Saturday, January 4, 2014


I had a fun day.  Karen came down to get some soldering for her useless box that is coming on Wednesday and Radio Shack has the phones we wanted for free.  So we were able to upgrade our new phones.  That was really fun.  Then we decided to go look for Telestration for Walter for his birthday.  That became a quest and we went all over looking for it and Karen finally found it on line at Barnes and Noble.  It was fun to look for it.  Then Karen took us out to dinner to celebrate our new phones.  Robin joined us for dinner and that was fun to be together.  Have a great Sunday.  The smog wasn't so bad today.  I sure am glad we aren't getting that artic air.  LOVE MOM

Friday, January 3, 2014


I am glad that it is Friday.  I am working on getting the retirement party already for Tuesday at work.  I have to get a few more things for a present but I am doing good.  I am so glad that Oliver is doing good.  That is so exciting.  I am glad you went and saw the elk.  That really is something to see.  Robin it was nice to talk with you tonight.  I think your mask is looking really good.  Not much else going on with me.  I am going to have a quiet weekend.  That will be nice.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


I am so glad that it is the weekend. It seemed like a long week. They didn't get my trash this morning so I just left it out. I hope that they are just behind because of the holiday and they will get it tomorrow. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend


I went to the doctors this morning and everything is going good.  Oliver is measuring a week bigger this week so he grew a lot in the last two weeks.  Casey couldn't work today since no one was there so after lunch we headed up to Hardware Ranch and saw the elk.  The elk were running all over the place so we weren't able to go really close to them but it was still neat.  Isaac liked the wagon ride the most.  Isaac saw a slide at MacDonalds on the way in so we stopped on the way home and let him play and had dinner.  We went grocery shopping and Casey made his delicious mac and cheese so we can eat it all week.  I hope that everyone has a good weekend.  Casey's friend is coming up and they are going to go skiing tomorrow.  They should have a good time.


Thursday, January 2, 2014


It was hard to go back to work and I didnt handle the morning well but I got over it and made it out alive. I was going to come home and make beef stroganoff but got side tracked with my mask. So I had junk food and salsa instead :/ but at least I made a lot of progress on my mask so that was awesome :) I put a picture below. I am so glad tomorrow is Friday :) so excited. Saturday morning I am getting my hair done so that will be fun. OH Rachel do you want me to get a groupon photo package for you?? Have a great Friday

Busy Day

Robin I like your mask.  I am glad that you had a good day Mom and Karen.  It is always hard to go back to work.  We had a busy.  Isaac has been talking about Joseph a lot so Lisa set up a play date for today.  We went over to there house and talked.  It was nice.  I was only going to stay for an hour and I looked at the clock and we had been there for two hours and I was meeting the lady taking over the bears in a half an hour.  So we came home and had lunch.  Casey feed Isaac while I dropped off all my bear stuff.  Isaac took a nap and I started quilting the black window quilt.  I am trying a new design that I saw in a book.  It is kind of sloppy looking but I am just going to keep practicing, I hope that it looks good in the end.  After dinner Isaac really wanted to go to the mall so we went there.  He wanted to ride all the rides today which is new for him.  I was putting him to bed and I was just about to lay him down and he said that he was hungry so we got up and he ate a lot of food.  He ate a lot today I think he is making up for last week.  He went to bed after without any problems.  It was just kind of funny.  I have a doctors appointment tomorrow.  I hope that it goes fast.  I will let you know how it goes.  Everyone have a good night.


I'm the same

Karen, I am glad you made it through inventory.  That is an early day.  My dentist called me and I need to reschedule my appointment for tomorrow.  We are the same.  It felt weird at work today.  Like nothing had changed.  I was glad I didn't feel really behind.  Not much else going on with me.  It felt like Monday.  Robin I really like your mask.  There is a new store in Trolley square that is just steamy stuff.  I thought you might like to go see it.  Well have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM

made it

Well I made it thru inventory. It was hard getting up early, but it was really nice getting off at 230. Dr. Minor's office called and he is going to be out of the office on the 24th, which was my doctors appointment. So I had to reschedule for the 28th of February. Your mask is looking good Robin. I am impressed. Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. Well have a great one. Bye

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Today was good I met up with everyone for lunch then took Walter home he needed to do laundry. Then I came home and did some much needed cleaning. Christmas is finally put away. Then I worked on a mask. I am doing a steam punk shoot on the 18th and going crazy like normal. I put the progress below I just finished the eye area. We'll have a great one, I have to go back to work tomorrow :( not looking forward to that at all. I am still working on photos i get distracted easy. But I do have a photo of the mask. I will get the rest later. I am trying to get them on drop box so you guys have unlimited access. 

Lovely holiday

I just wanted to thank you guys for the wonderful holiday.  I had such a nice time.  Thanks for everything.  You made it perfect.  I love the pictures Rachel.  I am glad you had a good time in Clifton.  We went to lunch with Karen and Robin and Walter and had a good time.  I did iron today also so I am ready for the rest of the week.  I am not looking forward to going back to work.  Usually by now I am ready but I had such a nice time.  It was so peaceful.  Me and dad got some much needed rest.  Have a great time back to the real world.  Thanks for the pictures Rachel.  They are darling. I love your quilt.  I bet it just brightens up the room.  LOVE MOM

Happy New Year

I am glad that everyone is having a good new years.  Yesterday Casey cut wood with Allen and I set up the tent downstairs so me and Isaac watched a movie.  Casey hung up my quilt in the sewing room and I think it looks nice.  We ended up putting it sideways because it fit better on the wall.  After dinner we were driving around thinking of things to do and we decided to go to the fun park.  Isaac had a really fun time and enjoyed climbing around.  We were there for three hours.  Since it was a late night last night we all slept in today which was really nice.  Then we headed up to Clifton.  It was a pretty warm day and Isaac had  a really fun time with all the animals.  They also had a big bucket of apples so he was set.  Calleen made a squash soup for us that was really good.  After we got home I had to call everyone about switching from bears to sunday school teaching.  I hope that it goes alright.  Everyone have a good night and Happy New Year.



