Friday, January 17, 2025


 Work went really well today.  All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good.  Isaac didn't have school and he wasn't here when we got home.  I called him and a birthday party I thought was tomorrow switched to today.  Casey came home for lunch and drove him over so it worked out.  He stayed until 7 and had a fun time.  I had a really really embarrassing moment.  Oliver's friend wanted to play and I didn't read the text well and thought it was Dean but it was Hayden.  So I took him over to Deans house and after talking to Deans Mom I realized my mistake.  Oliver had a fun time with Hayden.  Me and Ruth went to the fabric store and got a back for my Phoenix quilt and we went to shivers to spend the rest of her gift card.  Again I messed up and kept the wrong receipt so she couldn't use the gift card.  After a bit she said she could just give us the amount off.  Ruth loves it there and she was really happy.  I accidentally fell asleep when we got home.  Casey and Ruth are making a platform on her bed and it is looking really nice.  Everyone have a good Saturday.

Love Rachel 

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 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...