Saturday, December 28, 2013

It's over

Elf is done!!!! So excited. I now have Monday-Thursday off of all jobs :) yeah! I went to best buy on Friday and got a new iPad so now I have one that works. I am blogging from it now to try it out. I bought a quilling book and it will be here Monday. I gave the flowers out as cards for closer gifts for elf and everyone loved them. Tomorrow I might go see American hustle with Walter. Everyone says it's good and we got movie gift cards for Christmas. I also got 50 dollars to gordmans and 20 to target. Shopping is in my future. I need to take down Christmas and de clutter my house first though. I'm glad you guys had a fun train ride. I am trying to get pictures online so you can access them. I have a lot of pictures from this year. We'll not to much else with me have a good Sunday Robin

Nice day

I had a really nice day also.  Thanks Rachel, Casey, Isaac and Karen for coming down and going on Front Runner to Ogden.  It was a lot of fun.  It was a full day for sure.  I am glad you all made it home safe and sound.  Robin, I am glad that you made it to the end of Elf.  Congratulations.  You work really hard.  It was a really cute play.  Not much else going on with me.  I hope everyone gets a day of rest.  LOVE MOM

Thank you

Thank you Mom, Dad and Karen for the fun train ride today.  I think that we are all worn out.  It was a fun day.  Isaac was very upset that we left Grandma and Grandpa's house and that we didn't bring his trains.  It took a while for him to calm down.  He missed everyone.  He slept the whole way home.  I have a ton of picture from our holiday extravaganza and I will work on posting them tomorrow.  Everyone have a nice relaxing day tomorrow and thank you again.


Thursday, December 26, 2013


Well, I slept in and took a nap.  We did go get our new debit cards so that was good.  I need to work on getting all my bills paid with the new debit card now.  I will do that in the morning.  I also went grocery shopping so that was good.  We are going to have to show Isaac what we pack up from now on.  He is just so smart. I forget he understands more now.  Karen thanks for everything.  It was really nice to have Christmas at your place.  I will see you all tomorrow then.  LOVE MOM

No Jetted Tubs

You know you are back in reality when you don't have a jetted tub to take a bath in.  Isaac had a hard time when we got home.  He just wanted to go to Aunt Karen's house.  When we started to bring in his toys and put them away he calmed down, I think he thought we left everything there.  He remembered everything he got and we played with it all today.  He has a mind like a steel trap.  We had a good time at Randy's.  Max got a k'nex roller coaster for Christmas and Isaac loved watching the car.  Today was good.  Isaac didn't go to bed until late so he was tired.  It was fun to have new toys to play with.  We are coming down tomorrow afternoon/evening.  I will text you Mom when we leave.  We are excited to ride the trains.



I am so proud, I remembered to put my trash out. Which is good cause it is full. I had a quiet day. It was nice I took a nap and everything. Thanks everyone again for the nice Christmas and for coming up to Kamas. I had a really fun time. Well have a great one.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...