Saturday, August 6, 2022


 Today was good and it rained most of the day.  We also slept in.  We just cleaned and ran errands today.  Nothing exciting but it was nice.  I hope you feel better Mom.

Love Rachel 


 I slept in until 2 and then we were going to Karen's but I started feeling sick so we just stayed home and I slept. I felt bad we didn't to.karens but I am hoping I feel.better and not spread it around. It really rained here. Love you all mom


 My day was good. I slept in this morning. Then after lunch I went to the hardware store and got stuff to fix the drywall around the window in the blue room. I got the drywall cut and installed but I ran out of steam so I will tape and mud it later. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Friday, August 5, 2022


 I am with Robin. I am glad it is Friday. I went in a little bit early so i left a.little early. That was nice. It rained here a little bit also. We hooked up with Rachel's gang for lagoon. it was fun. Karen that hover board looks fun. Hope it rains a lot tomorrow. Love mom


 Wow Karen, thanks for the video.  You look great.  We had a fun day.  I walked and went to exercise class.  I had to make copies for church so me and Ruth did that.  The boys had their last day at camp.  The had a really fun time.  They did a scavenger hunt today.  We went swimming after lunch.  It sprinkled a bit while we were there but not bad.  It was still really warm.  It was nice because it wasn't crowded.  I had my last physical therapy appointment today.  It was good to see how far I had come and how much better my hand is.  I still have some work to do but I can do it at home.  Casey called and asked if we wanted to go to Lagoon tonight so we went.  We met Mom and Dad and we had a really fun time.  It was a beautiful evening and was so nice to be out.  Thanks for meeting us.

Love Rachel


I'm glad today was Friday. work was long and felt like it would never end. Luna was so cuddly and cute today. I think she is starting to feel better


 I am so glad that the weekend is here. Work was good. It was our electrical engineers last day so he got us pizza for lunch. After work it rained for a minute. Then I practiced my hoverboard. It has a beginner, intermediate, and expert setting so I changed it to intermediate tonight and I think it was easier. I put a video below. I have to look down to make sure I miss the rocks. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Thursday, August 4, 2022


 Work was good. Nothing to crazy. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. We did go to pick up drugs and then got gas in my car. There was a bad wreck on 33rd so we took the freeway home. I made spaghetti for dinner. I did scrub my dirty bathtub. I know I lead a exciting life. Robin that is funny about dinner. You I hope the cold dinner was amazing. Karen I am so glad you are doing better with the hover board and we didn't have to come rescue at the er. Rachel.tony is so cute. I am glad you had a nice day. Love you guys mom


 I walked this morning which was nice.  The boys had a fun at Harry Potter camp.  They made spell books.  Me and Ruth took Tony to the humane society to get his vaccine boosters.  Then we took him to PetSmart to get a new bone.  He did really well at all the places.  He buried his bone somewhere so one day he may enjoy it.  We just played and did crafts this afternoon.  Then after dinner Casey killed wasps in the backyard.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


Nothing to wild today. I had work then I picked up groceries. After work the missionaries came over.right around dinner. So we had cold dinner late but it was for a holy cause. 



 My day has been good. Work is still moving along.  Nothing too exciting there. I did practice my hover board after work and I can make it to the end of my and back without killing myself so I am improving.  I hope everyone had a great day and I hope Jeremy's mom is doing okay. Bye

Wednesday, August 3, 2022


 Harry Potter camp is going really well and the boys are happy.  They are having a fun time.  Ruth is extra moody so she may be jealous.  We went to exercise class and I am going to miss it.  My teacher gave me some ideas of where to go in the evening.  I had to fill out a bunch of papers for my new job.  It took an hour.  We picked the boys up and went grocery shopping. Ruth didn't want to go and went on a hunger strike for an half and hour.  The kids just wanted to play at home so we did that.  I had book group tonight and we meet at Kneaders.  It was fun to talk.

Love Rachel 


 Work has been busy this week. I am falling behind. Dad went to the dentist today and got two fillings done. It wiped him out. I had a headache all day. I think it was the brownies I ate. We just vegged tonight. I did make tuna noodle casserole for dinner and that tasted good. Luna is so cute. serious dipping. She is growing up. I am sorry about Jeramy's mom. Karen I am glad your interview went well. I am glad your hover board is good. Rachel I hope camp has been going well. It is suppose to get stormy the rest of the week. Love mom


Today was good nothing wild. We went to one man band for dinner and it tasted good. Luna was really into dipping her cheese stick into pizza sauce. I can't remember if I blogged but Jeramys mom is in the hospital. She didn't take her insulin medicine for 6 out of 7 days. She is septic and they say she is doing better just waiting to see if permanent damage was done to her organs. But she will be in the hospital for a few more days at least. The new minion movie is out to buy in Amazon. It takes us three days to get through a full movie lol but the first part was good



 I think my interview went well. They said I should hear from them within a week. My hover board came. I kind of suck at it but I will keep practicing. Other than that I have just had a lazy day. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, August 2, 2022


 I am excited about the job and I think it will be a good place to work.  I start on the 15 which is the week school starts.  Tell Jeremy congratulations also.  Good luck tomorrow Karen.  Today was good.  I walked this morning.  The boys had Harry Potter camp and had a fun time.  They made some cute os and bookmarks.  Ruth was moody this morning so we walked Kohl's and then we got lunch together.  She had tumbling also.  After lunch we went to the jump zone.  It was really busy and Isaac complained the whole time.  I had a free drink at whips so we went there for a snack.  After dinner Casey went on a run and we went to the park for some hoverboard time.  They were have a police night out and we got some free candy.  It wasn't a big event but it was fun.  Love you guys.

