Thursday, August 29, 2013

The food is made I am ready to play

Rachel if Casey gets time to make potatoes that would be really nice.  He makes the best mashed potatoes.  Thanks.  I got the turkey unthawing.  The lasagna is made and in the freezer and everything is ready for a taco bar.  WE are going to have a great time this weekend.  DAd said he is leaving for China on Monday so that might or might not happen.  I just thought you would like to know.  I am so ready for Friday also.  My desk is piled high of stuff.  It seems like I just got it cleared off and BAM everything came back.  OH well I will get her done.  Everyone drive safe.  Robin how is Walter feeling.  That has to be tough.  Bone grafts are never fun.  LOVE MOM

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