Saturday, December 12, 2009
It is snowing a lot. We even got alot of snow in Clifton. I got to spend some time with the goats today and that was nice. They seem really happy. They have a ton of food so they will be good when we are gone. We went to IFA today and got a huge bucket with a deicer so they will have enough water while we are gone. I feel good about leaving them now. Their fur has gotten really thick, it is cute. I got some new black shoes today, my old ones had a hole in the bottom so when I walked in the snow my feet would get cold. They are cute and have a back so they will be good in the winter. My new coat is keeping me really warm and I like it. We also got Casey a new computer today. It was on clearance. He is going to work in SLC starting in January and he needed a computer for down their. He is excited about it. I am ready to go to Canada now. I just need to get a sub for nursery. I am excited to see Robin and go to another country, it is going to be really fun.
So i've attached the hands and the head. but now I have to resand everything. its a never ending story. There are little holes that I have to fill then sand. I keep thinking for the light at the end of the tunnel but hopefully by monday I can start painting. cross your fingers. I'm excited for everyone to come up on tuesday. I'm so ready for christmas. and to be done with school. I'm glad that your tests are over karen. congrats. I like your stockings and wreath rachel there super cute. So when are you guys flying in on tuesday? I'm trying to get everything packed but my clothes so We can just throw those in a bag. :) anyway I better go back to sanding.
dreaming of a white christmas
It has snowed here about 5 inches. The roads were horrible in the canyon and then it cleared out after Ogden. Both ways there was a blizzard in Sardine. Robin is going to get her wish for a white christmas that is for sure. I hope after all the sanding she is ready for shoveling. We got back early because we were worried about the snow. Julie wrote me an email and said that Kyle has another infection and is home on IV antibiotics. Just thought you guys would like to know. Well we are home safe and sound. I am going to go make sloppy joes for dinner.
Always at the office
Well it is snowing here and it is sticking to the ground. I thought we suppose to have global warming. Well I am done with my practical exam for the state. I won't find out my grade until Wednesday though. I think that I did good though. I am going to go and take a nap now though. I had to be at the testing place by 745, but I was there even earlier because they let you take the test in the order you arrived and since there are about 70 people taking it I didn't want to be last. I was number 11 so I got out at about 940. Well I hope that mom and dad made it down and back safely from SLC. I wouldn't want to drive in this weather. Well I hope that everyone has a great weekend. BYE
Friday, December 11, 2009
Still at the office
I have one more day I still have to work because I need to do payroll but it does feel like the vacation has started. We went to borders tonight and got dad a book to read on the trip. Good luck Karen on your test. I am sure you will be wonderful. You are so good at it. You come acrossed really confident. We had a quiet night and that is good. Tomorrow SLC and then Sunday I am going to work a couple of hours and then monday I am leaving at noon I hope. Just think Robin next week at this time we will be getting ready to come home. That is amazing.
I am currently out of the Office
I put my out of office notice on my email today. It was really fun. I haven'y used it since June when I went to girls camp. They wanted a report this afternoon and I did it. I hope that it is what they wanted because I am not working next week. Me and Mom listened to the soundtrack for Jersey Boys this morning and it is really good. It made me excited. It is going to be a great play. Mom it ended five minutes after I droped you off. Franky Vallie is not dead. Robin, I am glad that you want the car. This works out so good. It will be nice for you so you are not stranded at home. Thanks for Mom I was able to finish the Wreath for Terry. I went to Red Rooster on my lunch and got more fabric. I three yards of fabric to make it. Here is a picture of the finished product.

Here is a picture of my finished stocking.
Here is a picture of my finished stocking.
Test anxiety
Well my practical test for the state is tomorrow. I am nervous, but I figure that as long as I don't panic and totally space something critical then I will be okay. These are the types of test that make me nervous. A person with a clip board and a timer sitting there watching you and just you do stuff. I do better when with the written stuff that you don't have a person just sitting there staring at you. Well work was kind of boring today. I am hoping that Monday will be busier, but you never can tell. It did snow about 4 flakes here today. That means it was super cold outside. Robin I hope that your hands stay attached this time. Have a good weekend everyone. BYE
eskimo kisses
so today was the practical exam for the kids that didn't do it when I did it. So I got roped into being a model. so my whole day was putting on makeup taking off makeup. my face is kinda raw. Luckly I was able to work a bit on my cheetah. I reattached the arms after some trips to canadian tire. (thats like a hardware/ homeware store kinda). I casted the hands today so I need to sand those and hopefully paint them. I am going to work on it all weekend so on tuesday I can play with everyone instead of stressing about it. Well on the way home it was so cold I took the subway home but as my luck would have it there was a fire on the train so we had to evacuate so I ended up just walking. I least I made it two stops before that happened. I didn't see the fire just the lights flickered and outside of the train was smoke. so I figured it would be a while thats why I walked. anyway better go work on my guy have a great night love you
ps. I forgot thanks for the car I would love to drive it until I can save money to get another one :) you guys are the best!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
We had a good time sewing tonight. Casey helped Mom at work start moving her work. After work we went to dinner at the Indian Oven, it was really good. I ofcourse got the rice pudding, it is so good. Then we can to Clifton and sewed. We had a good time. Mom ran out of thread so she helped me and cut all the fabric for the wreath I am making for Terry. It was really nice and we had a good time. Robin, Casey has finished his car so if you need/want a car when you come back the Sundance is ready for you. It is sitting in our garage, nice and warm. It is extra special because Casey drove it. Mom says hi and have a good night.
