Friday, March 4, 2016

They are for sure related

Rachel, that last picture sure is cute.  They are related for sure.  It was nice to talk with everyone tonight.  I enjoyed hearing everyone's voices.  Dad took me out to dinner tonight to Yellow Fin.  It was so busy.  They are doing good.  It was nice.  We walked around afterwards and it felt nice to get away.  Three people at work think I should apply for that job and get pressuring me.  I know it is more money.  I am just not sure that is what I want to do.  I am thinking on it.  I am excited for this weekend.  Everyone drive safe.  We have to get our blood tested in the morning and then we will pack and come up.  LOVE MOM


I ordered a kindergarten workbook for Isaac and it came yesterday.  He has been really excited about it so we did a tracing activity today.  He did really good and has improved a lot this year.  Then we went on a walk and played in the backyard until lunch.  Oliver took a nap and when he got up we went to the mall to have pretzels for dinner.  They had baby chicks and ducks at cal ranch and the boys really liked that.  It was fun. Then we went to Sam's to get some stuff.  Casey went up to Idaho to help fix Kelly's car again.  He is sweet.  Thanks for coming up, we are excited.  Isaac wants to have a sleep over downstairs.  It should be fun.


All three at about the same age

Another one bits the dust

Congrats karen that is awesome. I'm glad you won. Today was good I was so glad it was friday. It was one of the girls last day today. So next week will be crazy. I went to the gym tonight and cooked dinner. It was a good night. Then I just am watching netflix. I have to work tomorrow. But I will be up for the blessing.



Well I won 100 dollars at the party. So yea me. My day was good. Having a party made the day go by faster. Rachel I will come up tomorrow after lunch sometime. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Ready for the weekend

I am so ready for the weekend.  It has been a long week.  I am tired of doing three jobs.  It is too hard.  I am ready for them to hire someone.  We did go get drugs after work and then went to Sam's it was nice to walk around.  I got some plates and cups for the big party on Sunday.  I am excited for the blessing.  Karen, I hope you win a really fun prize.  I will be sending good vipes around 1:00.  Rachel, I am glad that the doctor's went well.  The kids are so cute.  I am excited to play with them.  Robin, I am so glad you got a day off.  I hope you got some rest.  Laundry is so much nicer when you don't have to leave the house.  Have a wonderful Friday.  See you all really soon.  LOVE MOM


I am sorry about your sewing machine Robin, that is rough.  I hope that they can fix the problem.  Karen, that sounds like a fun day at work tomorrow, have fun.  Are you spending the night Saturday? Today we had a lot going on and we did all of it so it was a good day.  Isaac had school so we dropped him off and then took Ruth and Oliver doctors appointments.  We had to wait for a while and they both did really good.  Here are their stats, Ruth was 11 # 11 oz (70%), 21 1/2" (50%), Oliver 26.1# (30%) 33 1/2" (35%).  They both checkout good.  We hurried home and fed Ruth and then picked up Isaac.  Then we hurried and cleaned the kitchen and ate lunch, then I dropped Isaac off at his best friends and they played for the afternoon.  I stayed and talked for a while and then came home.  I sewed with Jenn and worked on some blankets for Ruth.  Ruth was pretty upset so she left a little early.  Ruth had shots and was having a hard day after that.  Their was a baby shower for a new lady in the ward so I went with Jenn and some people on our street.  It was fun to go and talk with everyone.  I needed to feed Ruth so I didn't stay long and got a ride with another friend.  We don't have any plans tomorrow so it should be a quieter day.



