Saturday, May 23, 2020
Karen came to salt lake and we got all the food for camping. We decided to come to kamas and play. We are going to look for camp spots in the morning. Wish us luck. Everyone drive safe. Love mom
Friday, May 22, 2020
Nice evening
I was over my hours so I got to leave a little early which was nice. We put Freon in dad's jeep and the air conditioner is working. That is nice. We drove to Lehi and went to the Lehi Mill and it was closed. I was wondering if they earthquake damage. It didn't say. We got Robin's printer working and that was fun. Boy was it windy. It was really stormy coming home. So I think the plan is to meet at Karen's house on Sunday. I was thinking around lunch but Rachel has a meeting so I am not sure when that is. SO whenever is fine. Karen to go to Costco tomorrow so we will get food. I am excited that Lagoon is open. LOVE MOM
Mom and dad brought down my printer and helped set it up. It's really fun. Thanks again! We started to print a Pokemon. It was so windy here we drove to mo Betta for dinner and it was so dusty and rainy. We are going down to Provo tomorrow to help jeramys sister. Then pack for Sunday. What time are we meeting in kamas?
Today was the last day of school. The kids didn't have a ton of work to do. We dropped off their reading and library books at the school. We picked up McDonald's for lunch to celebrate. It was cold and windy today so we didn't go out too much. It is supposed to be rainy tomorrow. I hope it isn't too boring without school work to do.going forward. Love you guys. Good luck with the printer and finding a camping spot.
I am glad that the weekend is here. My day was pretty quiet, but I made it thru. I hope that you got your printer all set up Robin. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Thursday, May 21, 2020
Robin, I really like those decorations. That is a really fun idea. Rachel, I love that quilt. You do such an amazing job. Karen I can't believe you are almost back in school. CRAZY. I went to work today and worked the whole day. It was nice to see everyone and visit. We took the jeep in to get the airconditioner looked at and see if they can see what is wrong with it. We got firehouse subs for dinner and they tasted really good. Tomorrow I get to leave work a little early because I am over my time. I am looking forward to that. We are going down to Lehi after work and help set up Robins printer. Dad is so excited. I think he is more excited than Robin. Karen looked at the camp grounds again and was able to see all of them at once and they are all booked as well at the campsites in Midway. Do you want to wing it and just show up and find a camp spot? I can't believe it is the last day of school for the kids. LOVE MOM
I am glad that you printer is here. That is fun. Good job decorating, that is fun. Today was good. I didn't walk and finished up my quilt instead. It was fun and it turned out good. Tomorrow is the last day of school which is fun. It feel werid that school is almost over. I had to go to the post office and Casey was coming home for lunch and saw us driving so he called and we ended up going to cafe Rio for lunch. You could eat outside. We also went to Joanns to get a binding. After school the kids played and I weeded the raspberries and black berries. After dinner Isaac mowed the lawn and he did a really good job. I cleaned up the front bushes and they look better. Have fun with the printer, that will be fun.
re do
Today was good. I'm so glad tomorrow is Friday. Jeramy for his birthday wanted me to redecorate the bedroom like the survivor Christmas. So I got a few more decorations and set it up again. My bedroom is still a mess but I took a picture of the new decorations. Mom texted me and said the 3d printer landed so they are stopping by tomorrow to help set it up. I'm excited it will be fun
I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It looked like rain today but it didn't. It did stay cool outside though. Work is going good. I have another week before school starts again. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
It rained here this evening but was cold and windy all day. I walked this morning and I was hot. School is going good and the boys got done fast today. Isaac had a call and showed everyone his diorama. I think it turned out good. We watched a show this afternoon. Then we made cookies and a cake. We started to put together the robots Mom and Dad got the kids boys. I finished Oliver's but Isaac is still working on his. After dinner we just watched a movie. We have been working so hard it was nice to have a quiet night. Good luck with the camp ground Mom. Love you guys.
Hump Day
Work was good. It was slow. I should have done some things but I just moved slow. Dad went to work this afternoon. I went to look for campgrounds at Jordanelle and you have to look at each campspot to see if it is available. There at 257. I did 7 and quit. They were all reserved and I got bored. The boats were 500.00 for a couple of hours. I think that is too much money. I not going to rent a boat. Sorry about that one. I looked over at Midway Campground but couldn't figure out how to reserve a spot. I will continue my endeavors. Robin's printer is suppose to show up tomorrow (her birthday/Christmas present) Dad is super excited. I hope it comes. He tracks it every 10 minutes. I am going to work tomorrow. It will be nice to get out of the house. It did really rain here for a little while. I opened the patio door and listened to the rain. It was nice. LOVE MOM
Today was good. Nothing to wild. It looked like it was going to rain so we didn't go on a walk. We just relaxed and watched t.v it was nice. Jenkins will bark as everyone is coming home from work around the town. So we shut the blinds and he had a tantrum for like 15 minutes. He tried to look around the blinds and when it didn't work he would just bark and huff at the door. It was funny how he really wantes to look outside.
