Saturday, August 27, 2016

Amazing day

Karen Isaac and Oliver were so cute with their boxes.  They dragged them around all day.  I love when Isaac said he didn't realize in the morning that this was going to be an amazing day.  It was the best thing he ever got.  :) Robin, I am so glad you are working on your wings.  Way to go.  I did love that fabric.  I am glad you got it.  I am also glad you are working at Lagoon.  I am excited for discounted tickets.  That will be fun.  I think next Monday we are going to the Zoo.  It should be really nice to go that time of year.  Everyone have a great Sunday.  LOVE MOM


Rachel, I am glad that the kids liked them. I had fun putting them together. My day has been good. I made beef jerky in my smoker this morning. It turned out good. I also went and got my hair trimmed. I had a lot of split ends. I hope everyone has a great Sunday tomorrow. Bye


Karen, thank you so much for the amazing packages that you sent the kids.  To say that they loved them is a understatement.  Isaac went on and on about them and how he didn't know that today was going to be so amazing.  They are sleeping in the tent and using their glow sticks.  Mom, thank you so much for spending the day with us and for all the clothes.  We are so spoiled.  Robin, that is a lot of cutting.  Good job, your costume is going to be amazing.  My photos aren't loading so I will put them on tomorrow.



Cut it out

Today was chill I was able to sleep in. So That Was nice. I just worked on my wings all morning. Then I had to work at night. Luckily I brought my wing paper to cut out because it was so slow. I finished a huge stack. I hopefully will get them glued.on tonight. We'll see how ambitious I get. Hope everyone had a good day.


Friday, August 26, 2016

On like donkey kong

Today was was good. I was really glad it was friday. I went to fill out my paper lagoon. I asked about family days and they said they still have it :) so I will get you the days it's available. Then I went to Joanns to get paper for my wings. I went crazy and bought that cool halloween material. Then I came home and worked my wings.most the night. Have a good weekend drive safe


So dang cute

That picture is darling.  I love it.  She looks all grown up.  We are leaving for logan in the morning.  I am excited to play.  Work was drama today and it wore me out.  I am so glad it is the weekend.  On Monday we are having a retreat and going to the History Museum.  I am way excited.  I love it there.  Not much else to report.  I did get my laundry all caught up.  I think it is the first time since we came back from California.  Everyone have a great weekend.  LOVE MOM


Today was good and busy.  The neighbor had a dentist appointment this morning so we watched the girls.  The kids play together really well and we had a good time.  When they went home we went to Panada for lunch and then went grocery shopping.  Casey worked on the apricot tree some more and we decided to make leather instead of drying them now.  We made 15 quarts of leather.  Half of it is drying the rest is waiting for the next batch.  Thanks for coming up tomorrow Mom and Dad.  It will be good to see you guys.



Well i am glad that the weekend is here. My day was good. Nothing too wild and crazy, but I stayed busy so that was good. Well I hope that everyone had a hreat Friday. Bye

Thursday, August 25, 2016

One more day

We made it to Friday.  Work was good.  Just really busy.  We met Karen for dinner tonight and the leaves are turning red in the mountains.  I couldn't believe that.  As hot has it has been.  It was so beautiful in Park City.  The weather was perfect.  We went to Carter's while we waiting for Karen.  Ruthie will be excited for that.  I love that popcorn maker.  That is so cute.  Robin that is neat you got some money.  Rachel, I love that quilt.  For not matching up, it sure turned out really cute.  I don't think we are going to spend the night if that is OK.  We haven't taken grandma out for 3 weeks.  I thought we better do that.  Have a great Friday.  Do you realize next weekend is labor day and then the next weekend is Karen's birthday.  Where is the time going.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. We had visitors from graco so we got free pizza for lunch while they went over the 2nd quarter numbers. It was a little boring, but hey the pizza was good. Then after lunch they said that engineering was going to have a meeting with them to go over new products. So it was suppose to be a half hour after lunch. But then they decided to do a quality meeting before that, so our meeting didn't start till about quarter after four. So by the time it was done it was five. Which normally wouldn't have been bad, but I had planned to meet mom and dad in park city for dinner. But the were nice and waited for me to get there even though I was really late. We had dinner and went to Walmart. It was nice. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


