today was good.  We are loving the countdown calendars.  Oliver even got dressed really fast because he was so excited.  We walked this morning and exercise class started in person again.  I was so nice to be able to go.  I worked on the program a bit but I am slow at it.  We walked to pick up the boys and Tony was wild.  Casey went and helped at sub for santa tonight.  Isaac had his first basketball practice so we dropped him off and went and helped Casey.  Isaac had the best time at basketball.  He kept saying he had found his sport.  He did really well also.  I was surprised.  Oliver stayed with Casey and worked on bikes.  We had to leave to pick up Isaac.  It was so fun seeing Isaac so happy.  He had a fun time.  Love you guys.




 I am glad that the week is half over. Work was just the same old same old. I had to run to Food Town after work because I didn't have any envelopes. Then I came home and was just lazy. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


 Well I thought for sure it wasnt shingles but it is. It has moved in the front now so his left front. Poor guy. He seems to be feeling ok so that is good. It hurts and he takes codiene I am glad he isn't in pain. Robin I am glad it was a dish washer.  I thought we were going to have to buy that also. It might be a long couple of weeks. I hope the anti viral works. I did work today. I made chicken enchiladas for dinner. They tasted really good. Love mom


 I am sorry Dad is sick.  I feel so bad for him.  That is the worst disease.  It was a pretty day today.  We walked this morning.  The advent calendars were a big hit and they were so excited.  Thank you so much Karen.  We are spoiled.  We played with Tony outside this afternoon and then walked to pick up the boys.  Isaac is so embarrassed when I pick him up.  We talked about it and he doesn't have to walk with me but I need to pick up Oliver.  So he walks home with his friend and it has been working out.  We did homework before dinner again and we are going to try that this week.  I like it.  Isaac starts basketball practice tomorrow and he is excited.  I hope he has fun .  Love you guys.




 It snow a little here last night. It was a surprise when I got up because I didn't even know there was a chance of snow. Work was good. Nothing too exciting. It was nice not having any school stuff to do. I hope dad gets feeling better soon. Bye


Sorry it wasy dishwasher. So we are good we can hand wash things till it shows up. Today was busy but I made it out alive. We made burgers for dinner and it tastes good. We also rushed a walk in just before it got to dark. It feels like it's been a long week but it's probably because it was a short week last week.


Monday, November 30, 2020


 I didn't know your washer was broke. I could have done some laundry for you. I am glad you got a new one. It was payroll Monday and it took me all morning. The admin that helps Kay welkie is retiring. They posted her job. They will kind of be in charge of all the work in the office. Hope they get someone nice. We went to the store after work. I made chili and wanted some french bread. It tasted so good. Dad stayed home today. His back really hurts. He has a bad rash. I am going to call connect care tomorrow if it isnt better. Poor guy. I think it is from stress. Karen congratulations on finishing your quarter. Rachel I hope your tooth is doing good. That hurts. Love mom


My last final got posted this morning. I am did it this evening. So now I am all done with the semester. Yeah! I now have a break until January 20th. Work was good today. It was still a little quiet but that was nice because I could get caught back up on the stuff I missed on Wednesday. After work I went to the store because I needed some quick stuff to take to work for lunch. I am glad that you got a new washer Robin. I hope that it is an awesome one. Have a great Tuesday tomorrow everyone.


 I am glad you are getting a new washer Robin and I am glad you got some sleep.  Poor Tony didn't sleep well last night so we didn't either and we're tired today.  I had a dentist appointment while Ruth was at school to replace an old crown.  Casey picked her up from school which was nice.  She had dance class this afternoon and loved it.  The recital is werid this year and they changed the date to be next Tuesday.  I stopped at the hobby lobby and got some ornaments to decorate and the little kids loved them. We were going to help Casey with sub for santa bikes this evening so we got our homework done and ate early but he called and said there weren't ready so we had the evening free.  I drop off a birthday gift for primary and talked for a while.  Love you guys.




Thanks for the fun weekend. I basically slept for two days once we were home. Thanks again mom for dropping off the tree. Jeramy tried to look at the washer and it was dying so we went to lowes and bought one the one we wanted was completely out and the other one was back ordered till March. So the lady found one that can be delivered Friday. Its crazy how back logged applices are. 


Sunday, November 29, 2020


 Man Rachel, you were on fire today.  That is amazing.  I got up, I guess that sounds pretty pathetic after Rachel.  I did go down to Lehi and take Robin her Christmas tree.  Dad has bumps and a muscle ball on his back and we couldn't be sure it wasn't shingles so he stayed home.  Robin looked really pale.  I am worried about her.   We went to slim chicken for lunch and it was really good.  I enjoyed it.  I came home and took a nap and then worked for a little bit.  I am with Rachel.  I am not ready for the real world.  They did put Jeramy on some high blood pressure medicine.  I hope that helps.  Everyone be safe going back to the real world.  LOVE MOM 


 Thank you guys for the fun time.  It was a perfect Thanksgiving and I am glad that we got to go shopping.  Tony is eating all the ornaments so I am not going to wrap any presents for a bit.  We got a lot done today.  We finished the stairs and they look so good.  Casey put in some of the thresholds downstairs so we only have one left.  It is really nice.  I quilted my quilt today.  I just did a swirl and it went so fast and I love how it turned out.  Thanks for the fabric Mom.  I am glad your vacuum came Karen.  I am excited for you.  I am not looking forward to getting back to reality tomorrow.  The kids asked a million times if it was December 1st yet.  They are so excited for their calendars.  Love you guys.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...