Saturday, August 24, 2019


We made it safe and sound to kamas today. We had a nice day I mowed the lawn and changed out spider traps. After dinner we went to Provo falls. It was so pretty. I bought Rachel
Some spider traps also. Robin I hope you had a fun day off. Have a nice Sunday live mom

Friday, August 23, 2019


My day was good. We got free doughnuts at work so that was fun. Robin I hope that you have a fun time exploring on your day off. Don't get lost. Thanks for coming up tomorrow mom and dad. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


I had a nice day at work and left a little early, I was going to take dad to insta care but it was looking a little better so we just hung out instead.  We didn't go to Karen's yet, we are going in the morning.  I thought it might be nice to have dad home one more night.  Robin that is neat you got to see the city.  I heard the architecture tour is amazing.  You will love it.  I hope Jeramy is surviving.  Rachel I can't believe how many peppers you have.  We tired for years to grow some and they never grew like that  WOW.  Karen we will see you tomorrow.  I think we are going to go to Provo falls and hike around.  We haven't been up there all year.  It could be that the snow just melted up there  :).  Robin enjoy your day off.  Rachel have a nice weekend. LOVE MOM


Those of pretty pictures Robin.  That is so fun you get to see a new city.  We had a good day.  We walked this morning and Jenkins back leg did better.  After we dropped Isaac off we went to exercise class.  It was hard but good.  Oliver had fun playing with all the boys there.  We walked to pick up Isaac and Oliver rode his scooter.  We went to the library afterwards and got some new books.  It was so hot walking home.  Isaac's friend Collin brought crumble cookies for lunch and Isaac wanted to try them so we went for a snack.  He loved them.  Jenkins likes to walk after dinner so me and Isaac took him.  I hope that Dad is feeling better.  Have fun at Karen's house.



I'm glad today was Friday. We finished set up and were done by 5. We wanted to go on an architectural cruise but they sold out. The i.t. guy bought me a ticket for tomorrow at 12. So that was nice of him. I've mostly been hanging out with the finance guy and i.t guy. They are older and know great places to eat. The girls are bar hopping tonight and planning to drink more tomorrow. So it's nice to have some people who want to look at the city. Lol I am so tired I think I'm going to bed early and wake up right before I have to go on the architectural cruise. Tomorrow we have a day off so we might also hit the peer and see if they have a fun place to hang out. Love you guys Robin

Thursday, August 22, 2019


Rachel, I found a picture of your house with the willow tree and then the one you had without and it is one huge difference.  I couldn't believe how different it looks.  I am glad that Jenkins is doing good.  I hope Oliver's lip gets better soon.  Robin, I was worried all day that you were working 16 hour days.  I am glad you get to sleep in hopefully your feet are surviving.  Karen I am sorry you thought it was Saturday.  That just throws you off the whole day.  Dad has a bad insect bite.  It as really swollen this morning and he was so tired. He stayed home and rested and it looked better this evening. I think it is just an insect bite.  They did call him from work today and said he got paid so that is fun.  He will pick it up when he goes back to work.  We are going to Kamas tomorrow if dad is doing well.  I am going to help Karen do her yard.  Everyone have a great Friday.  LOVE MOM


Today was a long day. We set up half of the show space. Tomorrow we are going in for another round. Luckily we get to go in at 9 so that will be nice to sleep in. Thanks for taking good care of Jenkins. His back legs sometimes seem to just give some days. When he starts limping on his front paws it's usually fake. He just wants you to hold him. Once he's home he jumps around like nothing happened lol. Love you guys



That is a funny dream Karen.  I hate being confused in the morning.  Jenkins back leg was having problems on our walk this morning.  I think we go too far so I am going to walk him a shorter way drop him off and then walk a bit more.  They are installing a round about on our road so it has been a nightmare getting to the school in the morning since their is only one way for everyone to get their.  We ran some errands this morning and then made necklaces.  Ruthie has been wanting to make them and she is good at it.  She wants to do it every day now.  I didn't bring Jenkins to pick up Isaac because it is hot and Ruth wanted to ride her scooter.  I couldn't help her and walk the dog.  We just walked him when we got home and it worked out really well.  I think that is what we will do going forward.  Oliver loves riding his scooter and wants to do it all the time.  He is cute.  He was sitting on my lap while we were waiting for Isaac and I was sad that next week we will be picking him up too.   Isaac was tired today so we got the kids to bed earlier and it is so nice.  School wears them out.  Love you guys.



