Saturday, June 19, 2010

Nice day

Well the carpet is all ordered and should be here in a couple of weeks. I moved all the garage sale stuff out in the garage and now I can start working on the art room. That is a mess right now. I am slowly making progress. I am glad you had a good day. I even took a nap. That felt nice. Not too much else to report.



Mom, I hope that your carpet stuff went good today. I still don't know what to get you for your birthday though. I had a good day, Nothing too exciting but I am getting a lot done. I am doing my laundry right now. I hope that everyone had a good Saturday. BYE


Casey and Rachel stayed with us last night. I didn't know until morning. They seem to be having a good time. Not much going on here. I went and signed for my carpet to be ordered and tried to find Gary a pair of shoes. We ended up ordering him a new pair. 14 are hard to find. I hope your movie is going good Robin. I am excited for you. It is a nice day here today. Have a great day.


stunt egg

Well we finished our movie really early. We started at 11pm and finished at 9am I thought I was going to be there till midnight tonight but we got everything done. It was really fun I'm glad that I did it. Our theme was silent movie, our object was an egg ( we had a few casualties) , our person was a news reporter, and our line was "thats what I'm here for". We had to use all of them with in the movie. Its kinda a comedy but then there is a girl that is like the grudge. I did her makeup all creepy, she would walk around and scare everyone. They are going to make it black and white so I'm excited to see how it turns out with out color. I hope its just as creepy. anyway I think I will get a copy so we can watch it. The showing is wensday at 6:30. Its kinda late so if you just want to wait till the dvd copy, then you don't have to worry about times. If anyone wants to go I am going to go buy me a ticket tomorrow. I want to see the others who had our genre. well I hope everyone had a great saturday.


Friday, June 18, 2010


Well I didn't blog last night, I was tired. I figured I would blog early today, we start shooting at 11:30 pm so Its going to be a long night. I am glad that dads appt. went well. I hope the stress test helps. Work was nice last night. there was drama with the cast but I am stuck in the wardrobe room so I just hear about it so that makes things nicer. well I hope everyone has a great weekend

love you

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I am glad that Dad doctors appointen went good, I am worried about him. I did get Dad a fathers day present today and it is pretty cool, I think that he will like it. Today was frustrating at work, I had troubles with a query but my evening was good. I went grocery shopping and then Casey came home and we got Dad a present. I got a bunch of snacks for work so that is exciting. Well we are headed to Logan tomorrow and I don't think I will have access to a computer so you may not hear from me until Sunday.



I am glad that dad's test went well. I am sorry that he has to go back though. I don't like going to the doctor. I am glad that grandma likes her new phone, is it super loud for her. Well my day was good. Work was kind of slow, but what can you do. I am tired too Mom. But my problem is I just don't go to bed when I should. I was watching Jekyll, it is a tv series that dad said he enjoyed. So I netflixed it and got sucked in. Oh well tomorrow is Friday, so I can make it to Saturday when i can sleep in. Well I hope that everyone one has a great Friday. Love ya BYE

Dad is good

We got back from the doctor and thought I would let you guys know that they are going to do a stress test in Ogden next Thursday morning. It is a different kind of test because they do drugs to stress the heart instead of running on a tread mill. I guess you don't have to go off meds for it. Any way then they can make sure that the stent is still OK. Other than that they had no great ideas of why he keeps having so many PVCs. We got grandma a new hearing impaired phone and it works like a champ. She loves it. It is like the old phones and it lights up and rings. We have programmed phones numbers in it so all she has to do it press one button to call. I hope it works better than the last phone we got her. I am hoping so. Well have a great day. It is so nice to see the sun.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

where does time go

well Today I had off. so that was nice. Me and a girl from lagoon went shopping at joanns today. There was a lady who came and helped us for tech week and she said that she would make us corsets. So we bought some material. I think I might have her make it to fit the girl I want to use for my cirque photo shoot but I am still deciding. Then me and dad went out and got grandpa a fathers day present. It was nice to have a chill day. I am usually running running running and then nothing. but I guess that is life. Your trip looks fun karen. I'm excited to see photos.

love you


Well it has rained here all afternoon and evening. Everything is so green and pretty. I got some of the remover that you saw Karen at Lowes and it works great on the tub. Seems like tuppertine (bet you that is what it is) and boy does it smell. I also chaulked around the bottom of the tub tonight. I then did two batches of laundry. I am tired. I worked 10 hours today but am leaving early tomorrow to go meet Gary for the doctor's appointment. The carpet man is coming at 7:30 in the morning to measure the rooms (I hope). Never a dull moment here. I am tired. I haven't been sleeping very well lately. I hope I sleep tonight.



I had a good day, it was realyl windy. It kind of made me dizzy. It was realy crazy. I meet Casey for dinner, he had a good day at the lab, things are going good. Then I worked on my Sea Urchin quilt and my catherdral quilt. Well I don't have much else going on. Have a good night.


My cruise is the week of the 23rd of August. I am still waiting for the full itinerary so I don't quit know how many outfits and what kind I will need. This is the basic one that I have.

