Saturday, February 6, 2016


I'm glad you guys had fun this weekend..sorry I missed it. Today was ok I just worked. I was so tired and work was slow so it was hard to stay awake. Well jot much else have a good sunday. It's super bowl sunday

Fun times

Thanks Rachel and kids for coming down I sure had a good time.  The museum was a lot of fun today.  We hooked up with Dirk and Melody and Grandma Bodily for dinner it was nice.  Rachel and the kids joined us.  Robin, I am glad you had a nice time at the concert.  I am glad you got to go and we will hang out next weekend when you go to the play.  Karen, I am glad that your tooth is feeling better.  It is always too quiet after everyone leaves.  Have a really nice Sunday.  LOVE MOM

Friday, February 5, 2016


I'm so glad it was friday. A girl at work asked me to go with her to this charity concert. A couple was adopting a baby and all proceeds went to their adoption. The girl at work loved the singer Tyrone wells who put on the event for a friend. He was really good I had a good time. Sorry I missed out on tonight. Hope you guys had a fun dinner



Well I am glad that it is finally Friday. It did snow here last night. I had to shovel two inches off my walks. I can't wait til it's spring. My day was good. Nothing to exciting to report. I am excited to come down and play with everyone tomorrow. I hope everyone had a great day.

Thursday, February 4, 2016


Today was good. Time is so slow at work. But I'm survivng. Sorry I didn't go tonight I'm glad you had fun. I was so tired. The girl that worked at scheels.tonight was sick and wanted me to come in. I couldn't do it. I was so not in the mood. The walter was hungry and took me to Texas roadhouse for dinner. I thought that was sweet of him. Have a good friday. We made it :)



The concert was really nice. He has an amazing voice. The kids are so cute and grandpa did a good job babysitting.  I am going to work tomorrow and then we are going toys r us. I am so glad it didn't snow too much. Karen get some rest. You are fighting a bad infection. Robin I am glad you are ok. You get some rest also. Nave a great Friday. Love mom


I am glad that tomorrow is Friday. It did snow a little bit here today, but it didn't stick so i didn't have to shovel at least. I hope mom and Rachel had a fun time at the movie concert thing. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Better not snow

It better not snow.  The tickets are all purchased.  I hate to say this but it looked like me and Rachel might be the only ones in the theater.  All the seats were available.  A private concert.  I told dad if it snowed and Rachel couldn't come he had to go with me.  He said he was told he was babysitting and that is all he wants to do  :).  It better not snow.  Work was OK.  It is starting to get busy.  RSV is starting to raise its ugly head.  We went grocery shopping afterwards and we are ready to spoil grandkids.  Drive safe Rachel.  It isn't too late if Karen and Robin decide to come.  It is suppose to be a nice weekend.  Robin do you work on Saturday?  Ruth is a month old today.  Happy month old birthday Ruth.  Good luck on three antibiotics Karen.  I sure hope the lump goes away quickly.  LOVE YOU GUYS MOM


Today was good. It's chinese new year monday. All of our factories are taking an early holiday so it will be getting really slow soon. I had to work at scheels. It's so slow it's making me even more tired. Well not much else travel safe rachel in the snow I hope josh groban is fun



Well the week is half over. Work went good. Nothing too wild and crazy going on. I went to Heber after work and got the other antibiotic. Exciting trip I know. It is suppose to snow tomorrow. I am getting tired of snow. I am hoping that we don't get a lot of new snow. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Party Poopers

Well you guys are going to miss out on a delightful evening with me and Mom.  I am excited.  Today was good.  Randy came and took the boys around 11 until 3.  It was really nice of him and the boys had a fun time.  I was able to sew and spend some time with Ruth, it was really nice.  Casey had scouts tonight and we just played.  Nothing too eventful.  Everyone have a good night.