I had a dream last that I was out doing something and looked at my watch and it was 15 minutes before my alarm went off and I said good thing it's Saturday. Then my real alarm went off and I was sure it was Saturday for a while. Oh well at least it wasn't Monday today. Other than that it was just the usual for a Thursday. I am glad tomorrow is Friday. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

First Day

Good job Robin, that is so fun you get to travel.  I am excited for your school Karen, you are so smart.  Isaac had a good day at school and was really happy.  He wasn't even stressed after school.  We walked him in this morning and met his teacher.  She seems really nice and young.  He should have a good year.  We went to exercise class afterwards and that was really good for me.  It made me less stressed.  We had a bunch of grocery shopping to do so that took most of the afternoon.  Mom and Dad got me a new laser and it came today.  It had a bar you could attach to the machine to hold the laser which is really nice.  I am excited to use it, thank you.  We walked to get Isaac and it was so hot.  Ruthie wanted to ride her bike but it is hard for me to pull it with Jenkins so she had a meltdown and cried half way to the school but then was happy the rest of the time.  Isaac had scouts so we dropped him off and went to Lowe's to return some tile and grout.  We had the wrong color grout and was able to get the right one.  They cut down the willow tree next door and it looks so strange.  It is going to take some time to get used to.  Ruth and Oliver didn't sleep well last night so I am tired.  Love you guys and thanks for all your support, it means a lot.


Quiet day

It was a good day at work.  Not to much but I was busy.  I like a little slower days.  We came home and just vegged.  I did do one batch of laundry.  I will do another one tomorrow.  Robin, I am glad you are safe and sound. Hope all goes well.  You do an amazing job.  I am glad that Isaac liked his first day of school.  Karen I can't believe you start again in one week.  Crazy.  LOVE MOM


Robin I am glad things are going goo in Chicago. Things are good here. Work is moving along. I am glad that the week is half over. I hope the kids first day of class went good. My classes start a week from today. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Made it

I made it to Chicago. It was a good flight.we had to set up after we landed so it was a long day. We went out for pizza afterword. The deep dish pizza here is really food. It just takes 1 hour to cook so dinner is a longer deal. Lol I finally got in the hotel around 9:30 Chicago time. I'm excited to sleep I'm really tired. Love you


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

It went too fast

boy did summer go by fast.  I am not quite ready for school to begin but it will be fun for the kids to be back with all the kids.  I can't believe that Isaac is in 3rd grade.  Oliver will love going to school and Ruth will organize the whole preschool organization.  I love the quilt Rachel.  Jenkins is use to getting up early with Robin.  He is a cute dog.  Good luck tomorrow Robin  I know you will do an amazing job.  You are so gifted.  Karen, I will come and mow your lawn this weekend so you don't have to do it with these bad allergies.  Everyone be safe and sound.  Work was quiet today and I got a lot done.  I was down to 24 emails.  I haven't had that since I have started working for them.  It felt so nice.  Maybe things will calm down a little bit for me.  My neck is so itchy right now.  I hope that part of healing doesn't last too long.  It is driving me crazy for sure.  LOVE YOU ALL MOM


Good luck traveling Robin, I hope that you have a fun time.  We had a good day.  We walked this morning and Jenkins did really well.  He likes to get up early.  I finished Karen's soft blanket and it turned out pretty good.  It will be warm.  We went to story time this morning and that is always good.  We went to lunch at McDonald's.  I kept crying when Isaac said school so he said it all the time, it was funny.  The kids played on their scooters until Oliver feel and hurt his lip.  So we watched a movie so we could cool off.  They were back on the scooters afterwards.  Oliver has been getting a lot better.  After dinner we took Jenkins on a walk and Casey mowed the lawn.  Isaac starts school tomorrow and he is super excited.  It will be fun for him.



