today was good I got all star employee at lagoon. I got a free swim suit, shirt and hat. they also have a dinner next week so that was fun and unexpected. but other then that the day was chill just enjoyed the day. Hope everyone has a great sunday
Saturday, August 20, 2011
home safe and sound
We made it home safe and sound. There was a huge wind storm in Norht Salt Lake and then it pour rained. It cooled way down. It felt nice. I got home and I think I have slept since then. I had a good day. Thanks for the quilt Rachel it is amazing. Good luck with your lesson Karen and Robin congratulations on being picked as a super employee. That is fun. Have a nice Sunday. I am going to go and try to find my ward. It is way past time to do that.
Well I went to a singles activity last night it was good. They had hamburgers and hotdogs. There were about 20 people there. Today I haven't done much. I still have a cold, so it seems like every time I sit down I fall asleep. I made a word search for primary tomorrow cause I couldn't think of anything else fun todo. My big accomplishment today was getting my car washed and gassed up. I hope that everyone had a great Saturday. BYE
Friday, August 19, 2011
missed one
sorry I didn't blog last night I was really tired. but today was good I didn't have to work so I cleaned my room and my bathroom. its nice to have things a bit tidy. I went out to dinner with mom dad and casey and then me and mom went shopping. it was nice to have a day off. well not to much else happening
love robin
love robin
New Shirt
I used my gift card for my birthday and got a really cute shirt. Thanks KAren. We went to the Bombay house for dinner. It tasted really good. Robin didn't have to work and it was nice to visit with her. I am excited to go to Logan tomorrow. Karen get some rest, I hope you get feeling better. Have a great weekend LOVE MOM
Block of the Month is Here!!!!!
My block of the month came today and it was really exciting. I have made the border and now I just need to applique on the center. It is pretty cute. Well that is my big news. Casey has bike class tomorrow and he wants to do some yard work, it should be fun. Everyone have a good weekend.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Almost there
I am glad you had a good night and that Casey got to come home. Karen are you feeling better? I hope you are winning the battle with the cold. How is your wool project coming. I want to recover a bullentin board for work. I thought Saturday I could look for some fabric. Well that is all my big news. I did go to Panda for dinner and then we went to Barnes and Noble. I bought a puzzle for Karen's visit and a book for Isaac. Robin just think tomorrow is the last week night you will work at Lagoon. That sounds kind of weird doesn't it. Well have a great friday. LOVE MOM
Hello There
Me and Isaac had a good day. Casey came home tonight and we barbecued chicken and had green beans, it was really good. Then we rode our bikes to Lowe's to get Casey a saw and some grasshopper dust. It was a really fun evening. Well I hope that everyone has a good night.
Well I made progress today at work. I got a bunch of papers cleared off my desk, so that was nice. I really like days that I feel like I have made progress. It is still hot here. I can't believe that August is have over. Isaac is almost 8 months old. Well I am glad that tomorrow is Friday I am ready for a weekend. Well I hope that everyone had a great Thursday. BYE
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
I'm sorry you have a cold karen I hate getting sick. Not to much else happening with me. I worked all day. at work sometimes they have early outs where you can leave early with out getting points. SO i went home early. I cleaned my car so now my room is a mess. I had at least a ton of cloths in my trunk. but its nice to have done. I just have to clean my room now. oh well well have a great night
love you
love you
Today was good. Isaac was super tired and kind of fussy. He took three naps one was two hours long. In between naps we went grocery shopping and to the hobby lobby. Around 5:30 Terry, Collin and Kimmy came over to catch some grasshoppers to feed to Collins lizard and they invited me over for dinner. So me an Isaac went over there and it was a fun evening. They made hamburgers and we went on a walk. Isaac was pretty good and everyone had fun with him. Mom Casey is definitively having bike class this Saturday so we can play.
Half Way
Well I made it half way. I rode the bus today and think I am going to keep doing that. I enjoy not having to be responsible. I don't get home until almost 6 but that is OK with me. I am sorry you are getting a cold Karen but I am so happy you went to the relief society party. I hope you had fun. It is OK if you didn't email me. I was busy also. I am glad you had a good time with the girls. I am going read the help. Rachel this weekend maybe you could show me how to borrow one of your books. Dad made marsalla tonight for dinner and it was really good. I liked it a lot better than the Bombay House. It was fun to try something new. We never made it to Best Buy however. Maybe tomorrow night.
