Saturday, March 8, 2014
Home again
I made it home, safe and sound. I came home by way of Kamas and watched as dad and Karen fixed the sink. I had such a nice week. It will be hard to get back into the real world. I love to play. We went to Walmart when I got home so we could shop and get a movie for tomorrow. Robin congratulations on making it through the play. I love you guys. LOVE MOM
Where is everybody?
After Mom had left Casey went to help his Dad move a couch. Isaac came up to me and asked where is everybody? I think he is going to have a hard time when he is just stuck with me. We had a really really fun time with Mom this week. We were sad to see her go. I hope that your sink is fixed Karen and I hope that work went well for your Robin, you work so hard. Here are some pictures. We pulled out the baby gym and Oliver really liked it and Isaac had his own so he liked it as well. I hope that everyone has a good Sunday and gets some rest.
Thursday, March 6, 2014
Too fast
This week is going by too fast. Oliver is such a good baby, I love cuddling with him. Isaac has been so cute and fun. Rachel and Casey have been so nice to visit with. Karen I hope your sink is ok. I am glad dad came up to look at it. Robin that play went by fast. I am glad you didn't work full time on it. Have a great Friday. We are going to go get the pictures tomorrow of the kids. That should be fun. Love mom
Spring Ahead
I am surprised about day light saving time also. It took me by surprise. I am sorry that you haven't seen Walter this week. I hope that things calm down soon. Karen I hope that your sink is an easy fix, good luck. We had a good day. Mom was up all night with Oliver so we just had a quiet day at home. We had pita pit for lunch and Mom made delicious lasagna for dinner. Here are a couple of pictures of Oliver and Isaac. Everyone have a great Friday. We are meeting Vickie for lunch tomorrow and that should be fun.
Move ahead
So when I got home the monthly apartment letter was on my door and it said this Sunday we spring ahead an hour. I was stunned. I can't believe it's this week. It will be nice it won't get dark till 7 now though. I think I have a small eye stye it doesn't hurt to bad so that's a bonus. I haven't seem Walter In a couple days so I don't have any news for his side. I guess same ole same ole. But I will be able to see him when he moves in he just needs to check in and out when he leaves. Not to much else I'm glad it's Friday tomorrow. Saturday is the last day of much ado. Yeah. Have a good one
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Move it
Issac was singing that song on the way home from mcdonalds play land. We tried out the trampoline park tonight and that is fun. I think we should go there it is fun for adults as well as kids. I think Oliver is getting some weight on him. He is starting to have a bum. He still is so tiny but I think he is growing good. Have a nice Thursday. I am going to come home on Saturday. Love mom
Lets do it
Work went well it's still slow but it's good. I was going to hang with Walter but he got busy with packing stuff so I stayed in and watched bridezilla. There are some messed up people in the world. Anyway not to much else going on. Have a good one
Well my day has been good. I am sorry that I didn't blog last night. I forgot. I went to WalMart after work and went grocery shopping. Exciting times I know. I am glad that you guys are having a fun time in Logan. Have a good one bye
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Good times
I had a good day, Rachel told you what happened and I enjoyed everything. Robin do you get to visit with Walter when he moves in there? I am glad you had a good day at work Karen, I forgot it was mardi gra. Lees is having a big case lot sale does any one need brown sugar or canned stuff. It is really cheap. Let me know and I will pick some up. Have a great hump day. Me and Isaac are going to the trampoline park tomorrow.
We had a good day. Isaac and Grandma went to story time this morning and shopping. Me and Oliver took a nap which was really nice. We spent the afternoon relaxing, Isaac needed some down time. Randy and Terry brought over dinner which tasted really good and it was really nice to visit with them. Oliver is doing really well still and is really cute. I have attached pictures. It has been really nice to have Mom here and we are really having a good time. I am glad that Walter is getting things worked out. He is doing a good job. If he needs any help just let us know. That is exciting. Karen I put Oliver in that cute prince outfit and it looked really really cute. We had an accident in it before I took a picture but I will try again tomorrow. Thanks.