My day was good. It was meeting day at work today. So that is what I did most of the day. It was windy today so my allergies were bad. I hope everyone had a great day. Good luck traveling tomorrow Robin. Bye

Monday, August 19, 2019

Monday Monday

I was ready to play one more day but I went back to work.  It was quiet and I got some stuff done.  I had to take minutes for a meeting and my computer died.  That was fun.  Oh well I don't really care at this point in time so I guess that is good  Does any one have the paints sets for Oliver and Ruth and the bat for Oliver?  They have gotten lost in the shuffle from Yellowstone.  If you could look around the kids keep asking me if I have seen them.  I have looked but haven't found anything.  Good luck packing Robin.  Have fun in Chicago.  You are so good at what you do.  Rachel let me know if you want me to mail Isaac's car so he can exchange it.  Not much else to report.  LOVE MOM


I think you will have a fun time Robin.  I hope that you get time to see the city.  Jenkins is doing well.  He is a good dog.  We had a good day.  Me and Jenkins went on a walk this morning.  I worked on Karen's quilt as you go quilt.  I decided to do it on my long arm and it went pretty good.  I think that spray basting might be better but the long arm was a lot faster.  I cut the boys hair this morning and they are looking good.  Randy came over and put the last tiles on the ceiling so we are ready to grout now.  We bought too dark of grout so we need to take it back and new stuff.  We went to go swimming but the swimming pool was closed.  It has a late opening time with school starting. So we came home and played in the sprinklers.  Casey had a dentist appointment to fix some cavities this afternoon.  Mom sent the kids a prize in the mail and they loved them.  We played with them for a while and it was fun.  After dinner we went on a walk and the kids rode their scooters.  Tomorrow is the last day of Isaac's summer vacation, I am so sad.  I need to snap out of it. 



Things are going good here in Kamas. Work was just the usual for a Monday. Good luck with packing tomorrow, Robin. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today was good.I got alot done. I came home and insta pot a roast. It tastes good. I did laundry and dishes. And I tried to clean up a bit lol I am going to pack tomorrow and get ready to leave Wednesday morning. I'm not really excited to go but I'm excited to come back :)


Sunday, August 18, 2019


I sure had a nice day yesterday.  It was such a fun time. Thanks for coming down.  Thanks for the pictures also.  We had a quiet day as well.  We just watched movies and I cleaned a bit.  I took all the stickers off the window.  They were starting to get old.  Robin, that is fun you got a waffle maker and a new popcorn popper.  They are both fun to have.  I am glad the van got fixed.  I knew if anyone could fix it, it would be Casey.  I am loving the shower. That will be so nice to have.  Everyone enjoy Monday.  LOVE MOM


Thanks for the fun weekend.  It was really nice.  Jenkins is doing really well and is easy going.  He misses you too Robin.  Casey was able to fix the van this weekend and we are so happy to have it back.  Randy came over this weekend and did most of the tiles on the ceiling, it is looking really nice.  Me and Jenkins walked this morning and he did really well.  We went 3 miles and he kept up the whole time.  It was colder this morning and that made me sad that fall is coming.  Everyone slept in so I was able to finish quilting my house quilt.  I love that machine so much.  We went to church and Isaac gave a talk in primary.  He wouldn't help me write it and he thought it was dumb.  Their were a million kids in nursery and it was crazy.  We walked Jenkins again this afternoon, the kids are really good at it.  We have a lot of green pepper from our garden so we had that for dinner.  We worked in the yard all evening and that was nice.  Jenkins brought his bone out and chewed it under a tree, it was cute.  Love you guys.



My day was good. I was productive and got my laundry done.  I also washed my sheets and pillows, so it took most of the day. For dinner I had chicken, broccoli, and rice for dinner in my instant pot. It tasted really good. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye


Today and Jeramy slept in. My stomach was upset all morning so we just relaxed. I think Chicago and house stuff was stressing me out and threw my stomach out. Thanks again for watching Jenkins I definitely missed him today. I kept walking by where his water is to make sure it was full. Lol me and Jeramy went to Target and bought a waffle maker and a new pop corn popper. I made waffles for dinner and it tasted good



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...