Good job paying off your washer and dryer Robin, that has to feel good.  Today was good.  We went on a walk this morning which was nice.  We went visiting teaching in the afternoon, I haven't been all summer.  We got home about the same time as Casey so we went and picked up the Jeep and got ice cream.  My visiting teacher came over this evening and then Casey worked on the apricot tree so more.  I think I am going to try making leather tomorrow with the apricot he got.  Last night I finished putting together the Christmas quilt I was working on Saturday.  I like it how it turned out.



Work was busy. Same ole. Tomorrow night I have to drive out to lagoon for paper work for frightmares. A while back I got a letter in the mail saying I had to cash out my 401k from sugar house since it was under 1,000. So I did all the paper work and today I got a check for 250.00. It's kinda sad since I was there for 2 years. But what can you do. So I did the adult thing and payed off my washer and dryer. That will be nice to have payed off. Well have a good friday


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Funny feeling

Today was good. I think my whatever's kicked in because I just went with the flow and what I didn't get done. I didnt get done. Then I figured it would be fun to work on my wings so I went to lowes. Then I stopped by shopko. I needed hair dye. Mine was getting really gray. Now it's really red. For some reason it picked up the red in the dye an ran with it. My finger was feeling funny then I reliezed I have two new blisters from working on my wings. It's going to be a long project.


No caffeine

I could not sleep last night so I decided I really need to stop drinking cokes.  I tried it today and it went pretty well.  I am sure I will never completely stop but I have been drinking them every day.  That is neat that Isaac went to kindergarten. I am having a hard time being all grown up.  Karen I am sorry they had to poke you twice for your blood this morning.  We went to the pharmacy for the second time on the way home.  They have approved dads meds for his bacterial overgrowth but the insurance approved a lower dosage than the doctor prescribed.  What a mess it has turned out to be.  Rachel that is a lot of food.  I am very impressed.  You are set for the winter.  Way to go.  We are going to meet up with Karen tomorrow night.  I really need to go to Walmart so it will be nice to go there while we are in Park City.  LOVE MOM

Kindergarten and Corn

Isaac woke up not feeling great so we just took it easy this morning.  He had his kindergarten assessment at 1 and was doing better by then.  Randy watch the two little ones which was super nice.  I think Isaac did pretty well, I was over filling out paper work so I couldn't see what was going on but it sounded like he did good.  I really like his teacher and the class room was cute, he will have a good year.  Imogene came over to play for a little bit before dinner.  We were watching shows so she just watched with us, we were being boring.  This evening the corn was done so we picked it all.  This was the best year for corn we have ever had.  We husked, blanched and then froze the corn so I hope that it will be good.  We cooked some to eat and it tasted really good.  I was taking pictures of the corn and took some pictures of the apricots and blackberries that Casey has processed, he has been working hard on everything.



Well the week is half over. I am glad, I am ready for the weekend to be here. It was so mice outside here today. We didn't even hit 80 outside today. Work seemed busy today so it went by quickly. We have a company meeting tomorrow so I get free pizza for lunch. It should be exciting. I hope everyone had a great Wednesday. Bye

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

I agree

i agree with Robin, I was cranky with a touch of psycho. work was crazy but that isn't going to change. I just didn't feel great all day. Rachel that is neat you took the kids to Tony's grove.  That is such a beautiful place. Karen way to go on your lawn. That has to feel good that was a long time coming. Robin, I hope your side is feeling better.  I am worried about that one. Not anything else to report. Have a nice hump day. Good luck with isaacs test for preschool. He is so smart. Love you guys

Seize the day

This morning I was thinking of how summer is almost over and school starts soon so I decided to seize the day and I was going to take the kids to tonys grove.  The kids were grumpy and it was hard to get them going so I was like it isn't going to happen.  I did get everyone in the car and just was going to go in the park.  Isaac wanted to go hiking so I thought just go up the canyon a ways.  But I started driving and I decided to just go for it.  So we went to Tony's Grove and we had a really fun time.  It was nice and cool up their.  Oliver kept falling so he is bunged up.  When we came home the girls next door were outside and wanted to play so their came over for a bit.  They were kind of wild and we were tired so I sent them home.  Casey had scouts tonight so he was busy.  I hope that everyone has a better day tomorrow.



