Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nice Night

We had a nice time with Marissa's party. We will have to take you to that resturant Karen because you like barbeque and the meat was amazing. We just kind of walk around and shopped afterwards and was going to a light show but we all just got too tired. Grandma had a nice time with Kay. She seemed really happy when she got home. I was using Robin's sign in but she said everyone would figure out it was me. It was really nice weather in SLC. Logan was cold and windy again. We have had our share of rain this year. Tomorrow we are going to Jeff's to see his boat and then go to Austin's party. I am glad you had a good day. LOVE MOM


Well it was hot today. I got my kitchen cleaned. That was nice. I was going to do my living room also but I lost motivation. There is always next weekend. I also got a frame for my embroidery project I did. It looks good. I even ironed it before I framed it. I know you are all way impressed by that. I hope that everyone had a good time at the BBQ at Jed's place. I also hope that Robin had a good day at work. Well have a great one. BYE

Friday, June 4, 2010


I forgot to blog last night sorr. I wathed the Time Travelers wife and it was good. I read the book so it is hard to watch the movie but I liked it. Tonight Ausin graduated from High School so I went and sat with Kyle. It was a nice evening. Well I don't have much else going on. Stay cool Karen.

Ketchup chips

We were at Walmarts tonight and they had Ketchup chips. I thought that would be of interest to Robin. I am excited to come down and hang out with everyone this weekend. Not much else is going on here. It feels hot here. I feel sorry for you Karen. I just keep think of the 40 below though in winter and you not having to deal with that so I guess I don't feel quite as sorry. Rachel thanks for watching Kyle tonight. That was sweet of you. LOVE MOM


Well I made it to the weekend. I am glad that you are not working a billion hour anymore Robin. That sounds like a lot of hours to me. My day was good. My too exciting just the same old same old. Good luck with painting mom. Once you get past the taping it gets fun. I hope that you have fun at the BBQs this weekend. Tell everyone hi for me and that I am sorry I couldn't come. Have a great one everyone. BYE

Thursday, June 3, 2010

its almost over

Well I got the rest of my schedule for june. I am glad that the billion of hours are almost over I'm running on low. But a girl at work decided to work the night shift on saturday so I work till 6 and on sunday I work till 5. I got a few days off with in the week to help with painting here and there mom. So we can figure that out on saturday when you come up. anyway life is about the same. work work work. well have a great friday ;)


So is Jacob

Rachel that will be fun to go to the movie with your friends. I am jealous. I hope it is a good movie. It was my favorite book. Not much going on here. It rained all day. Dad made it home safe and sound. We are going to leave around lunch time on Saturday and going to spend the night at the apartment. Should be fun. I am ready for the weekend that is for sure. I did start taping the hallway to paint but I haven't gotten very far. Just one corner. I will continue my efforts tomorrow night.


Might as well be walkin on the sun

Well it was 96 today. It is only going to get hotter from here on out. Work was busy today, which was nice it made the day go bye fast. I am hopping that tomorrow will go bye fast as well. I hope that everything went well at best buy for you mom. I got my grocery shopping done tonight so that will be nice. I figured it would be nicer in 96 degree weather than 103. Robin I am sorry that you didn't get into IMATs but I am glad that you are having less stress. that is always a good thing to have less stress. Well have a great Friday everyone. BYE

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

what the what

Well today was crazy. First off I got the email from imats I didn't make it into the competition. To be honest I'm kinda glad it was causing alot of stress with schedules. Working a million places its hard to get one day off. And also on saturday I have to work alllllll day. So I am going to miss the party. I think I will have all day sunday off so I can make it to the one on sunday. Work had been a constant pace. One of the girls quit on the show that I am working on now. Which means more work when they hire someone else.... sigh. Anyway other then the long list of things I think Everything is glued together. I think I am going to make some friendship bread tonight :) so that will be tasty. well better run


Edwards Hot

Well the girls at work got tickets to see the midnigh showing of the new twilight movie today, so I am going. It will be fun and it was nice of them to invite me. That is hot in St George Karen. I was warm today and I have been cold lately so that was a nice change. I got some sewing done and I walked to the Gateway. It was a really pretty day. Well I don't have much else going on. Have a good night.



Karen that is hot. I was hot and it was only 79 in my house. I will need to toughen up with the hot weather that is for sure. It was a good day. Sunny and nice. Not much else. Work is really busy and I am behind but that isn't anything new. We are interviewing on Friday for the aid job so that will help I hope. Rachel congratulations on your quilt. It is beautiful. Robin you are going to be a good seamstress before you are done with Lagoon. That is a nice skill to have. LOVE MOM

90 and counting

Well it was 92 here today it is suppose to get up to 103 this weekend. I guess that means summer is here. Today went faster than yesterday did. I think is was because I went to bed almost on time. It makes a big difference. I am glad that everyone had a good Wednesday. I hope that my tax return comes soon. Don't work too hard mom. Well have a great one. BYE

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

if your going my way

I'm glad that you had a good day mom that is always a happy occasion :) I think that you are tired karen because we partied all weekend. I was really tired today to. waking up was not a good experience. Work went well today I think that we might get everything done this week....... cross your fingers. :) I think we are going to do long hours again, but what can you do its going to be a good paycheck. I was thinking that the next time karen comes up I will take everyone out to red lobster since I am the one with the newest job. Might as well play with all the hard work :) Well I hope that your quilt turns out rachel Your the best I'm excited to see it. Have a great wensday



Mom, that is a good day. I am reall excited. I love when a couple of good things happen on one day. It is really nice. Karen it was really good to see you this weekend and I was sad to see you go too. I had a good day, work went by really fast so that was nice. I am glad that tomorrow is Wednesday, it is fun. I got some sewing done tonight. I did three blocks of my sea urchin quilt, I have three more to do and then I can move to the next bag. It is taking a while. I also watched Glee and worked on my Embrodery. I have all the words and stems done. I have a couple flower tops done too. I am getting close, I hope that it turns out as cute as Moms. :)

Long day

Well it was a long day at work. I was tired so I had to get caffeine so I could stay awake. I had a fun weekend it was nice seeing you all. I wish I could have stayed longer. I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE

good day

Well we have good news. Dad finished his program and he says it workes really well. YEAH. He has been working on that day and night for a long time. He isn't going to know what to do with himself. We also got our tax return today. We are having a good day. Hopefully it will continue into a good week. It sure was hard to get back to work today. I am so far behind again. I am going to try to work some extra hours and see if I can't find the bottom of my desk. Well have a great day. Tomorrow is already Wednesday. Can you believe that one. That feels really nice.


Monday, May 31, 2010

safe and sound

We are safe and sound in Logan. I had a nice day today. Thanks everyone for being at Bingo that was nice. I am tired so hopefully I will go to bed early. It is nice to think it will be a short week this week. LOVE MOM

Sunday, May 30, 2010

memorial day

That sounds great I will just be at the apartment unless you want me to meet you somewhere for monday. Well nothing to crazy I just worked today no insane hours though so it was nice. well I'm going to chill for the rest of the night see everyone tomorrow.



I had a nice day. Karen made the best beef stew for dinner and Rachel and Casey came up for dinner. It was nice to have a Sunday dinner. We worked in the yard and that felt nice. I really am behind this year. Not much else going on here. WE are leaving around 10 to come down for bingo. WE are stopping at the grave to put flowers on Grandpa's grave for grandma. It has been a nice holiday.



 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...