Well just one more work day until the weekend. Yeah! Tomorrow should be a fun day at work though. We are having a party at lunch to celebrate our record breaking year. It is high star ranch an it is supposed to be really fancy. So that is from noon to two tomorrow. We are also going to have drawings for stuff. I am sorry that your machine is broken Robin. I will keep my fingers crossed and wish that it is returned quickly to you. I hope everyone has a great Friday tomorrow. Bye


I took my sewing machine in today after work. They are sending it away to be fixed :( so I can't  finish ruth's quilt or cute lace shoes. I won't get it back till the end of march. Sorry. I wish I could have finished everything. I guess it will come back fixed and better. Other than that work was good nothing to exciting o didn't have to work at scheels so that is nice to have a night free. I am doing laundry :/. Well have a good night


Wednesday, March 2, 2016


It was a nice day today.  Work is out of control and I am not sure how to get it in control until everyone gets hired.  I went to the viewing tonight and it was nice to visit with everyone.  I hadn't seen them since Kyle's funeral.  Me and Kay and Austin ate at El Matador and that tasted good.  I am excited for the blessing.  Julie said that she and Angela and Johnny and Hayden are coming up also.  That will be fun.  Dad is feeling a lot better.  Robin you sure have been working at lot at Scheels.  You seem to be putting in a lot of hours.  Have a great Thursday.  Ruth is 2 months old tomorrow.  Good luck at the doctor.  LOVE MOM

I can't think of good titles anymore

Today was good and busy.  Isaac had school and he also had to bring the sharing bag.  The letter is W so he brought wrapping paper.  He was kind of grumpy making the clues to guess it and I was wrong whatever I said.  While he was at school me, Oliver and Ruth walked around the block (Ruth Slept) and it felt really good.  My pedometer didn't count my steps I think because I was pushing the stroller, I was robbed.  While Oliver napped we took the monster truck outside and gave it a spin and Isaac jumped on the trampoline.  I made chicken pot pie again for dinner and it tasted really good.  Tomorrow Oliver and Ruth have doctor appointments and Isaac has a play date with his best friend.  Pretty exciting.  Here is a funny video about trump also, just click on the link.
 “Trumped" Starring Matthew Broderick & Nathan Lane



Well the week is half over. That is always good news.  Robin I saw that on ksl also. It made me laugh. My day was good. I am glad that the weekend is getting closer. It was really pretty here today also. I hope everyone has a great Thursday tomorrow.  Bye

Sunny days

Today was good. It was so pretty outside I loved it. Nothing to exciting going on with me. I am working scheels tonight so it's a slow night. The elections super Tuesday said Donald Trump and hilary Clinton are the top contestants. I read on ksl that the search "moving to canada" spiked 360%. Lol. Well not to much else with me. Have a good night


Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Yeah for March

I am sorry that Oliver is falling.  Poor guy.  Have the doctor check his ears.  I am glad everyone is doing good.  Dad stayed home from work today.  His shot got the best of him.  He is feeling better tonight.  Work is crazy busy and I am having a hard time keeping up.  It will all get done (I hope).  Robin did they say you get a raise with your new title?  The lady that quit and isn't showing up again, job open today.  I am going to look at it and see if it is a lot more money.  I might apply.  Have a great Wednesday.  WE are going to Julie's father in law's viewing tomorrow night, well at least I am.  I am going to meet Kay there and we are going out to dinner afterwards. LOVE MOM


Yes, church is at 11 and then we will have lunch afterwards.  You can spend the night also if you want to Karen and Robin, it would be fun to have you and insanity.  Today went well.  We went grocery shopping this morning.  Oliver was super accident prone today and even had a bloody nose.  I felt bad for him.  He says his mouth hurts so I think that he is getting his molars.  Oliver didn't want to nap so we went on a walk and then played outside.  It was cooler but still not bad outside.  Casey was tired of being away so he didn't go to scouts tonight, they were doing an activity where they didn't need him.  It was nice to have him home.  Everyone enjoy March.  I kept telling Isaac it gets warmer in March so he was expecting all the snow to melt on March 1.  He was disappointed this morning.