Love Rachel


 The guy called from sprint and we get the phones for free they just give us credits every month. So that is good. Work has been busy and my emails are stacking up. Crazy. I came home and we just took it easy. I am so excited for you Rachel and Robin. Life is changing.  Karen you are next. Well good luck with your hover board. We didn't get any rain but we had a nice thunderstorm last night. Have a nice hump day. Love mom


I'm glad you got your job Rachel that will be fun. They have really cute designs. Good luck with your interview Karen. Jeramy had a job want him to start. It's an inventory warehouse person. It's for a small company that makes cabinets. He's excited. Luna is wild and her teeth are giving her fits. Hopefully she feels better soon


 My day was good. It rained here off and on this morning. Work is going good. I am glad everyone is getting jobs,  my interview is tomorrow so wish me luck.  I also get my hover board tomorrow so wish me luck on that as well. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, August 1, 2022


 Good luck at your interview Karen.  I am excited for you.  We had a good day.  I walked this morning and went to exercise class.  We did high which I love so much.  The boys went to Harry Potter camp and they loved it.  Isaac was so happy when I picked them up.  They had a great time.  We went to the library and read for a while.  Casey worked late so we went to the park and did the hoverboard.  It started to rain which is werid so we came home and watched Harry Potter.  

Love Rachel


Jeramy had a second interview today at a cabinet millwork place for a warehouse inventory. He said it went well and the most likely will offer him the job tomorrow. So he was excited. Luna was really grumpy but we made it out alive. She just has to throw a tantrum at least every 15 minutes to get it out of her system. it started to thunder and rain here. Good luck Rachel and Karen with your jobs 



 So dad spent all morning with sprint and Karen and dad.all night. I think they are going to give our phones for free like they said they would. Karen did good and held her ground. Thanks. I was nervous and got my beads out. I used my light board.and it was so nice. I love it. I have been wanting to do them again. It felt nice. Dad got his shot. It.makes him feel off for a couple of days. Karen I am glad you got another job interview. Yeah. I am glad that Casey might not need surgery. That is good. I couldn't sleep last night so I am tired. I hope I sleep tonight. Robin it you might have gotten some rain. We didn't get any. Love mom


 My day has been good. I got an interview for a different job at Northrup. So I have an interview Wednesday. Wish me luck :) That is also the day I get my hover board so I just took the whole day off. Hopefully my hover board comes early so that I can play with it in the morning. Other than that it was just the usual for a Monday. Mom and dad are still trying to get the charge for the new phones off the bill and I am on the phone with them and sprint right now. It is annoying because the guy at the store said it was a free upgrade and they didn't need to turn in their phones. Oh well we will get it worked out eventually. I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

P.s. I hung up my diploma 


Sunday, July 31, 2022


My work party went well. But Luna lost it around 8 because it was bed time. My boss lives in Salem so we drove home and got Luna ready for bed. But she wasn't having it so she was up till 10:30. We took it slow this morning this morning then went to Costco. Luna finally took a nap later in the day so I took a nap too. Then we went to the park to run around. Her bruise on her face is there but not too bad. She will be fine


 We had a nice day. We met Karen for lunch and went shopping. It was fun. We got all the stuff for dads birthday paint night. Michael's had a good sale going on paint stuff. I hope luna didn't get to big of a bruise on her face. I was worried about that. She fell hard at lagoon. Rachel I am glad you had a nice day. I hope the kids have fun at camp. I can't believe July is over with. I hope it cools down I think the heat is wearing on me. Let's hope.august finds jobs and a lot of happiness. Love mom


 Today was good.  We got up super early and went to church.  The kids were dying and it made me dread getting them up for school.  I had a meeting after church which went good.  Callen came by and dropped off our trailer she had borrowed.  Casey went to work and I sewed while the kids had their hour.  Ruth did her painting and I did beads with her.  Randy invited us up for root beer floats so we went up there.  I found a ton of jobs for Karen so I sent them on.  The boys have harry Potter camo this week.  I think they will have a lot of fun.  Everyone have a good Monday.

Love Rachel


 I had a nice day. I met mom and dad for lunch in Park City. We went to old navy and a got a new pair of jeans because mine are getting a hole in the pocket. I am watering my lawn so it will be green and soft when my hover board gets here. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...