Well my day has been good. I replaced the burned out light bulb in my kitchen and I got all my Christmas stuff put away. Then I meet mom, dad, Robin, and Walter for lunch. It was fun. Then I took a nap. I have to go to work early tomorrow to help with inventory. But at least I will get to come home early. I hope everyone had a great first day of the year. Bye

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year (Almost)

Well I was going to iron tonight but I noticed that is what I did last year so I decided I would be different and just watch TV instead.  I know I live on the wild side.  I am sorry you didn't get to go skiing Robin.  It is so expensive.  We took Grandma Bodily out to lunch and I bought eclairs for New Year Eve's treats.  Dad loved them.  Rachel I have been thinking about the pictures and I think you should have Isaac's pictures done before the baby comes.  It will be less stressful to do one at a time.  I think you can always do some more pictures of Isaac with Oliver.  I can come up one Saturday and we can get them done.  I have really like Penny's.  Robin might be able to do her magic with groupons and find a good one for you.  LOVE MOM

happy new year

Well my day was good. I am glad that I have tomorrow off though. I hope that everyone has a great new year. Bye

Goodbye 13

Having some time off has been so nice. I have slept almost all of it. My place is a mess but I figured I can clean later. We ended up not skiing I forgot how expensive it was and we thought we would go later after we recovered from Christmas a bit. We went to the movie frozen with Walters family it was a cute show. It wasn't Walters favorite though. Then we went to Iggys I didn't know they had one in slc but it's by the smart cookie place. Hope you guys are having fun. Have a great 2014!! I'm excited for the new year :). Robin

Monday, December 30, 2013

Day off

Rachel, I am glad that you went to the doctor.  I don't think he looks heavy at all.  In fact I have been worried he is getting to skinny.  I will call Shaun on Thursday and see what he thinks about the toe walking.  They said to have him stand on a pillow to help him feel his feet when he is standing playing.  I will look up some more activities for him.  You just need to tell him not to stand on his toes.  His is just a habit they get into.  I had a good day.  I got me a pair of shoes and a haircut.  It felt nice to get that done.  Karen that is neat you won the cookie contest.  I think that is neat.  Rachel I love the bag. That is sweet of you to make it for me.  Thank you.  Robin I hope you had a good day off.  Did you go skiing?  We don't have much going on tomorrow.  I think we might take Grandma Bodily out to lunch.  I seem to be sleeping a lot.  I think I really needed that.  Have a great last day of 2013.  LOVE MOM


Well I made it thru my first day back after a week off. Work was good. I got thru the pile that was left on my desk. I did win a prize in the cookie contest. I won a cookie kit and a gift card to Burger King. Rachel I was going to give the gift card to you again if that is okay. Well I just have to make it thru tomorrow and then I get a day off. Well have a good one. Bye

He did good

Isaac did really well at the doctors today.  I was very proud of him, he was really cooperative.  He looks good.  He is in the 92% for weight and 60% for height.  He walks on his toes and she was concerned about that so Mom is going to look into some exercises for him.  I finished Mom's bag today, I like how it turned out.  I started cutting out a scrap quilt to use my new ruler that Karen got me.  I got half done but I needed to take a break.  Isaac didn't take a nap today so he went to bed early.  It seems to work out pretty good.  Tomorrow Casey doesn't work.  He is going to cut wood with Allen tomorrow and then we are going up to Clifton on Wednesday.  Well I am glad that his doctors appointment is over.  I was stressed about it.  Oh, do you think I should wait to take his three year old pictures until Oliver gets here or should I do it now.  I am not sure what would be best.  Thanks.


Sunday, December 29, 2013


I really don't have to much to report. I took a nap today also. It is going to be rough going to work tomorrow after having a week off. Good luck with the doctor tomorrow Rachel. Just buy Isaac a surprise after the doctor for being good. Then maybe he will like them better. Well have a great Monday tomorrow. Bye

Quiet day

Rachel thanks for the pictures.  I love them.  They are really nice.  We had a quiet day also.  We went to sacrament meeting so we could see when our new time is next year.  We go at 11:00 next year.  I am really excited about that one.  I am not good at the 9:00.  We came home and had a nap.  Then we had lunch and had another nap.  We were on fire.  I hope everyone got some rest.  Good luck at the doctor's tomorrow Rachel.  I hope Isaac does good.  We are going to go get dad's jeep registered and inspected.  We leave on the wild side.  I can't believe how fast my vacation time is going.  Have fun at work tomorrow Karen.  LOVE MOM

A day off

I attached the pictures below.  I didn't do a great job.  I only got Isaac in most of them.  I will be better at getting everyone in the pictures next time.  We had a good day.  Isaac was tired this morning so we decided to skip church and just stay home and rest.  Isaac was a lot happier after his nap and it was nice to spend the day together.  They called me to be the 13 year old teacher in primary.  I do it with another teacher so we take turns.  I think that it should be fun.  Other than that I don't have much else going on.  Thanks for the lasagna Mom, it tasted really good.  Thanks you guys for everything.  Isaac has his three year old check up tomorrow.  I am not expecting it to go well so wish me luck.


Birthday Pictures

Christmas Pictures

Train Pictures


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...