Thursday, August 29, 2013
The food is made I am ready to play
Rachel if Casey gets time to make potatoes that would be really nice. He makes the best mashed potatoes. Thanks. I got the turkey unthawing. The lasagna is made and in the freezer and everything is ready for a taco bar. WE are going to have a great time this weekend. DAd said he is leaving for China on Monday so that might or might not happen. I just thought you would like to know. I am so ready for Friday also. My desk is piled high of stuff. It seems like I just got it cleared off and BAM everything came back. OH well I will get her done. Everyone drive safe. Robin how is Walter feeling. That has to be tough. Bone grafts are never fun. LOVE MOM
Isaac started the day off early and he was tired. He took a nap at 12 so we were able to go swimming in the afternoon. It was fun to go and we had a good time. I took Isaac to A&W for dinner and that was fun. It reminds me of Grandma and Grandpa. I am tired now after swimming so I think that I am going to call it an early night also. Mom, Casey said that he will make mashed potatoes for dinner tomorrow, it that is alright. Well everyone have a good night and I will see you tomorrow.
long thursday
today was good, dragged on though I am ready for friday then 3 day weekend!! yeah! not to much else with me I came home tonight and watched some sister wives and took a nap. so nice have a great one
one more
Just one more day until we get a three day weekend. Yeah. My day was good. Work stayed busy so it went by pretty quick. Rachel I ate all the dried apricots you gave me. They were really good. Thanks. I am excited for the weekend. Have a good Friday everyone. Bye
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
I love your plan
Robin, I would love for Walter's parents to come on Saturday. That would be really fun. I am good with what ever we want to do. This weekend is just kind of playing it as it comes. It is hard to plan between illness and Seer so we are just going to have to go with the flow. I think it will be fun.
today was busy at work so time went by fast so that was nice. the next two days are going to be crazy. um here is what I know about the fun part of the next few days. Friday walter said he would try to come by for dinner mom. he has to see about his hand and stuff but he will try. then for saturday we can do whatever in the morning BUT here is a new thing. we were talking to walters parents about swiss days and I said that they should come. so I don't know if they are for sure they just said it sounded fun. so That might happen. sorry I hope that was ok. But we are free saturday for whatever plans are. well have a great night
I am excited for Josh Groban also. His voice is just amazing. Time is going by really fast that is for sure. I had a good day. It was so busy, I was going everywhere today. We stopped by whole foods at Trolley square on our way home from work and got dad some juice. He was completely out and that is the only place that sells it now. We came home and had bacon and tomato sandwiches and they were good. I used some of Rachel's tomatoes and some of mine. I just love gardens. Well have a good Thursday. Hopefully it will quiet down and I will get some data entered. It is piling up on my desk. I love you guys. Karen I forgot you still had to get a crown. That sucks. I am sorry you got my teeth. LOVE MOM
Josh Groban
I am getting excited to see Josh Groban now that I have realized how close it is getting. We were listening to him in the car today and Isaac said Josh Groban is beautiful. We had a slow day and it was nice. Isaac took a good nap and I got a lot of sewing done, it felt really nice. My quilt is half quilted now. I had Isaac wear his underwear over his diaper for while, he wasn't thrilled but he did it. Well I don't have much else going on. We are coming down on Friday so it should be a fun weekend.
half way
I am sorry that you are falling apart Robin. I have a dentist appointment on the 6th to fix my tooth. I just need to get a crown on it so it shouldn't be too bad. My day was good. It went pretty quick so that was nice. I hope everyone has a great rest of the week. Bye
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Is if Friday yet?
Today was good. I got to go cover administration this morning and it was nice to move around a little bit. I have been sitting at my desk a lot lately. We went to Walmarts to get groceries and there was this rainbow that looked like it was 10 rainbows. It was neat. I am glad that scouts went good Rachel. I was worried with Isaac not taking a nap. It is sad when they don't nap anymore. I am so sorry about your tooth Robin. I am not sure who to recommend. I did go to the guy by dad's work on Foothill. He was OK. I hate teeth. Karen 69 degrees sounds nice to me it was 83 in the house when we got home today. Have a great hump day. I am glad that Walter is doing good and that he got his had fixed. LOVE MOM
just falling apart
today was good. Last night my back molar had something fall out. either an old filling or pure tooth. luckly it doesnt hurt but I need to make a dentist apt. to get it fixed before its a deal. i hate teeth. Walters hand surgery went well. i guess his hand was a mess. he has 3 pins and they had to bone graft from diffrent parts of his wrist. he said hes doing ok though. I bought him a subway for dinner and bought some smart cookies for dessert. he said he should be feeling good enough for swiss days on saturday. he didn't know if you wanted to meet up for breakfast after the run or just meet in kamas? well not to much else. its raining and cool so I can't complain have a great night
Fun Day
Today was really good. We didn't have scouts until 4:30 so we were able to go to story time. But Isaac refused to go. I finally tAlked him in the going on a walk so we walked to the library and just got some new books. I got a new book too and am excited to read it. The weather was nice on the way there but really hot on the way home. I sewed with jenn after lunch and that was fun. We haven't done it in a while. Isaac never took a nap so that wasn't great. It was nice to have Casey home to watch him. Scouts went really well and I had a lot of fun. Isaac had a really fun time with the kids. After dinner I just watched him jump on the tramp forever. He started to do belly flops and that was pretty funny. I am glad that Walter is doing good also. I hope everyone has a good evening.
Well I could have used a nap today, but I made it thru without one. Work was good. It was chilly here today. My house was 69 when I got home from work. I am glad that Walter's hand surgery went well. Hopefully it will heal quickly. I hope everyone had a good day. Bye
Monday, August 26, 2013
today went by fast which was nice. work wasn't choas so hopefully it stays nice at work all week. Walter goes into surgery tomorrow for his hand. I took him to luck 13 is a hamburger place it was pretty good I think that dad would like it. not to much else with me I have to go into work early but it won't be to bad. Thanks for the fun weekend it was good to see everyone
love you
Energizer Bunny
Isaac never took a nap today. Me and Casey were both tired and really tired but he wouldn't take one. We walked to the park this evening and he walked all the way there and home. He never sat in the stroller, he has legs of steel. Last night me and Casey cut up all of the tomatoes, there were about 100, and made spaghetti sauce. We let it cook all night and then I canned it this afternoon. It feels really nice to get all the tomatoes off of the counter. Tell Walter good luck for me also. I hope that it goes well. Thanks Mom for arranging to have the packets picked up. That will be nice. Karen, Minon Rush. Everyone have a good night.
Nice Day
I had a nice day today. It was cooler outside and I got some work done and I just had a good day. I think I am still enjoying the weekend. Not much else going on with me. I did tell Kelsey to pick up the packets on Friday. I thought that way she would know if anything was missing. Robin tell Walter good luck with the surgery tomorrow. I hope all goes well. Karen I am glad you got some rain. We haven't had any rain at all. I finally passed by level on candy crush. My phone won't work until I get to work tomorrow to get everyones tickets to pass the level. Oh well, I can wait. Have a great Tuesday. I can't believe this is the last week of August. Weird. LOVE MOM
Well my Monday has been good. It rained a bit this afternoon. I am hoping for more tonight. Work went good. Although it did seem like a long day. Thanks for a nice weekend everyone. I hope that you all had a great day. Bye
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Another week
Thanks for the fun weekend. I sure had a good time. It is hard to come back to the real world. I only have to work this week and then we get a three day weekend. Not much else going on with me since we spoke. Have a great week. LOVE MOM
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...