Today was good. My girl scout cookie order arrived. Thin mints are so good. It made the day. Work was good. Nothing to crazy. I am not training my new stuff till next week so I'm just keeping it easy. I worked at scheels tonight. So nothing to exciting on my docket. Have a good night


I didn't realize that cookie season was here. I will have to get some thin mints. My day was good. I had a meeting this morning so that took up most of the morning. It did make the day go by fast. Rachel I have been meaning to ask you what time the blessing is at. I think your church is around 11, but I wasn't sure. I hope everyone had a great day.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Reality check

Today was ok. A girl at work got a call and her sister died. She was 28, and just didn't wake up. It was a total surprise. She was really upset and we all got a little teary eyed. I felt bad for her. So she is taking the rest of the week off. Then we had a leadership meeting. I'm warming up to the idea of my new job responsibilities. Hopefully it all works out. Then I worked at scheels. It was busy so time went by fast. Not much else have a good one. Love you. Stay safe


Marching in

Well February is over with and we are into March.  Where does the time go.  Such cute pictures Rachel.  I love them.  You are getting good at picture taking.  I worked half day and then we went to the doctors.  Heart doctor and then yearly physicals.  WE have to get our blood drawn when we are fasting.  Dad decided to get a TDAP shot and he isn't feeling so great.  That might have been a bad idea.  I just didn't want him to get whooping cough.  Hopefully he will feel better in the morning.  Karen I am glad we decided to just go home.  Have a great Tuesday.  LOVE MOM


We had a good day today.  Isaac had school and had a fun time, he was really happy afterwards.  We went to the hobby lobby when he was at school and got some flannel to make Ruth some light blankets.  She is getting too hot.  We played outside after lunch but it was colder today.  Casey went to Clifton after work to finish Kelly's car and he just got home and said that it is fixed.  I was being lazy so I ordered bread sticks to be delivered for dinner and a sandwich for me.  It was good and the boys ate really well.  Oliver had some wild hair when he woke up from his nap, I attached a picture of it.  Everyone have a great night.



Well i made it thru Monday. Things are going good here. Work is stay busy so time doesn't drag too bad. I like the quilt Rachel. Good job. I hope everyone had a great day. Bye

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Here we go

I didn't do much today. I tried to work on a little blanket for ruth. But my needle came out and it won't re tighten :/. So I guess I need to take it in hopefully it's fixed by saturday. I went over to Walters family for dinner then I just came home and vegged. I don't want to go to work tomorrow. It's been kinda dramatic at work. But I guess you just have to live a day at a time. Have a good one


Growing up way to fast.

I love the quilt Rachel.  Oliver is going to love it.  Ruth is just way to little to be holding up her head.  They grow up way to fast.  Shouldn't she still be a new born.  It was a nice day today.  We met Karen in Park City and had lunch and walked around.  The sunshine felt so nice.  Grandma loved it.  Karen was worried that she could still she the swelling.  We have physicals tomorrow in Park City also so it should be a busy day.  Dad also has a heart doctor appointment before that.  Better charge up my phone for sure.  Have a great day.  Enjoy the last day of February. Kelly better appreciate what Casey is doing.  That is a lot of work.  LOVE MOM


I am glad that you met up with Mom and Dad Karen, that sounds fun.  I am glad that you had a fun Saturday Robin.  That sounds like a fun date to do.  Thanks for talking to Isaac today Mom, he wanted to talked on the phone.  We had a good day.  We stayed in our pajamas and it was nice.  We watched movies in the morning.  When Oliver took a nap me and Isaac played Lego's.  We played outside after Oliver got up and the neighbor kids came over to play for a while.  We made cookies after they left.  Then it was time for Ruth to go to bed and then the boys.  Casey helped Kelly with his car today.  He left at 9 and got back at 9 at night.  He didn't get it all done so he is headed back up tomorrow.  I am getting more time at night, bed times are going really well so I was able to finished Oliver's quilt.  I need to get a back and then I will quilt it.  I really like it and he likes it so far too.  I hope that everyone has a good Monday and don't work too hard.



My day has been good. I met mom, dad, and grandma in Park City for lunch. We hung out for a while. It was fun. Other than that it was a quiet day. I hope everyone has a great week. Bye


 We had a little snow but nothing much. I took dad to work and then went and saw kay. She wasn't feeling as good today but I had gotten ...