Monday, December 7, 2009


Well it has been pouring rain here all day and it has been cold also. It is suppose to change to snow tonight, but I doubt any will stick with all the water that is already on the ground. Well I took the practical portion of the college final and I got an 82 on the trauma and a 94 on the medical. Whew! I passed. The state practical is on Saturday so I am still I little stressed for that. Then I have the written for the college and then the written for the state and then I am done. I still have a cold unfortunately, but I am starting to feel better. I have decided that I don't want to be sick any more so tomorrow I am going to be cured. At least that is my plan. I will have to see how good it works. Thanks Rachel for the idea for Casey. I going to go and get it tomorrow. Then all my shopping will be done. I will just have to wrap. Well hope you have a great week one and all.

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