Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fun Day

Today was really good.  We didn't have scouts until 4:30 so we were able to go to story time.  But Isaac refused to go.  I finally tAlked him in the going on a walk so we walked to the library and just got some new books.  I got a new book too and am excited to read it.  The weather was nice on the way there but really hot on the way home.  I sewed with jenn after lunch and that was fun.  We haven't done it in a while.  Isaac never took a nap so that wasn't great.  It was nice to have Casey home to watch him.  Scouts went really well and I had a lot of fun.  Isaac had a really fun time with the kids.  After dinner I just watched him jump on the tramp forever.  He started to do belly flops and that was pretty funny.  I am glad that Walter is doing good also.  I hope everyone has a good evening.


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 My day was good. Robin and Jeremy came down and finished the floor. It looks really nice. We went to lunch and then came home and took a na...