Saturday, February 7, 2015


So my shoot was canceled I guess he was worried about the weather. So I met up with walter around 3 and we went down by cabellas. The have a shopping center there we walked around and then watched a movie at thanksgiving Pointe. It was the seventh son. It was pretty good I like it. Sorry I missed the fun with you guys hope everyone has safe travels. Tomorrow I work at scheels


Friday, February 6, 2015

Loving this weather

I am with you Rachel it is going to be one hot summer but man I love this weather.  It was so nice.  Karen that is so cool you won.  I agree with Rachel, shopping is in our future.  I had a good day.  I worked a little late to make up the hours I took off on Wednesday and then went and got dad's meds and went grocery shopping.  There will be cookie decorating this weekend for sure.  Thanks for coming down this weekend Rachel.  I am excited.  We are going to go get our blood tested in the morning but that shouldn't take long and we have to be fasting so we will get right up and go get it done.  It is part of our physical and we keep putting it off.  Drive safe everyone. Robin I hope you have fun with Walter.  If you want to hook up let us know. LOVE MOM

Calling All Engines

Karen, I see some shopping in our future this weekend.  That is so exciting, congratulations.  Good luck with all your work Robin.  Today the weather was so pretty.  I am worried about this summer if February is this hot.  We walked to story time and it was fun, it also took all morning which was nice.  We played play dough while Oliver was napping and then we played outside until Casey got home.  Tonight Isaac couldn't find us so he came upstairs and said "Hello where is everyone, Calling all engines".  It made me laugh.  We are headed down tomorrow, thanks for having us.  We will probably leave around 9 or 10.  See you then.


I won

Well my day has been good. I won 100 dollars at the luncheon. Everyone seemed to like my bruschetta too. It is really easy to make. I am glad that it is Friday also. Well that is all my exciting news. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Such as

I am so glad it's friday. And it was my pay day which makes the day nice. I am working at scheels tonight. It's slow. Tomorrow I have a photoshoot. then I am meeting walter for a late lunch. So tomorrow will be busy. I am tired I hoping to fit a nap in sometime. Well hope everyone had a good friday. Night


Thursday, February 5, 2015

One more day

Mom I have to work on sunday. Sorry I had alot of hours this week. Today good work went by fast. I came home and did laundry  and worked on the costume project. I have a photoshoot Saturday and then me and Walter are meeting up for lunch. Tomorrow I work at scheels so nothing to exciting tomorrow. Have a good one



We made it to Friday.  That is always nice.  I am glad you had fun in Clifton.  I half expected a picture of a new baby goat that you adopted in the back yard.  You will have to keep the picture of the hats.  That is so cute.  I had a nice day.  Like Karen it was busy so the day went fast.  I feel so far behind.  I need to work on getting things caught back up.  Good luck with you bruschetta tomorrow Karen.  I hope it turns out.  I am glad we are at 50 and not -8.  I do like this weather better.  Robin I hope you have a fun weekend.  Do you want to go to lunch with us on Sunday for Grandma's birthday?  Not much else going on.  Have a wonderful Friday.  LOVE MOM


Today was so pretty outside and we spend time outside which felt really good.  We went to up Clifton this morning and looked all all of the animals up there.  She has some baby goats which were really cute.  Then we took Calleen to lunch in Preston and then walked around kings.  Calleen didn't think their was much to do in Clifton so we bought a kite and took it up by the cemetery in Clifton and flew it.  It was fun.  Isaac wanted to walk on the road so him and Casey walked back to the house.  Oliver loved all the animals and walking everywhere.  We came home around dinner time and then just played.  I hope that everyone is doing well and have a good night.



Well my day has been good. Work is going good. I have been staying busy so it has been going fast. I had a conference call with Graco today. They said that it was -8 there this morning. So that made the 50 here seem even nicer. Well I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Nice day

I had a nice day.  I went to work for a little while and then me and dad went to Schwab and moved some money around and then we went to lunch at that CD Cheesesteak place.  Robin said it was good and it was really good.  I was amazed how many people were there and how fast they got us all through.  There was a line the whole time we were there.  They put cheese whiz on the sandwiches and it was good.  We came home afterwards and I took a three hour nap.  I feel so much better.  We had cub scouts tonight and that was fun.  I enjoy being with the boys.  I would love for you to come down on Saturday Rachel and spend the night.  Robin it is Grandma's birthday on Friday and we are taking her to lunch on Sunday for celebration.  If you aren't working come with us.  I am back to work tomorrow.  I love the pictures Rachel.  That is fun.  Have fun in Clifton tomorrow.  I am glad everyone is doing good.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the video Karen.  I saw that this morning.  That would be so scary to see that driving down the highway.  Crazy.  I have decided that we will come down on Saturday and spend the night and got to lunch Sunday.  Then we will head back home, if that is alright with everyone.  Today was good.  This morning we mailed the quilt off to Charlotte and then we went to the mall just to walk around.  I got some new undershirts at Downeast.  It was fun to walk around.  Isaac had preschool and he was so cute talking with his teacher.  He is a good kid.  We played outside when he got home and Casey started working on the soffet vents.  He put in 4 and we figure we will just work on it slowly every week.   After dinner we will all sitting on our bed and the boys put on all my jewelry.  It was cute.   Tomorrow we are going up to Clifton to visit Calleen.  She has some baby goats so that will be fun to see.  Everyone have a good night.