Today was good it felt like a Friday though. Work was kind a slow but I survived. I was going to try the gym tonight but my back kinda hurt so I might try tomorrow. Walter is moving for sure I guess he's going to try and move this weekend, he is going to to be there for four months and then they will help him find a place to live. I guess his disability and schooling should all be worked out by then as well. So that is all I have for now. Hope everyone is doing well. Love you
Monday, March 3, 2014
So there was an upholstery job posted on ksl so I applied and then they wanted me to call to make an informal interview. I went down to the place after work and it was tiny. I didn't really like the place and the job wasn't really upholstery so I don't think that it's going to work out. I was kinda bummed but that's trying to find a new job process I guess.cwalter had another meeting with the va and I think that he's going to try moving into that program house again on next Monday. So I will keep you posted have a good night
I have had a ice day. I just played all day. Isaac just wanted to hang around the house and we took naps while he watched tv. I really haven't done a lot. Oliver is getting so alert. He was watching Isaac jump today. Isaac was teaching him how to do it. It just made my day. I know time is going to go by way to fast. I am glad the dentist went well Karen. It is suppose to rain tomorrow. Me and Isaac are going to story time in the morning. Robin I hope all is well. Love mom
Ladies and Gentlemen
I am glad that the dentist went well Karen, good job. We had a good day. It was really nice to have Mom here. Casey had to go back to work this morning. Mom had to do payroll this morning but it didn't take her long. We watched a show and took a nap which was really nice. Mom picked up lunch at Sonics and it tasted really good. We took a walk to give back some dishes from the dinners that people brought. Everyone has been so nice. This evening we just stayed home and played. Casey and Isaac did go on a long walk and they seemed to have a good time. I hope that everyone has a good night and a good Tuesday.
Well today was good. Work dragged a little bit, but I made it thru. Than I went to the dentist. It wasn't too bad. I am glad that it is over with though. I feel kind of tired today so I might head to bed early tonight. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, March 2, 2014
I am awake
I took a nap also and just laid around all day. I had a nice time. Good luck Karen with the dentist. Oliver is doing good and Isaac is being so cute with him. I have to go do payroll in the morning but I am going to play the rest of the time. Robin that is scary about the trap door, it am glad no one got hurt. Love mom
We had a good weekend, sorry I didn't blog also. I am glad that you are doing alright Robin. I hate when they make mistakes and then their is nothing you can do. It was really nice to see Karen and Dad yesterday. Thank you for coming up. We had Karen's soup for dinner and it tasted really good, thank you. Calleen came up today and it was good to visit with her. Oliver woke up a lot last night so I was tired today and I took a long nap this morning and I felt better. Casey has to go back to work tomorrow and we are sad about that. It is always hard to go back to work. I hope that everyone has a good Monday. We are going to have fun with Grandma this week.
Well my day has been good. I got a nap and everything. Tomorrow I am leaving work early to go to the dentist. Fun times. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. Bye
It's a trap.
I'm ok mom. Thanks for the offer it's just pisses me off more then anything. Sorry I didn't blog yesterday. I worked at pioneer and at the last show the trap in the middle of the stage didn't close during a scene so during intermission they tried to fix it. So we had a 40 minute intermission it was normally 15 so we got out late. I'm just glad it wasn't a costume problem, :) have a good week everyone I hope it goes smoothly
A little late
I feel asleep holding Oliver last night and I didn't blog. I just finished feeding him and thought I would write now. I took Isaac to lees last night and he was so cute. He said he had such a fun fun time. Robin we can help you if you need us too. I won't be home until Saturday do you need it before then. karen your soup was so good. We have enough left for another night. Thanks for coming up. I am glad I got to come up to help. Thanks Rachel it is so much fun. We'll I am off to sleep again. Love mom
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...