23-Aug Monday Miami, FL
24-Aug Tuesday Nassau, Bahamas
25-Aug Wednesday CocoCay, Bahamas
26- Aug Thursday Key West, FL
27- Aug Friday Miami FL

I did get me a new swim suit though. It sounds like everyone is busy. Good luck with your 48 hour movie stuff. It is really windy here today we are having wind gusts up to 60 miles an hour. I near got blown away getting into my car. Have a great rest of the week. BYE

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

no showed

Well all my appointments no showed. The carpet guy was sick and the lady really isn't wanting to look at the house YEAH give me more time to get organized. It was late by the time we went to dinner so I just did laundry tonight. (I didn't get paid) I have three loads left for tomorrow night. Lucky me. I am so excited for you Karen. You are going to have so much fun. YEAH. Robin I want to go see the movies. That would be so much fun. Let us know for sure when they are. Good luck with your weekend. Rachel thanks for taking dad out for dinner. It is nice to have you guys close to him and take good care of him. LOVE YOU GUYS


bon voyage

Yeah I am excited that you get to go karen. :) we will have to have a shopping day to get some cute cloths for your trip. are you going in august. I will make some plans maybe we can make a trip to for the week. Rachel we should rent the movie. if its on netflix's we can put it on the tv here. I might have to buy the book. Well today I worked at lagoon. It was mostly laundry day yes i know I do laundry but its not so bad when they pay you to do it. Then I ran over and helped on the film for a bit. This weekend is the 48 hour film festival, it should be fun. my crew is pretty focused so I think it will be fun. I will have to find out the premiere date so everyone can go and vote on my film. they give out awards for audience favorites. I glad that you got painting done mom. I had a question what do you want for you birthday. I went on your wish list on amazon and it was blank... anyway have a great night



Karen, I am excited for you, I am so glad that it worked out. You are going to have a blast. YEA. That is exciting. I didn't have as exciting day. Work was busy again, I have been making some new reports and it has been fun. Then I meet Dad and Casey for dinner at Sades. It is really good, I am going to have my left overs for lunch tomorrow. I am watching the road, I listened to the audio book and I was interested to watch the movie. It is a really good book if anyone is interested.



Well it is official I got into the cruise, I am going to the Bahama's! I finally got a hold the the travel agent and she said she found a roomie so I get to go. I am excited. She is going to send an itinerary to me in the next couple of days so I will post that as I get it. I am glad that you got your painting done mom. I wish you luck with all the people that are stopping bye night. I am glad that your job is going good Rachel it is always nice to go to work when you like what you are doing. Well have a great night everyone. BYE

Monday, June 14, 2010

life on the outside

Well we shoot some scenes today. we shoot out in provo and man did I get lost I ended up in orem for a while. shocker. I drove past thanksgiving point and had a good laugh of so many years ago. Once you know where everything is, thanksgiving point really is quite far from west valley. :) anyway We are shooting tomorrow and I am working at lagoon. So tomorrow is going to be packed. I am glad that everyone is doing well.


I don't know how we did it but we did it

We got all the painting done YEAH. Now it is just clean and organize. I am excited. The carpet man is coming tomorrow night to measure and then the lady is coming also. Should be an eventful night. I have been taking down pictures etc and trying to make it look like the houses on the TV. I thought Rachel when you came home this weekend you could give me more advice on that one. Dad left tonight to go to SLC so he could be there bright and early. He was tired I hope he gets some rest. Have a great day. I am glad you guys are doing good.


Semi Productive

Today was a good day at work. I am liking my job. I am creating new reports and that is fun. Casey had to work tonight so I meet him for dinner at Rumbi's, it is a good place. Then I came home and I cleaned, it was a miracle. The apartment looks a lot better, I like the feeling. I sewed for a little bit but I think that I am going to play Zelda for a while. I started playing it again Saturday and it is a fun game. I haven't played since I moved. Maybe tomorrow I will get more sewing done. I have been looking at all these fun quilt blogs and I am inspired. I need to start finishing some projects. Well have a good night and stay safe. Speaking of safety, where can you buy pepper spray? I would like to buy some.


Well I made it thru Monday. It was a pretty good day. The phones at work weren't working so it was really quiet in engineering. I hope that your shooting goes well Robin. Mom I hope that painting went well and that you didn't have to stay up until 4 am. I hope that everyone has a great week. Don't' work too hard. BYE

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Well this morning was pretty chill, then I went to work at lagoon. I guess they decided to close the park early today so i got done by nine. I guess the weather was bad, but they had it open all day yesterday with the wind. whatever. I am amazed at how many people show up on rainy days. well tomorrow we are going to shoot for the film. They located a hospital, so we are going to knock the hospital scences out. Hopefully its a productive day. well Have a great monday


Lazy day

Ihad a lazy day. WE went to church but came home because the gym smell is still really bad. We have paint fumes at home and oil in the gym. Lucky us. I did get a nap and that was nice. We got some color pages for grandma to try and so we all colored one page together it was fun. Hope you guys had a good sunday.



Well I am sorry that I didn't blog yesterday I was lazy and really didn't have anything exciting to report. Things are good here it is really wind here also. But so far all the trees have stayed up right. Church was good today. We had the sister missionaries talk in sacrament meeting. Today we sang Love at Home in sacrament and it reminded me of mom singing it at us when ever we were fighting. Oh the memories. Well I hope that everyone had a good Sunday. Love ya BYE


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...