Friday, November 1, 2013


I can't believe its friday I wait all week and then boom its here. I did win the prize but I was the only one who made a dessert. so i won by default. I am excited for the next couple weeks thanksgiving then christmas. its coming up so fast. Not to much else with me see you all tomorrow. robin

Thursday, October 31, 2013


I had a nice halloween.  I love truck or treat.  It is fun to have everyone close and see all the kids.  Rachel did a really good job.  Isaac didn't really love getting candy but the day was a hit when the four wheeler came with cars for him to ride in.  He had a wonderful halloween.  We are planning on going to Kamas tomorrow and will be there after you get off work Karen.  I hope you had a fun time with your trunk or treat.  We will have to leave early Saturday for the viewing but I think that will work out.  It has been a fun halloween for me.  Robin your skull was pretty gross looking did it win the contest?  Do you have princess parking again.  Have a nice 1st of November and I will see you all on Saturday.  LOVE MOM

Bad Blogger

I am so sorry that I haven't blogged all week, I am sorry.  Happy Halloween!!!  Today we were bus all day long and we are tired.  We started off by shopping for the trunk or treat.  I was kind of stressed and poor Mom had to put up with me.  It turned out we bought the perfect amount of food and it was great.  After shopping we went trick or treating downtown.  Isaac wasn't that into it but he got some candy.  I think that all the costumes made him nervous.  We meet Casey for lunch and then ran up to Randy's to show them his costume.  Then we took a hour break and headed to the trunk or treat.  Mom helped a lot and I think that everything went really well.  I feel so much better having that over with.  It ended up being really fun.  The had a four wheeler pulling a train and Isaac loved that.  He rode a couple times by himself, it was really cute.  Casey's work let everyone leave for two hours so he came and then we went out to dinner.  It was fun.  Isaac was getting grumpy and was ready for bed.  I attached pictures of his costume and I finished a quilt Monday and I have that picture also.  Robin I think that this would be a fun one for you to make.  It was really easy and fast.  I think it took 5 hours to make.


Wednesday, October 30, 2013

safe and sound

I am safe and sound in Logan. It was a weird day.  We woke up late because we stayed at the nursing home late and I wasn't sure what to do so dad was inspired and said lets drop by on our way to work and then we can decide.  As we made it to the home Kyle had just passed away.  We stayed and helped Julie until the kids came and then when they took Kyle we went to Farmington to get the plot all arranged and then we came back and dad took a nap and I went to the mortuary.  I got home around 4:30 took a nap and came to Logan.  The funeral is going to be Saturday.  They are having a viewing at 10:00 in the morning until 11:30 and then the funeral will be at noon.  They are having it at Julie's church.  Then we are going to Farmington to the graveside service and then back to Julie's church for a luncheon.  I am not sure what is going to happen with the shower and bingo right now.  I will keep you posted as I know more. I am excited to play with the Anderson's for halloween.  It will be fun to get a ton of candy.  Isaac says that every time you ask him about Halloween.  I love you guys. 


That is sad kyle passed away today. I'm glad hes not suffering anymore. Its kinda like grandma you'll miss them but they don't have to be in pain. My day at work was good. it was kinda slow but nothing to bad. Then I came home and finished my dessert. I was going to put a piece of sugar glass over the top, but I over cooked it and it turned yellow so I broke it up and put it around the skull. not ideal but it will do. I also posted a pict. of makeup from a photographer from the weekend. well if you guys need anything let me know I am around. Love you, stay safe :) Robin


Well I am glad that the week is half over. It seemed like a long day. I am sorry about Kyle. If there is anything I can do to help out Julie just let me know. Work seemed super busy today. It was just one thing popping up after another, but I made it thru. I went to WalMart after work to get candy for the trunk or treat tomorrow. I know the last minute, but October went way to fast. Well I hope everyone has a good Halloween tomorrow bye

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


I spent all evening at the nursing home with Julie and Kyle and kids.  Kyle is on the downhill and I think his time is counted in hours now.  He told Julie this morning that Grandpa Gumm had come to visit him and he was doing really good and he also saw Ruby.  It was such a peaceful experience tonight and Julie kids spent a lot of time with him singing songs to him.  Dad came down and sat with me for awhile and we visited with everyone.  It was hard to leave but just Julie and Kristie (the lady that has been helping with Kyle) are spending the night.  I am still planning on leaving tomorrow night to come to Logan.  I want to come up if that is OK.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Sad news about kyle. It breaks my heart. Other then that news today was good. Work was smooth and the next and Walter had panda express and watched some more Tudors. We are so tired we decided to not do the gym today. His Mom and sister made these cute pumpkins and gave me one I posted a pic below I thought it was sweet. Then I started my creepy desert so I posted an in progress photo. Hope everyone is doing well love you


Monday, October 28, 2013

I just doesn't get any better than this

What an amazing day.  It is such a miracle to see that little boy move around on an ultrasound.  It is just perfect. I agree with Robin. It will be nice to have a brother.   I am so excited.  I had such a fun day.  It was so hard to leave.  The only thing that made me leave was to know I get to come back on Thursday.  Karen we are thinking of driving through Kamas on Friday and spending the night and then coming down to SLC on Saturday for bingo.  Right now that is still a go.  I went to Jacks and they put air in all my tires and put a new light bulb in my blinker and it is all fixed.  YEAH.  I went to Kyle's right from Logan and spent the evening there.  All of Kyle's family is there and Julie was stressed out.  I just sat with her for a while.  Kyle is not doing very well.  They have him on a morphine pump.  He is in a really nice place.  It rained most of the way home.  I am with Karen.  I hope it just stays rain.  Have a nice stormy day tomorrow and then it is suppose to get better LOVE MOM

Two is better then one

I'm so excited your having a boy I think Isaac will love a little brother. I can't believe that October is almost over to. I am so excited for the holidays but 2012 has flown by. Well nothing to crazy with me. I am trying to go in early all this week for some extra spending cash for the day after ;) I just relaxed all night tonight I had a headache and it was cold out so I just hibernated.


Little Boys

It will be fun to have another boy.  Here are the pictures from the ultrasound.  They are 3d and different than Isaac's.  We had a fun time with Mom, it was nice to have you up here.  Thanks for everything.  Karen we were thinking of spending the night at your house Friday if that is alright.  We haven't been for a while.  Well everyone have a good night and stay warm.



Well congrats Rachel on having a boy. I am sure he will be just as cute as Isaac. My day was good. It was super windy all day. It has also started raining. I hope that it just sticks with rain and waits to snow for as long as possible. After work I paid some bills, exciting I know. I can't believe that October is almost over. This month has gone by so fast. Well have a great Tuesday tomorrow. Bye

Sunday, October 27, 2013


Well I got my sugar cookies made. Yea! I even got my kitchen all cleaned up again and my dishes done. Impressive I know. Other than that it was a quiet day. I did get a nap, so that was nice. Have a good one bye.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...