Friday, October 4, 2013


Today I meet a friend from nursery at IHOP for breakfast.  It was fun to meet up with her and her little boy.  We went to lowes after Casey got up and bought some paint for the race car bed.  They lady helping up knew a lot about paint and I think that it is going to look nice when it is done.  Casey worked this evening to get some overtime and me and Isaac went to Burger King for dinner.  Thanks Mom and Karen.  Well I don't have any plans this weekend either.  Case is going to work a little tomorrow and then a full shift Sunday.  I have a meeting tomorrow for the truck or treat but I could only get a hold of one person so I guess we will just start there.  Everyone have a good night.


Isaac put on makeup this morning

Riding his bike in the cold

Lazy weekend

I am all set for a lazy weekend also.  We can hook up for lunch or dinner tomorrow if you want to.  I don't have anything going on.  I thought about going through my burp rags and see if there was one I could make Andrea for her baby.  We bought Ironman 3 tonight and it was really good.  I enjoyed watching it.  Work was good.  I actually made progress on my piles of work.  It felt really nice.  Have a nice weekend.  LOVE MOM


today was good I was so glad that it was friday!!! I am going to saver the two whole days of not having to work. and its fall so that is also good news. Walter decided to go to logan with the sca thing. its a fighting thing so I am going to stay home and snuggle in a bunch of blankets. I think i win. then sunday I am going over to his parents house for his grandmas birthday. well have a great night robin


Well I went to the dentist again today. My tooth is much better. The high spot is gone. There was about an inch of snow on the ground this morning and it was pretty cold all day. Most of the snow is gone now, but I am sure it will be back to stay soon. At least I didn't have to shovel this morning. Work was good and I stayed busy so Friday didn't drag too badly. Well have a great one bye

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Not ready

I am not ready for snow.  It started snowing here for a few minutes and it made me realize I am not ready for winter yet.  I guess I better start getting ready.  It was pretty outside with all the storms around the valley however.  Not much going on with me.  We did go grocery shopping and got a few things.  I didn't like Sprouts as well this time.  I guess I will try something else for dad's juices.  I am glad that tomorrow is Friday.  I am good with just having a quiet weekend.  I can't think of anything to do.  I was thinking however that in two weeks it is Casey's birthday and I was wondering what he wanted to do for fun for his birthday.  Rachel ask him what he wants and we can do it.  We could have a birthday party for him.  I thought next Saturday when I was in Logan for the wedding we could buy his shoes for him.  Have a great Friday.  Rachel, I really like the quilt.  It is so cute.  You did a really good job.  Andrea is going to love it.  LOVE MOM

There is snow in the mountains

Sorry I didn't blog last night.  I talked to Mom on the phone and then I put Isaac to bed late.  I finished the top of Andrea's baby blanket yesterday when I sewed with Jenn.  I like how it turned out.  I attached a picture.  Today I worked on quilting that quilt I have been working on forever.  I am almost done which will be nice.  It snowed up here today in the afternoon and it was hailed last night and woke me up.  This morning we went to the nature center and it was nice.  The weather cooperated with us.  They combined the parent tots with the preschool and made bird feeders.  Isaac didn't sleep well last night so he was kind of grumpy there but I he had fun playing with the kids afterwards.  Tomorrow I am going to breakfast with a lady from nursery.  It should be fun.  I hope that I remember, I have been losing my mind.  I think that this weekend we will just stay up here.  But if we can be up for anything if any one has any great plans.  Everyone have a great night and stay warm.



Well it seemed like a busy day today. It snowed off and on today. None of it stuck so that was nice. I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. The dentist did call me back. So I am going in tomorrow. Hopefully it won't take very long. Well have a good one bye.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


today was good the day moved fast which was nice. nothing to crazy happened today. I forgot to blog but yesterday walter got his cast off. he sent me a pict with the pins still in but he got them out of his hand. I haven't seen him yet so I don't know what it looks like in real life. hes been busy with paper work stuff and finding jobs. yesterday he didn't feel good from the pins coming out. anyway I'm not sure what is going on this weekend, I know walters side of the family is having a party on sunday so I might stay here. not to much else with me I am glad that its thursday tomorrow. so close to the weekend.

Hi ditto

I am sorry you didn't get the dentist.  It must be his day off.  Your luck.  My day was good.  We had a cookie contest and I forgot mine on the counter at home.  I am so not a morning person.  I am ready for the weekend.  Anybody have a great idea?  It is conference so no downtown.  I am good with anything.  I was thinking of heading towards Karen's place but not sure of a day or time.  Let me know if you want to do anything.  I don't have too much else going on.  It is suppose to get really rainy tonight and tomorrow.  There is a home game at the university tomorrow.  Getting home from work might be interesting.  I told dad to leave around noon and not get in the traffic.  I think I will take Trax home.  I might need to wear red tomorrow if I am going to do that. Robin I love all your Halloween decorations.  They turned out really cute.  Rachel your blanket looks really nice on her couch.   Have a nice day.  LOVE MOM