Well the week is half over. I am sorry i was a slacker emailing you at work this afternoon mom. I had a lot of prints to scan in so i wasn't at my desk. I hope that you and dad had a fun time at best buy. I went to the Relief society activity tonight I had fun. I think that I am coming down with a cold. I hope that I get over it soon. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
today was good. I worked in the morning and then came home and took a mini nap. I meet a few girls from work and ate at the mall food court. I had hot dog on a stick shocker. then we watched the help. it was a really good movie I really enjoyed it. well not to much else going on have a great one
I wasn't on fire
Boy Casey should have a day off more often. I bet Isaac loved watching that. Karen I am glad you had a good day today. Mine was good also. The bus on the way home almost got in a wreck and someone's computer went flying and a lady almost went over a seat. Excitement on the bus. I was just sitting and held on tight. It is nice to ride the bus. I just get to sit and think, not worry about where I am going. I am going to try to ride it more often. I don't really have to get up that much ealier and it is nice not to have to fight traffic. I ironed tonight and made spagetti. It tasted good. I made enough to freeze and have lunches all week. Robin I hope you had a nice girls night out. You really needed one. Well have a great hump day. We make it through tomorrow and we are on the down side of the week. LOVE MOM
Man on Fire
Casey had today off so we drove back to Logan this morning. Isaac got a fussy in Ogden so we stopped and and had breakfast at IHOP, it was really gross. He fell asleep the rest of the trip so it was nice. When we got home Casey mowed the lawn and trimmed some trees. We went to the black pearl for dinner and then we worked on cleaning up the lilac trees by the garden. It looks so nice now. It was fun to do. Thanks for letting us stay so long at your apartment. It was really fun to stay.
Well Tuesday is coming to an end. I had a good day at work. I got a couple of piles cleared off my desk so that was nice. I went at lunch and picked up my prescriptions. So that is a good thing to have done. I wish they would go back to the insurance that let me get a three months supply at a time instead of a one month. Oh well, what can you do. It was hot here again today, but there was no humidity so it wasn't too bad. I will take dry heat any day over humidity. Well I hope that everyone had a great day. BYE
Monday, August 15, 2011
I can't believe its monday I wish it were friday. I worked both jobs today. I am really tired today though. I feel beat. Tomorrow I work only at zions but I think I am going to go out with some girls from work and play the rest of the night. so that will be fun. well not to much else going on. have a great night
I'm Back
Sorry I have blogged for two days. I can't believe I forgot to blog. That just isn't like me. I have had a great weekend. It was nice to have everyone here. Rachel and Isaac and Casey are going to stay one more night and go home in the morning. That will be nice. Isaac was having a bad day today. I think his teeth are hurting him. We did go to target and I got my nice laundry soap that is in little plastic holders. I love them. They are so easy when you have to drag your laundry around. I trusted that the fixed both washers and they didn't so I have a batch sitting waiting for one to finish. I am going to call and complain tomorrow. Karen I am excited for you to come. I am glad you are flying. Have a great tuesday. I am going to try the bus tomorrow.
Just what I do
Well I made it thru Monday. It was a good day. I stayed busy so that was nice. It was hot here today. It has been a nice summer but it still can get really hot in your car after a day of work. I am glad that you had a great time at the concert Rachel. Well I hope that everyone has a great week. BYE
The Josh Groban concert was amazing, we had a really fun time. Isaac was pretty good for Dad and Casey so it was a great night for everyone. Sunday we had a quiet day. I slept most of the day so that was nice. I don't know what happened. Casey worked most of yesterday so he slept in this morning and we went out to lunch. It was fun. Isaac is taking a nap now so I thought I would say his since I haven't blogged in a while. :)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
once again
Well tomorrow I work at both places again. another week again. I am excited next week I don't work at lagoon. they are done doing shows in the week, its just weekends. I am so excited!!! well not to much else happening. Have a great weekend
Well I had a good Sunday. We played a game in my lesson. We got a little noisy and one of the primary presidency came in and said we needed to be more reverent. Opps! Oh well we did better after that. I also got a nap which was nice. I made BBQ chicken and rice-a-roni for dinner and it tasted really good. Well I hope that everyone had a great Sunday. BYE
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We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...
We made it to Logan. Dad was suppose to go to the doctor this afternoon but he couldn't get away so we came up together. It was a nice...
We have no power since 7 this evening and they said it would be 1030 before it came on. I thought I would blog early in case I use up all m...
Work went really well today. All my the lessons went well and the kids were all pretty good. Isaac didn't have school and he wasn...