So close

Today was good at work we took a break and walked outside it was nice to be outdoors for a bit. It was refreshing. Then I worked at scheels. I have tomorrow night off so that will be nice to relax a bit. I think this Saturday I am doing makeup depending on weather. Then me and Walter might do something. sorry about oliver's check that looks sore. Have a good night



I put a video of a plan crash they had early this morning in Taiwan. I didn't know if you all have seen it yet. My day has been good. The week is half over yea. I went to Smith's after work and got stuff to make bruschetta for my work party on Friday. Hopefully it will taste good. I have never made bruschetta before. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Good day

It was a nice day.  The weather outside was nice and just a normal day at work.  I am behind and that is normal for me.  I don't stress about it too much just do what I can.  I am sure it will snow again soon but this weather is really not the norm for this time of year.  On the news tonight they said the great salt lake was at the lowest point ever and that is why we aren't getting any lake effect snow.  I thought was interesting.  I remember when it was flooding the roads when we lived in Dugway.  I am glad everyone is doing good.  Poor Oliver his first crash.  I am sure he will be doing that a lot.  He is getting very mobile.  Have a great hump day.  LOVE MOM


Oliver woke up really early this morning.  So it was a early start today.  Oliver fell this morning and hit his cheek on a plant and has a big bruise on it, poor guy.  I feel bad.  We went to best buy and got a wifi hard drive for the movies in the car, I am excited.  Then we went grocery shopping and got the boys a valentine balloon and they loved it.  It was a valentine celebration.  I sewed with Jenn this afternoon and that was fun as always.  Casey was sweet to watch the boys.  I finished the quilt for Charlotte and I love how it turned out.   I attached pictures.  Well everyone have a good night and thanks for everything.



Today was good. At maggie we are a week away from Chinese new year. So it's slow but crazy. We have to get everything in for febuary and march. But next week is the last shipping week before the factories leave for 2 weeks. I also worked at scheels so most just work stuff. Not much else have a good night


Robin I am glad that the talk went well. My day has been good. It was so nice outside today. I kept expecting it to rain or snow today. That's what I get for listening to the weatherman. Work is going good. I made tortilla soup today for dinner. Which is impressive because I had to put it in the crockpot when I got up. Some mornings it is hard to remember stuff like that. Well I hope everyone had a great Tuesday. Bye

Monday, February 2, 2015


Today was good work was work nothing to big. I meet up with walter and we had a good talk. He took me to olive garden. I think it went well. We are just taking it a day at a time but we were able to talk through our big issues. So I think it went well. I'm glad the boys got some fun toys. Thanks for having the taxes done mom. I still have to print some stuff out. I don't work on Thursday so I will plan on getting them done. Well have a good Tuesday


Fun Times

That is so much fun Rachel.  Congratulations.  I am so glad that your taxes came.  Dad did call Tom today and he will do our taxes for us.  So Karen and Robin if you want him to do them, he will.  We still don't have a W2 from Seer.  That is making me nervous but there isn't anything I can do about it.  Work was good.  It just was a normal day and I am liking that.  We watched the Jekyll mini series yesterday and it was really good.  I enjoyed it.  We have the DVD of it.  Robin how did your date go?  LOVE MOM


Today was good.  We got our taxes back so we went to the toy store and got the boys a present.  Isaac got a crane and Oliver got some balls.  Casey's computer came today also so it was fun to get fun things.  Isaac had school today and he had a good time their.  I can't believe Valentines is next week.  Isaac wants to make the kids cookies so we need to do that this weekend.  Casey made some turkey soup so he invited Randy and Collin over for dinner.  Terry is in Oregon visiting her Mom.  It was really good soup and good to visit with everyone.  Well I hope everyone has a good night and a good day tomorrow.



Well I finally had to break down and do is nice to have done. My day has been good. Work is moving right along. At least I am keeping busy so that is good. I thought the weather was supposed to be terrible, but it was nice. It only snowed for about ten minutes this morning and that was it. Well I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Loved it

WE had a quiet day.  Last night I finished up my Little House of the Prairie books.  Thanks Rachel I really enjoyed them.  WE took Grandma Bodily out for lunch and she loved her Valentines you made her Rachel.  She said they made her whole day and she just kept looking at them and talking about how cute they were and how much work you had put into them.  She said you picked out such beautiful material.  I thought maybe one day quilt for her would be fun.  I can't believe that Oliver did not sleep well last night.  I thought for sure we wore him out.  That does make for long days when they don't sleep.  I am glad the pancakes were a hit.  I just love things like that.  Good luck with your computer delivery.  Robin I hope you are doing good.  Just go slow with Walter.  Make sure it is really what you want.  Karen good luck this week.  I hope your bruschetta goes well.  I need a Costco run.  Dad is almost out of coconut milk and then only sell it at Costco.  Have a great Ground Hogs day.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the nice day yesterday.  It was really good to see everyone.  We had the valentine pancakes for dinner and they were good, thanks Mom.  Then Isaac wanted to decorate for valentines so I got all my stuff out and we decorated.  It was fun.  Oliver did not sleep well last night.  He didn't want me to lay him down.  I was tired today.  Church went well and my lesson went good also.  The boys were really good and it was nice to go.  We were all happy afterwards.  I started quilting Charlotte's quilt last night and it is going really well.  I am about half way done.  I will attach a picture when I am done.  Everyone have a good Monday.  Casey's computer comes tomorrow which is exciting.



Well my day has been good. Nothing to wild and crazy to report. I hope everyone has a great week and good luck with dinner tomorrow night Robin. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...