Saturday, November 26, 2022


 I am sorry you are sick Karen.  I hope you feel better before your surgery.  I am glad Dad is feeling better.  Today was good and we didn't do to much.  Yesterday we cleaned up under the stairs and moved a lot of the office stuff in there.  We want to fix that room up.  Casey took everything to the dump today.  We did get the tree up and the kids were so cute.  Thanks for the fun thanksgiving and hopefully December will be a healthy month for all of us.

Love Rachel


 We just took it easy today. Dad starting eating so that is nice. Katrn I am so sorry you are sick. I can't seem to get over it. Rachel I hope you got your tree up. The kids are such a fun age. Robin I hope all is well with you. Love mom


 Well i have caught the dreaded cold. I have a slight fever tonight but not too bad. I pretty much slept all day. I had a really fun time at Thanksgiving. Thanks again Rachel for having all of us up and for all the delicious food. I hope everyone had a great Saturday. Bye 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


 We made it to Logan and it has been fun. I did get my eye checked and it is just a.protein floater. Old age stuff. It will go away in a couple of months. Casey and Isaac have been cooking up a storm. Drive safe Robin. Love mom

Tuesday, November 22, 2022


 I worked for a few hours and then Karen went to the foot doctor and we went to the concert. It is really something to see. They do a wonderful job. Lazers and shows and music. I thought they ending four times but they kept going. It was amazing. They had fire jumping. Karen got me a t shirt. I want to go again. I am going to the eye doctor to.orrow and then we are going to.logan. so excited. We went to hobby lobby tonight and got paint for the picture. We are getting organized. Dad is feeling a little better. No fever tonight. I have a cough and no voice. Robin I hope you Dont get it. That is fun you get a day off. Rachel thanks so.much for hosting us. Love mom


 Work was good.  We did a lot of editing this morning.  The supervisors made soup for lunch and that was fun to talk with everyone.  My phone for some reason ran out of batteries at work. Isaac forgot his violin again so we ran home and got it.  Ruth's friend Emily came over to play.  They had a fun time.  Isaac made a cake again and helped make dinner.  Casey worked late and I went to exercise class.  The kids don't have school tomorrow but I am working.  Mom and Dad and coming up and taking them out for lunch.  Drive safe.

Love Rachel 


Me and Jeramy both worked from home again today. I think I have allergies because my nose is running and my throat is dry. I have tomorrow off so I am keeping Luna home with me and we are going to have a day off. I might see if I can take her to get a Santa picture. We will see. I took Jenkins on a walk and it took forever. He can walk fine. But he was sniffing every blade of grass and would not move quickly. I carried him half the way because it took so long to get anywhere. 


Monday, November 21, 2022


 Sorry I forgot to blog yesterday.  Yesterday was good.  I had meetings after church and their is a lot going on for primary this time of year.  Casey and Oliver went rock climbing and I took Ruth and Isaac in a hike.  We also did a puzzle Tiffany sent us.  It was perfect for the kids.  Today wasn't too bad.  Isaac has a cough but made it to school.  Oliver's shelf crashed in the night and he was tired today.  Ruth fell in the stairs and cut her elbow and it was bleeding.  She is worried she won't be able to sleep.  They were having a hard time binding some pot holders at work because they are little so I showed them how I do it at home.  It worked and they are going to use that way.  I made it to exercise class tonight and it felt so good to go.  We are super excited for thanksgiving and black Friday.

Love Rachel


 I went into work but my voice was off so I worked from home. Dad does a lot better and even ate. Around 6 when all his meds wear off he starts not feeling well. Karen is come to go to the concert tomorrow. I am excited. We are going to Logan on Wednesday.  I am going to go buy paint tomorrow night so last call for what to paint. Thanks again for picking some pictures. I love them. Robin I am glad you got to work from home. Rachel I hope you are having a nice day also. Love mom


Today was good. I worked from.home.simce.the office was going to be empty I figured I could watch movies while I worked. Jenkins can go up the stairs with no problem. But he won't go down stairs. So he would run up and cry for me to carry him down. After the 10the time it wasn't so fun for me. So I put blankets on the steps so he couldn't go up them until I was ready to go with him. I still put Luna in daycare just because it hard to work with her destroying everything. After work we picked her up and groceries. It get so dark out so early its hard to stay motivated to do anything past 5. 



 Well my good was good. I got up this morning and got my allergy shot. Then i went to the grocery store because I wanted some bbq chips. Then i had lunch and then went to the dentist. I got a temporary crown put on and I go back on the 14th to get the permanent one. So by the time I was done with that and got home it was dinner time. I had dinner and then packed up. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye 

Sunday, November 20, 2022


 We had a really quiet day. I think we both slept most of the day. Dad had a bad fever last night but is doing a lot better today. I am.hoping he is on the mend. Good.luck Karen. I hope all goes well. Robin thanks for having us yesterday. Rachel your quilt is just beautiful. Everyone have a nice Monday. I am super excited for the holiday


Thanks for coming down on Saturday so we could do yard work. Today we just took it easy. I made soup from the turkey broth. Jenkins is starting to go up and down stairs with our any help. So that is good he's progressing. I still try and carry him down the big stairs when I can, just to be safe. Luna was out of control tonight. I think I was body slammed 1,000 times. So I'm tired now. 


 I had a quiet day. It was nice. Tomorrow, I have to get my allergy shot and go to the dentist. Hopefully, neither one will suck too bad. I hope everyone had a great Sunday. Bye 


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...