Rachel, Casey and Mom
Rachel, Casey and Mom
Almost Friday
Well I have almost made it to the weekend. Robin I am sorry that your arm snapped off. Usually it goes faster the second time around though. My insurance meeting was okay. We are having to start paying for our dental insurance, but it is only 5 dollars so it is not too bad. I still liked it better when I didn't have to pay anything. I am ready for my class to be done. I think that I am worn out and need a nap. Right now though who has time. Oh well maybe in January. Well i hope that all you northerners don't freeze to death. It is cold down here but it is suppose to get warmer by Monday. We should be back to normal for this time of year, yep back in the 50s it will be nice. We have been running 20 degrees below normal this whole week and it has been rough. Well I hope that mom and Rachel had a good time sewing tonight. Have a good one.
candy cane hot chocolate
So the walk home today was freezing. I thought my ears were going to fall off. I stopped at second cup mostly to warm up a bit and they had candy cane hot chocolate. It was very delicious. I am a serious addict. It made the walk home so much better. I think I'm going to wear a hat forever now. anyway same ole same ole. I brought my cheetah body to work on and the arms snapped off. ugh. oh well I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. :) anyway I better go fix the damage. have a great night
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Everyone sounds busy, I hope that everyone get a break. Robin, I am glad that you are excited to come home. I am so excited for you to come back. Logan/Utah is the best. Casey finished his car today :) It is pretty neat. The security system works and it will be safe. I got alot done on my stockings tonight. I just need to put the ruffles and binding on. It is really cold. Casey made a fire in the front room and then we have the fire place going in the front room. I think the cold is aborbing all the heat. It is a cold day. Casey said that Tobais fur is getting so thick and he is getting fat that his head looks like a little triangle on his body. It is funny. I am excited for next week to see Robin and bring her home.
long days
Well two nights in a row I didn't get home until 9:00. Boy am I tired. I need to slow down. I am going to sleep all the way to canada. Karen I don't know how you have been doing it. Good luck with you insurance meeting. I hope they don't give you a huge high deductible. That is the new rage. 10 days Robin and we you will be back home in the frozen tundra. You might want to rethink the beautiful snow in Utah. It was 4 below zero this morning in Mendon. I am already thinking of living in St. George the whole month of January. Have a good night.
Well I got all my Christmas shopping done last night. I just need to wrap now. They have a radio station down here that is just playing Christmas music all month, so maybe I should start listening to that to get more into the spirit of things. Well tomorrow should be a long day. I have to go to an insurance meeting and that is enough to make any day long. I still have a cough and a guy in my class said that he has had his for a week. I hope that I get rid of mine sooner than that. It was cold here today when I got off work it was 35 out side. That is way cold for down here. Well have a good one. BYE
I'll be home for christmas
So it snowed last night but then it was followed by rain. so we had an inch of slush. blah. I like the white snow not slush. Utah is the best place for good snow. I'm disappointed in Toronto. its a good thing I'm done in 10 days. I did listen to christmas music so it helped ease the pain :) jk... Well I guess you can figure out what I did today SAND. yeah for sanding. at least the belly is smooth now. I am going to try to make the hands tomorrow just to spice it up. :) My goal is to finish smoothing so by the weekend I can paint. I'm using my airbrush. might as well make my life easier since I have the technology up here. well I'm glad that everyone is alive and well. Enjoy life
love you
My internet wasn't working
My internet wasn't working last night so I am blogging just to say that I am a live. Hopefully Casey will fix it today so it will be working tonight. I had a good day yesterday, the roads were bad though and driving was slow. Work was really busy and kind of stressful. Casey made Pasta Fresca from noodles and company for dinner and it was realyl good. It was fun. Then I worked on my stockings for a while. I am almost done and they are looking cute. Well hopefully my internet will start working today.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
what a ride
Well i just got home from the party for the Cache Kids. It went OK. Not as many as I thought would come but it was still fun. I am just glad it is over with. Congratulations on your test Karen and your first car payment. One down. It is so cold here. The roads were horrible and let me just say the roundabouts on icy roads are not fun. Dad likes them but they just make you slip and slide in a circle. I hope you are feeling better Karen. Robin I am so excited to see your Cheetah. It is going to be way cool. Dad made is safe and sound last night so he missed the horrible roads this morning. Rachel said it was horrible for her commute. I just kept thinking all day. I am going to be on vacation this time next week. It made my day. I bought Harry Potter on Blue Ray today. I like Harry Potter movies. I need to get everything done before I leave. LOVE MOM