Well it didn't rain here. Things are going good here. I'm glad that the week is half over. I really don't have to much to report. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
My head hurt all day. I kept wishing the storm would get here already. I think it will be here tomorrow. I just worked and hung out today. Dad did go to work for a little bit and got my headlight fixed. It was burned out and it is really hard to replace. Karen, I am glad you got your tooth. I still haven't gotten use to the ordering of food. I am sure one day I will do it. Robin, I am glad you got to go for a walk. It is nice to get out. Rachel, it looks like the playgrounds were opened. That has to feel good. Well have a nice hump day. I hope it rains and rains. LOVE MOM
Today was ok for a tues. Work was busy for some reason. Then me and Jeramy went on a walk. When we went to Costco we picked up a ham. It was hugenormas so we are eating ham for the rest of forever. I looked up recipes that incorporate ham lol. So if we are camping we are having moutian man break with ham in the dutch oven lol.
Today was good. Isaac had two projects to do today. He made a diorama for Fabel haven 2 book and worked on his autobiography. After we were done we walked to the park and played for a while. It was really nice and felt good to go. It was windy but it didn't bother us outside. The part came for the water heater and Casey was able to fix it. Love you guys, you are the best.
My day was busy. I went and got my allergy shot this morning. The only problem with that was they had closed the Jeremy ranch exit and I didn't know it. So I had to go to Paralys summit and turn around. SO that was annoying. Then I went to work. After work I went to the dentist and got my tooth put back in. It is nice having it back. I also put in a pick up order from Walmart so after the dentist I got my groceries. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Monday, May 18, 2020
Let's Play
I think we need to play this weekend. I think we can find a fun place to camp/hotel. Ogden keeps coming to my mind but let me research and see what we can come up with. I think there is a ton of fun trails and things we can do. I think because we have tents we will be able to find some place to stay. Everyone do research on camping places and we will work from there. Karen can stay with us in a hotel :). We went to Kohls today to get new pillows our pillows are so flat. It was nice to see it opened. They had a Harry Potter game where you pick a jelly bean and it might be good or a bad one. I thought that would be a fun game to play. I am with Robin, It was definitely a Monday. And for me a Payroll Monday. They are always more stressful. I did spend all afternoon making meetings. I know it just got more exciting as the day went on. It was so windy today. I hope we get a big storm out of it. LOVE YOU ALL MOM
If we camp in the desert we wouldn't have to worry about crowds and it isn't too far from everyone. We are excited to camp but can be flexible. Today it was windy here also and I hate it. I walked this morning and did my excercise class. I ran out of thread for my long arm. I ordered some online but it seems to take a while. The power went out for a bit this morning so we couldn't do school until it came back on. Isaac has two big projects to do this week in school. The boys got Alexa lights and they came today. They had a hard time getting them going in Isaac room because they were the wrong size. It was sad. Love you guys and it will be fun to do something this weekend.
Today was ok it was definitely a Monday. Me and Jeramy went on a walk the. I made mushroom chicken and it tasted good. We don't have to camp of we just want to do something else. We are easy. We could go to jordenelle and get some floaty tubes and play in the water.
My day was good. It was super windy here today. I got my free test strips and meter in the mail. So that is cool. The dentist also called and my tooth has been fixed so I am going in tomorrow to get it. Robin you might want to check and see if there are any campsites available. Memorial weekend is usually super crowded and with covid it might be extra difficult to find one. I am with mom though I am good hanging out but I don't think I will spend the night. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Fun times
Sure had a fun weekend. Thursday visiting in Lehi, then Kamas on Friday and Saturday and Sunday in Logan. While they worked on the roof I took the kids swimming at the hotel. They only let one family at a time in but I think we swam a lot. It was cold so we only could last an hour anyway. We came home after lunch and I took a nap and then worked this evening to get payroll done. It is nice not to have to get up really early to get it done. I am good with the camping. We won't stay the night but we can come for the day. I didn't say anything, I wasn't sure what you wanted to do. There was talk of American Fork so I was waiting until you knew what you wanted to do. That would be fun to be outside. Well everyone enjoy the week. I am looking forward to a long weekend. LOVE MOM
I have to go to baptism on Saturday but Sunday and Monday would work. That would be a lot of fun. We had a really fun time this weekend and we finished the roof. I am so relieved to have to done. We went on a bike ride after everyone left. Casey cut down the pear tree. It is old and we are going to plant a new one. Casey and Isaac lite the stump on fire. Love you guys and thank you for all your help and for all the food. We are spoiled.
This weekend was good. We went to Provo yesterday and Jeramy bought a bed for his niece. Andnwr went and visited everyone. Then we just relaxed today. The opened up the park next to us and there were soany kids. It was nice to see everyone playing. I have one flower that bloomed and it made me happy to see I didn't kill it. I'm not sure if mom said anything but what about camping in the west desert on Saturday to Sunday? It's memorial weekend so I wasn't sure if everyone had plans or not.
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...