Well my day was good. I had a lot of meetings today, so I wasn't too productive. I did finish mowing my lawn. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was ok. We are taking over shipments from our design department. It's a disaster. I just can't even wrap my little head around the chaos. Then I worked at scheels. I was bored all night. So I guess it's total chaos or total silence. Hope everyone is on the mend. Have a good night


Monday, August 22, 2016

Work to be done

Today was ok. It was a girls birthday so we played nertz. It a mix of speed and solitaire. It was fun. But my day was busy so I didn't get alot of real work done. My side really hurt today but i didn't have food. So grocery shopping won. Then after the store I rested. Have a,good one



I am glad that everything went well Mom and that you are done for a while.  Poor Oliver didn't feel well today.  He woke up at 6 and I put him in bed with me and he fell back asleep.  We just watched movies all morning and took it easy.  He took a really long nap and seemed to be a bit better afterwards.  Me, Isaac and Ruth walked around Fred Smith's just to get out a bit and Casey worked on his car.  He is dropping off the jeep tomorrow so he pulled out his car and it wasn't working again so he is working on it.  We got a thing in the mail saying we were very energy efficient and Casey said that we leave the back door open all the time because no one can open it.  So we went o Lowes and looked at new door but ours doesn't seem to be a standard size so we need to look into it some more.  Since we were out we got some ice cream.  Everyone enjoy their day tomorrow.



Well, I made it through the colonoscopy.  YEAH for me.  I don't have to have another one for 5 years.  That made me happy.  I slept most of the day.  I had such a bad headache all night and after all the meds, I felt so much better.  It was nice to get some rest.  I am off to bed.  I am glad the lawn mower worked for you Karen.  That is a good thing.  Everyone have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


Well we made it thru Monday. My day was good. Work us moving along. Then after work I mowed my lawn with my new mower. It worked good. I only got about three quarters of it done before the battery needed recharging. I was going to finish after i had dinner, but then i got lazy so i will finish tomorrow. I hope everone had a great Monday.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Oh hey

Thanks for the fun concert. I hope that you feel better karen. And good luck with you dr apt mom. I guess Walters sister was at the concert as well. It's a small world. Well not much else with me have a good night



Thanks for the amazing time yesterday.  It was so nice to sew and go to a fun concert.  I loved it.  I hope that you are feeling better Karen and good luck tomorrow Mom, poor thing.  Today went fast.  I had to put together my lesson this morning and then ran to church to give it.  Ruthie was napping so everyone else just stayed home.  Oliver had a fever this afternoon and was grumpy.  He was acting fine and then he felt really hot.  We gave him some medicine and it broke the fever and then he was running around like normal.  I am worried he has strep or something.  Randy and Terry came over to visit this evening.  They took some blackberries home with them which was nice.  Casey cut more branches on the apricot tree and he dried another batch.  Well everyone have a good day tomorrow and good luck again Mom.


These were really good, we ate them all

Nice concert

Karen, I am glad you got some rest. I hope you are feeling a lot better and your cough isn't so bad.  We watched Zombies and Pride and Prejudice today and it was good.  The concert was amazing and Josh is my favorite.  He is so funny.  Isaac just laughed and laughed.  Tomorrow is my colonoscopy and so far so good.  This is the worst part of it.  Tomorrow they put me out.  I can't believe how fast August is going.  Everyone have a good Monday.  Robin I hope Walter's mom's birthday was good.  LOVE MOM


Well I have had a good Sunday. I really don't have anything exciting to report. I did get my laundry done, so that is nice. I hope everyone had a fun time sewing and going to the concert yesterday. Have a great week everyone


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...