Well I just made my first car payment. I also sent in the paper to get it auto deducted so I don't have to mail it in every month. I am excited for you to come back to Utah Robin. It will be nice to have you closer for a while. My day was good. But it was cold here and really windy. It hard not to cough when going from cold to warm. Oh well, that is what cough drops are for I guess. Well good luck with your project Robin. I hated sanding in my wood shop class too. It takes forever, it was definitely my least favorite part. See you all in 2 weeks
ninja smoother
Congrats karen on your tests that is so cool. Good luck with the other ones. I know you'll do well. I'm excited for this month to, in 7 days you guys fly up. In 14 days i'm home. yeah I made it 8 months alive. Today I sanded everything. I worked on it last night but it was slow going. My teacher had a power sander. I think i prefer modern technology. I still am not finished though. Hopefully tomorrow I will be done sanding. It has to be perfectly smooth because its the layer I paint on so it has to be absolutely smooth. Its taking forever. after 8 hours of sanding and then its not finished, ahhhh. I didn't bring it home tonight, i needed a break. well I hope you guys have a great night. On MSN it said that the west got slammed with snow. be careful and drive safe. :) and drink lots of hot chocolate. :)
Monday, December 7, 2009
I have been pondering all the neat stuff we are going to be doing this month. I am just amazed at how much we are doing. Tomorrow is the Christmas party for the kids at the Heritage Farm and then on Wednesday I babysit and then I Tuesday I am in Canada and then I get home and Karen comes home and then we go to St. George. I better go to be bed and get some rest. Congratulations Karen. I am so proud of you. You have worked very hard and I know you are going to be state certified. Dad left for SLC tonight because he had a 9:00 meeting and it is suppose to snow all night. Thought he had a better chance tonight than 6 in the morning. I am so not a morning person. LOVE MOM
Well it has been pouring rain here all day and it has been cold also. It is suppose to change to snow tonight, but I doubt any will stick with all the water that is already on the ground. Well I took the practical portion of the college final and I got an 82 on the trauma and a 94 on the medical. Whew! I passed. The state practical is on Saturday so I am still I little stressed for that. Then I have the written for the college and then the written for the state and then I am done. I still have a cold unfortunately, but I am starting to feel better. I have decided that I don't want to be sick any more so tomorrow I am going to be cured. At least that is my plan. I will have to see how good it works. Thanks Rachel for the idea for Casey. I going to go and get it tomorrow. Then all my shopping will be done. I will just have to wrap. Well hope you have a great week one and all.
We have snow!!
Casey drove me to Logan today and that was nice. We had lunch together at the Bluebird. He changed my oil for me and then he worked on some peoples bike. When we were driving home it started snowing in Preston and we have a couple of inches in Clifton. It is werid how a couple of miles make a big difference in weather. It was fine in Logan. I am just going to relax and make some stocking the rest of the night.
bond cheeto bond
So today I worked on my cheetah body. I had to bondo the entire body. Its the same bondo that I used on dads truck. Everytime I smell it I am reminded of working on the truck :) but I think I'm going to rename him cheetah bond. since almost half of him is covered in bondo. well It kinda snowed here. It came down white but it all melted before it hit the ground. I guess tomorrow we are suppose to get a storm. Well I brought my cheetah body home to sand, fun i know don't be jealous. Have a great night
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The north wind doth blow
Boy is it cold and windy here. Makes you want to hibernate. Rachel and Casey came for sunday dinner and they helped me put up the christmas tree. We put Robin's presents under there and it really felt like Christmas. There was a mom and baby deer in our back yard this morning. I felt so bad for them it was so cold. It is really suppose to storm here tomorrow. I hope it isn't too bad. LOVE MOM
No snow either
Well there is no snow here, but there is a pretty good chance of it tomorrow. I think that St. George had a high chance of snow than Logan. Which is just not fair. Where is global warming when you need it. I skipped church also today. I am felling better. Sleeping most of the day seems to help. Who knew? Rachel do you have any ideas for me on what to get Casey for Christmas? I would appreciate any ideas. Well I don't have anything else to report it has been a nice quiet Sunday. BYE
No Snow
We didn't get any snow in Clifton, Dayton got a little bit and the further south we went their was more snow. We went to Logan yesterday to finish our Christmast shopping. We had a good time and it was a good day. The goats are getting really fat, they are cute and chubby. Church went good. It has been a good day.
Thats crazy the weather is so bad. I'm glad you made it safe those roads can get really bad. I hope it doesn't snow next tuesday :). It hasn't snowed up here just rains all the time. Well today I was bad and didn't go to church. I just slept. It was nice. well I hope everyone has a nice relaxing sunday.
love you
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...