Saturday, May 25, 2024


 We had a big busy day. Karen wanted to try out her rain sensor on her windshield to make sure they fixed it. we drove to park city and got me a new pair of slip ons. The wipers worked great. We just assembled the rest of the day. We did get propane and watched the fire place for awhile. We are going to Lehi tomorrow to. Celebrate jeramys birthday and Monday I am going to lagoon with Rachel's crowd. What a fun weekend. Love you all mom


 My day was good. I wanted to test the rain sensor on my car so we drove up to Park City and went shoe shopping. We also had lunch while we were there. Then we came home and put the sewing table together for mom and then put my patio furniture together. It all looks really nice. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye

Friday, May 24, 2024


 Well work is going good. I had a dentist appointment at 4 but they called this morning and changed it to 1230. I have to have two teeth pulled so I am doing that a week from today. It sucks but what can you do. Then I went back to work to finish off the day. After work we went to Arby's and then started putting my new patio furniture together. I hope everyone has a great weekend. Bye


 I am glad you both got time off today. That is nice. Luna is so cute watching movies on the counter. That is so cute. It was assembly at our place. We have one table all done and one drawer on the other table. I feel asleep just before dinner so we ended up at Arby's. We put karens two outdoor chairs together and ottomans. Rachel that was nice of randy to take all the kids. You might have to have them tomorrow night. We are continuing assembly tomorrow. Love mom


 I didn't have much to do at work and I had all my hours so I stayed home today and that was nice.  Ruth got a lot of old books and she was so happy about it.  Kimi has been gone for a week and she comes back Sunday.  Randy has all the kids come and spend the night at his house.  Isaac didn't want to though.  We all went up and roasted hot dogs and s'mores.  Love you guys 

Love Rachel 


I didn't last the full day at work. I was caught up and it was quite in the office. So I left and picked up Luna. We made cookies for Jeramys birthday. Then Jeramy came home and we just relaxed the rest of the night 


Thursday, May 23, 2024


 We had a life changing day. We went to ikea.and got sewing  tables. That is pretty exciting. We started putting them together but got tired so we will work on them tomorrow. Karen's patio furniture came also. We have a lot of assembling to do. Rachel you might have the girls every afternoon. I am glad they play good together. Robin that is fun you had a day off. We did go to the gym tonight also. That always feel good. I am going to start working on upper body strength. Dad was so buff moving boxes today. I need to get stronger. Love mom


 It was slower at work.  I just worked on taking down all the stuff in the walls and I had one class come in.  Ruth had pizza with the principal and she had a really good time.  Kimi is in England for a week and a half doing a study abroad for her master's degree so the girls came over and played for a while after school.  Tony loved playing with them.  I went to exercise class which was upbeat barr and it was hard. 

Love Rachel 


I took today off. Jeramys sister had a doctor's appointment she needed me to drive her too. So I just took the whole day off. Jeramys other sister wanted a quilt fixed so I also work on that and watched cooking shows. Then I picked up Luna and groceries. Luna didn't get a nap today and fell asleep in the car. When she woke up she was not a happy camper. So it was a long night

Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 We had a busy day. I got up and mowed the lawn. It is looking really nice. We did laundry and then had lunch and went and took care of karens car. We went to target when they fixed it. The Kids are looking so grown up. I always miss everyone after we had a weekend together. Have a nice Thursday. Love mom


All the kids finished testing today which is great.  We are getting new computer so they are going to come take the old ones.  I need to pack up the room and take down all the pictures.  They are tearing everything out and putting in new desks this summer.  Ruth had field day at school and had a fun time.  Oliver and Casey had activity days and they made rockets.  Isaac went to young men's and they went to the shooting range and Ruth had her last tumbling class. Next week they are having a pizza party.  We are taking the summer off from tumbling.  Casey had a groto meeting and he went running.  I went to exercise class and it was high and it was a lot of fun.  Isaac ordered a new hoodie and it came today and he was excited.

Love Rachel 


Today felt long but I made it out alive. Luna didn't take a nap today so we tried keeping her up all night. But we did it she was so funny all night



 My day was pretty good. My rain sensor on my car has been working well since I got a new windshield so mom and dad took it back to the window place to get it fixed. The broke a wire holder so I have to ho back after they get that in. Work was good though I worked to help organize the raw material in the shop. It looks a lot better now. Then amazon said my patio stuff had been delivered but the only delivered the fire place table and none of the seats. So I wrote to amazon to report that. So there were a few annoyances today but still a pretty good day. While I was in the shop I saw a funny memo on one of tha machines and took a picture. It is below. Hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 We did more makeup testing this morning.  I had some downtime and then the first graders came and played games.  I forgot how much help they need.  We took Tony on a walk and played outside.  I went to exercise class and it was step aerobics.  Casey just made it home which is awesome.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. The power went out at work at 130 so they sent us home. I took a nap. Then we had dinner and went to the gym. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 


 I went to the doctor today and she said I wasn't taking any medication headaches and ordered me a new one. I didn't even notice that. We went to the mall and had lunch and then came home. Power went off at Karen's work so they sent her home. We all just took it easy. We did go the the gym. Two nights in a row. I like that. Hope Casey made it home safe and sound. Robin I am glad all is well. Love mom


Today was good for a true. I had a lot of samples for everyone so I walked a lot across the campus. It was nice to walk around and stretch my legs. Everyone is doing good over here. 


Monday, May 20, 2024


 Congratulations Robin, I hope it is a big raise.  It am glad everything is getting settled.  I worked today and we are doing makeup testing.  I had the first graders come at the end of the day and we played blookit.  Ruth had her year end party and she had an amazing time.  They had pizza and made bookmarks.  The playground flooded while Oliver was there and he thought that was pretty neat.  Isaac had violin lessons and while he was there we went to the park and threw the ball for Tony.  It was pretty cold and windy this afternoon.  I went to exercise class this evening and we did strength training which is hard but feels really good.  Casey is staying one more night, they didn't get all the work done.  He will be home tomorrow night.

Love Rachel 


 My day was good. Work is moving along. It was rainy here off and on all day. I like the rain though so it was nice. After work we had dinner and then went to the gym. I hope everyone had a great Monday. Bye 


 I had a good day. I just took it easy in the morning. And then I went grocery shopping this afternoon. I saw James there and we visited for awhile. That was nice. It did rain here off and on all day so we didn't work outside. I go to the ears nose and throat doctor. I am going to ask her to schedule a hearing test. I am getting worse. I need to just admit I can't hear. I didn't think that would be so hard. Robin I took some of that serenity the past two nights and it seems to help. I wonder if it would help casey sleep. I am glad you are going to that other department. I think that is a good step. Rachel I hope Casey got home safe and sound. Love you guys


Today was good. I had a meeting with my current boss and the new boss. We basically decided that I was moving to the new team. I said I didn't want to make it official till the pay was finalized. So she said she will work that out and then we will move forward but she will make it worth my time. So we will see. Luna didn't take a nap today. So she went to bed early. Its so windy here today 


Sunday, May 19, 2024


 We had a lazy day today. Thanks again for the fun time yesterday. The pictures are so  cute. Karen printed some out and then framed them. The people before had a wall with pictures. So she hung them up there. They look really good. She bought for dinner. That tasted.good. I hope Casey made Kansas ok. Good luck tomorrow Robin. Hope it all turns out. Love mom


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...