Well my day was good. Work stayed busy so the day went by pretty fast. I called the dentist at lunch and left a message cause they didn't answer the phone. They hadn't called back by the time I left work so I tried calling again. They still didn't answer and the voice inbox was full. Hopefully they will call back tomorrow. The I paid bills and renewed my car registration online. I didn't need an inspection so it was pretty easy. Well have a good one. Bye

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


today was good. My boss needed a project done for something I don't know and he paid me 20 bucks. it was cool So i went to walgreens after work and got some hair dye and a cool skull cup. it was fun. i should have saved it but I didn't then I came home and did dishes and put up some more decorations. not to much else I just vegged most of the day. have a great wensday robin


I got a 75 dollar gift card for helping last week with the interviews.  I thought that was really nice.  I have to redeem it for a gift card of my choice.  I am going to work on that after I get done blogging.  It was a nice day outside.  I have been walking over to dad's work after work and that is nice for me.  I made cookies for the cookie contest at work tomorrow.  They don't look very good but they are done and that is all that matters.  Have a great day.  Rachel you made it to 16 weeks.  You are doing it.  Have a nice hump day.  I figured out the gift card and I got one to Gordmans.  I see shopping in our future.  :) LOVE MOM

Sunny day

Today went well.  We had story time in the morning and then went grocery shopping.  Isaac has been using a little cart when we go and he loves it.  It makes shopping easier for me also.  The weather was so nice Isaac just wanted to be outside all afternoon so that is what we did.  It was nice.  I had scouts today and we did a mosaic craft outside and it seemed to go pretty well.  Well we have some fun things coming up next week.  I am getting excited.  I hope everyone has a good night.



Well my day was busy. I had engineering meeting this morning. Then I had projects to work on this afternoon. My tooth is still a little high on the edge so I need to call the dentist again tomorrow and get it fixed again. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. Bye

Monday, September 30, 2013

Girls night

I am glad you had a good weekend Rachel.  I love taking the city bus around town.  It is an adventure.  Thanks Rachel and Robin for posting your pictures.  I sure had a good time.  Today was good.  Quiet.  I am so far behind but I will plow my way through I hope.  Walter wasn't able to come tonight so me and Robin had a girls night and that was a lot of fun.  Robin had a ten dollar rewards money at Gordmans so we went and spent it.  I love girls night.  Dad might go to China on Saturday.  Karen I hope your tooth is doing OK.  I was thinking of coming to Kamas for the weekend.  If dad doesn't go to China I might just come up for the day on Saturday.  I will keep you posted as the drama continues.  It was 83 degrees in our apartment when we got home.  I had to turn the air on for awhile.  Have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM

red eye

today was crazy, the grommet kid has strep so it was just me today. I hope he wasn't contagious on friday.... then I was going to meet up with walter for resume help with mom and dad. but he had a ton of paper work to fill out for his hand so I just went over to mom and dads. it was fun though thanks for dinner and shopping. my eye was clearing up so I wore contacts today. Now its blood shot again. I have glasses on and I am going to rest and relax. Thanks again for the fun weekend. love you robin

City Bus

We had a good day yesterday.  Casey decided not to work and it was nice.  We went church and then watched a movie.  We walked to the park after dinner and that was fun.  It was a pretty evening.  AFter it was dark we went and visited with Randy.  Today we rode the city bus to the transit center and walked to the Italian Place and had lunch.  It was really fun and Isaac liked it.  When we got back we planted the Iris's that Terry gave us.  I think that they will look pretty.  When Isaac was napping I worked on quilting my quilt and I have puckers in it.  It is taking a lot longer than I thought and I have mistakes it in.  We just stayed at home this evening and jumped on the trampoline and played with cars.  Thanks everyone for such a fun time this weekend.  It was a really fun day.  Isaac has been talking about it non stop.  I talked to the bishopric on Sunday and they did call the people about the truck o treat so now I just need to work up the nerve to call everyone and plan a meeting.  Everyone have a good night.



Well my day was pretty good. I got thru with the dentist. I am glad it's over. It bugs me a little, but I will get use to it. Thanks for the fun weekend. I had a good time. Well have a good one bye

Sunday, September 29, 2013


today was good. I slept in and the watched the new modern family online. It was funny. I went over to walters parents for sunday dinner. walter said that he was ok to come over on monday mom. I posted pictures of saturday. thanks for the fun time. I don't want to work tomorrow but I guess thats life. Well have a great monday. good luck at the dentist karen. robin

fun weekend

Thanks for the fun weekend.  I had such a nice time.  I wasn't as stiff as I thought I would be either.  I must be in better shape than I thought I was.  We had a quiet day and just rested.  It was nice.  Not much else to report since last we met.  Good luck tomorrow Karen getting you crown on your tooth.  I hope it goes well.  Take an ibuprofen before you go.  I found the printout for our tickets Rachel.  I feel better about that now.  I knew I had printed them off.  Josh is at 8:00 LOVE MOM


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...