Saturday, November 27, 2021


 I sure had a nice thanksgiving also. Thanks for having us up. It was so nice to all be together. I fell asleep at 8 last night and didn't wake up until 11. That was crazy. We just went slow. We did go to the zoo and walk a little bit. Dad didn't feel great so we came back home. I did look at my ultrasound and I am good. No followup us needed. That made my day. I love your Christmas tree and decorations. Love mom


 I had a fun Thanksgiving also. Thanks everyone for the good time. Today I slept in. That was nice. Then I just had a lazy day most of the day. The after dinner I wrote the last paper for my logistics class. Yeah! This semester is almost over. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye


 Thank you guys so much for coming up.  It was so good to see everyone.  I miss you guys.  It was a fun Thanksgiving.  We slept yesterday after everyone left.  We got our tree out and half the lights didn't work.  So we unwrapped the old light which took forever.  Then we went to Lowes and got new lights that change color.  The kids were so excited to decorate the tree and we had a fun time.  This movie walked Tony.  Mostly Casey took apart his desk in the office and took it to the dump.  Me and Isaac decorated the outside of the house.  I wanted to go on a walk and Oliver wanted to go to the zoo so we ended up going to the zoo.  It was closed so the kids played at the park.  It was a pretty day.  Casey made turkey soup and it tasted good.  Casey went to climbing gym and I stayed with the kids who were playing really well together.  Thanks again and love you guys.



Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 My day was good. The day before a holiday always drags a bit though. They did bring doughnuts to work so that was fun. After work I came home and did my last homework assignment for engineering economics. So there is just the final left to do in that class (and 2 more class lectures). I will see everyone tomorrow. I am excited to play. Bye

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


My glowforge came today. We set it up and tried the first cut but the laser wasn't cutting.. so I'm not sure if it was late or skipped a step. But I emailed customer support to see if it can be figured out. And I will try again tomorrow. But it's fun to have at least. Just hope it's something dumb and not a whole replacement thing



 Work is really quiet. It is so nice. I left early to go get my ultrasound and Julie called and her nodule was benign so that is good. We went shopping afterwards and came home and made stuffing. We are ready to rock. I just need to pack and we are ready. I am glad your glowforge came. That is so much fun. I didn't sleep good last night either. Everyone have a nice Wednesday. Our Friday love mom


 Today was the last day of school this week which is exciting.  I didn't sleep great again so I didn't walk early but Ruth went to play with her friend Emily so I walked then.  It was nice to go when it is light outside.  I had a dentist appointment to clean my teeth while Ruth was at school.  Then I went grocery shopping.  This evening Casey made the brine for the turkeys and I cleaned so I think we are getting ready for Thanksgiving.  Robin we don't have a play and pack for Luna so you probably need to bring something for her to sleep in, sorry.  Oliver made a cute Thanksgiving book at school.  He was so proud of it and did a great job on it.  Ruth made a Thanksgiving hat.  Love you guys.




 I hope the rest of your glow forge showed up Robin. My day was good. Work is staying busy so it went by pretty fast. Then I made stuffing and eclair cake for Thanksgiving. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Monday, November 22, 2021


 That is fun part of your glow forge came Robin.  I hope the assembly is easy.  I didn't sleep well last night.  I was worried about primary stuff which is dumb.  I did walk and then we had a two hour exercise class.  It was fun but wore me out.  Me and Ruth picked up Jimmy John's sandwiches for lunch.  I sewed while Ruth was at school.  Isaac had orchestra and we played playdough while we were waiting for him.  Just a normal evening with homework.  I am so glad the kids have a short week at school.  It will be a nice break.




 Work was ok. I was tired and unmotivated but I made it through and even got work done. Karen bought us a new puzzle and it is wood. It is fun to work on. There are abcs on the back so you know the pieces line up. We just vegged tonight. I did take the garbage out. I also bought lagoon tickets. I guess I was on fire. I am going to go get some more of the pull toys. Ruth and Oliver like them also. They are fun. Karen I am glad you get a weekend off. That was a lot of work. Robin congratulations on part of your glowforge and getting a new tv. What a fun time. Love mom


Sorry I forgot to blog last night. We bought a new t.v we ordered it from Samsung and should be here the first part of December. Today was good work was work. Then we have to run to get a walk in before it gets really dark. The glow forge delivers in two parts. The main machine and then the inside tray with some material to practice on. Today just the tray and the material showed up lol so hopefully tomorrow I get the main machine. 


 Monday's always seem like long days, but I made it through. The quality manager asked me to do some internal audits this morning so I have been working on that. Other than that it was just the usual here. After work I come home and did some school work and dishes. Tomorrow I am going to cook my stuff for Thanksgiving. I am excited for the holiday. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, November 21, 2021


 We got up. That is always an amazing act. We just watched doctor who and then drove to lehi and had lunch with robin, jeramy and Luna. It was a lot of fun. We went to Costco to get pies and they ordered them a new tv. I love major purchases. I had to delivery something to one of the board members for Christmas in pleasant Grove. It wasn't that far from robins house. We came home and napped. It was such a pretty day outside. Karen I am glad you are caught up. That was a lot of work. I am ready to play. You have worked so hard this semester. Just one more to go. Robin I hope you glowforge comes right on time. Rachel thanks for having us come up for Thanksgiving. All the ads for black Friday are lame. I am still way excited


 I got my school stuff done. So yeah, I won't have any homework to do over Thanksgiving. Then I got my laundry done. Exciting I know but it needed to be done. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye 


 I have been bad at blogging this weekend.  Sorry.  We had a really fun time with Mom and Dad.  The kids are so excited for Thanksgiving.  We had a lot of fun painting last night.  They have asked three times to go back and Oliver wants to pick his up.  Today was good.  I slept in and didn't walk Tony.  I had a meeting for primary.  It is going to be busy this month.  Church was good and the kids are so cute in primary.  Casey left after sacrament and fixed the water heater.  It was leaking a bit.  We went the climbing gym after we had lunch.  It wasn't crowded and was fun to go.  Then the kids rode their bikes to the park and we walked Tony.  It was a pretty day and felt good to get out.  Tony loves to get balls.  After dinner Isaac played the violin for me and he is sounding good.  I played the piano and it was so fun to play.  I need to do that more.  Love you guys and I am excited for you guys to come up.




 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...