One more thing

Rachel, I love your quilt.  You are super mom for sure.  I think that Ruth looks like she has red eyebrows.  It might just be the picture.  Robin if you need any help let me know.  LOVE MOM

I'm still on

I will go if you want to go Rachel.  I would also love if you want to stay and play on Saturday.  We met Karen in Park City to take her out to dinner for being brave.  Her jaw is still swollen.  Three antibiotics.  That should take care of it.  Poor kid.  Work was good.  I had a hard time getting motivated.  It was so pretty driving up to Park City and then coming home.  All the pollution was gone.  Robin, get some rest.  You work so hard.  I hope that Walter found an apartment.  If you need anything let me know.  LOVE MOM


Well i made it thru my my root canal. I also got more antibiotics. Then i came home and took a nap. Mom and dad met me in Park City for dinner. It was fun to hook up. I don't have a good reason not to go to Josh, but i am still not going. I hope mom and Rachel have fun at it though. I hope everyone has a great Wednesday tomorrow.  Bye


I'm not sure about Thursday I have a busy work week and Thursday is my first day off this week. I might miss it. Sorry.... I hope it's fun. Today was good nothing to crazy. I am working scheels tonight. I am tired. Have a good one


Monday, February 1, 2016


Thanks again for the hotwheels sitckers Karen and for the snow pictures.  You are super sweet.  Thank you.  I have some exciting news, this Thursday Josh Groban is having a movie concert again.  Mom is in are you Karen or Robin?  It would be really fun.  I need to check the weather but I really want to go, if I am not being bad leaving the kids. Today was good.  It has been so busy the days goes by really fast.  Randy took Isaac to school this morning which was really nice of him.  Me and Casey had dentist appointments to have our teeth cleaned and that took all afternoon.  Our Roku stoped working and that is how we watch netflix's upstairs so Casey went and got a Chromecast.  It is pretty cool and it will be nice to have.  I have been able to sew a little bit and I have a quilt almost done.  I attached a picture of two rows put together, their are two more rows to go.  It isn't a big quilt and has been fun to work on.  Everyone have a good night and think about Josh.


Almost well

We have a big inspection by the Joint Commission all week.  It started out as a crazy day.  It will be a busy week but it was quiet today because everyone was in meetings.  Karen that is a lot of snow.  I think you and Rachel might be in a tie for who has the most snow.  I am not sure that is a good contest.  Robin, I love your sayings.  They made me laugh.  Good luck with your root canal Karen.  I am in the half well stage.  I hate that stage.  When you are really sick you just sleep and when you are well.  That is heaven.  I feel well enough to be miserable.  I hope that doesn't last long.  Rachel, I am in for the Josh Groban movie on Thursday.  Robin do you work that night?  Everyone be safe out there.  It is crazy weather.  LOVE MOM

Ground hog

Today was good. I had my 6.month review. I can't believe I have been there a 1.5. Time flys. I worked at scheels tonight so nothing to exciting. I am glad that it's February we made it through January alive. Tomorrow is ground hogs day. Looking at karen's yard I think we are having 6 more weeks of winter. Lol luck with the root canal karen. I hope everyone is staying warm and safe.



Well we got a ton of snow here today. We got about a foot today. I am going in tomorrow to get my root canal done. I am glad that the hot wheels stickers got to your place Rachel. I hope the kids like them. Have a great day tomorrow everyone.

Sunday, January 31, 2016


I am glad that you are feeling better Mom and that you had a good day Karen.  We had a good day.  We stayed in our pajamas all day which was nice, other than that it seemed like a normal day.  Casey worked on his resume and applied for a job.  His car was stuck in the snow so he dug it out also, he got a lot done.  Isaac and Oliver have been playing so good together, it has been so cute.  They pretend the shower in our room in an elevator and they can play for a long time.  Isaac was playing super heros and using his blanket as a cape.  I am going to get some fabric tomorrow and make both of them a cape, it should be fun.  My visiting teacher brought dinner tonight and it was really good, she is a really good cook.  Tomorrow me and Casey are getting our teeth cleaned.  I hope that it goes well, wish us luck.


Feeling a little bit better

I am feeling a little bit better today.  I am not so congested and I didn't sleep all day.  Those are good signs.  We just vegged and watched Star Trek movies all weekend.  I sure hope this cold goes away quickly.  I missing the kids too much.  I can't believe all the snow everyone got.  I hope it warms up soon and melts.  Everyone have a great 1st day of February.  We made it through January.  At least the days are getting longer.  I like coming home in the light.  I put vicks on my feet with socks (internet said that would help with the cough), I think it has helped.  Me and dad have both been doing that and he says he feet feel better.  I figured we didn't have anything to lose to try it.  LOVE MOM

Quiet day

Well my day has been good. It was a quiet day. I cooked some steaks for dinner. They tasted good. I also got my dishes done. I hope everyone has a great week.


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...